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Bomb planted by Taliban on the run

a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
4 minuti fa

1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 minuti fa

Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa

Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa

MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa

MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa

666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating. who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 : "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )

@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values. therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.
and since: Islam is the natural foundation: the absolute purity: of being alone in front of the holiness God: and not: to be alone, in front of a religion (all religions : they are fallible human efforts: as history has amply demonstrated: with all its cruelties and massacres: to this day). So, Islam is the foundation: even: of all religions: that: become revealed religions: here's why: the Islam of Muhammad has been soiled:by contingent: historical and political elements (which can not be the Word of God: even today), that is why only the most holy: among Jews and between Christians may have the privilege to understand, and be: themselves: real Muslims: like me! is why, a true Muslim? He will never be contrary to freedom of religion!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. KUzZ911-- Do not they say "rightly correctly" that Adam, Noah, Abraham and Moses, they were all true Muslims? In fact, the sanctity of Islam is the foundation of all things! that's why we're all going to die, because the King of Saudi Arabia has denied the true Islam! if, He knew what is Islam? he would never have made of a beautiful religion: an imperialist project: to reach the abomination of making himself the ally of the Great Satan of IMF Rothschild: 666, and 322: Bush. and it is his fault that now we must all die
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. KUzZ911 - this is the truth of history, "the King of Saudi Arabia is a mean man: he is like a frog in a pond of dirty water and foul:filthy: he does not know, about the ocean: of the wonders of God, is why he did not trust me! but he should never have betrayed the Holy One: ie, my God Allah: Holy Islam: to make of yourelf, an dirty ally of the Great Satan 666! yes! MUSLIMS DONT BLAME JUDAISM OR CHRISTIANITY, and my Islam is Holy! Holy! Holy! my best friend is: az99920: a Muslim in kuwait! and I am the universal brotherhood
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[[ U.S. and NATO? are allies of Al Qaeda]] KUzZ911 Re:R:Re:where is freedom of religion in muslims country? YOU ARE THE MONSTERS SAUDI Goverment is a US & Israel lover & follows their commandments. If US gov wanted them Christians released from prison, Saudi Goverment would free them straight away! But ernt Christians supposed to pray in Church's? & their is nothing wrong praying at home too. Islam allows other religions to practice their religions & live side by side unless they are doing anything illegal according to the countries law. Dont get me wrong but I have been Saudi Arabia & all religions, races, etc & Church's have freedom. Saudi Arabia has the least Crime rates in the World. I DONT HAVE ENOUGH INFO TO BELIEVE THIS NEWS!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] Fr. Samir: This too is Islam. The video of the beheading of a young Tunisian convert by Samir Khalil Samir. The horrific video was released not by anti-Islamic groups, but by an Egyptian journalist, Tawfik Oshaka, condemning the Salafis and the Muslim Brotherhood. Islamic extremism has a cruel image of Islam. But the seeds of violence are present in the Koran and the life of Muhammad. It is time for Muslims to unequivocally condemn this violence. Beirut (AsiaNews) - In recent days, AsiaNews received a chilling video which shows the beheading of a young Tunisian accused of apostasy because he was a Muslim convert to Christianity. In the video posted on Youtube, some masked people brandish a knife ready to kill a young man lying on the ground, his face held motionless.

by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] After the cry of some ritual prayers, and whisper a few words of the young man held on the ground (a prayer), one of the men with their faces hidden slits his throat while blood flows relentlessly, in a long and horrible scene. Finally his head is presented as a trophy.Originally the video was shown on television of "Egypt Today" (Misr al-Yawm). "Egypt Today" is a well known and respected newspaper, even with on-line edition in Arabic.The person that posted and commented on this video, Tawfik 'Okasha, is a well known and serious journalist. Currently he is subject to attacks and condemnations from various Islamic groups (the Muslim Brotherhood and Salafi) because he is publically critical of fanatic Islam.
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] The video of the beheading is preceded by a warning from Okasha, who advises against ots viewing if people are sensitive, especially for children, girls, women. Eventually, Okasha says: My brothers, you think that this is Islam? You are giving bad publicity to our religion. This film is seen in Europe and America, Germany, France, England and elsewhere. This is the image that we are giving of ourselves. is the video authentic? One wonders about the authenticity of the images. The prayers that you hear in the background while the act is being carried out are authentic, well-known formulas of insults against anyone who leaves Islam; oaths made to God against apostates, against unbelievers, and all those who are held to be enemies of Islam.
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] Tawfik Oshaka is certainly authentic and confirms his line to defend Islam against the extremists. Precisely for this reason he is being targeted by extremists. Okasha believes in the veracity of the video and released it. I do not have the skills to accurately verify the authenticity. The sequence in which the young apostate is slain and beheaded, to the point where his head is brandished in triumph seems to have no breaks. But it is striking that man about to be killed remains so quiet, without any reaction, whispering a few words, without moving. Cruelty is inherent to terrorism.What is surprising, however, is that a simple knife is used for the beheading which lasts for almost a full two minutes, increasing the spectators horror. Usually, the execution of apostates is handled by specialized executioners with a sharp sword, in a clean blow.
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] The video is definitely made to terrorize anyone who wants to become a Christian. It is important to note that the video was released not by anti-Islamic groups and individuals, but by people who want to defend Islam, accusing the fundamentalists.Okasha's comment is "What you see is not Islam and is not acceptable." His comment is thus pro-Muslim and anti-terrorist.The savage brutality of Islamic terrorists shown in the video is not surprising: we have sometimes seen similar executions with videos from Iraq. Even the prayers that you hear recited by the Imam are real, which they know by heart, not a literary or theatrical declamation. The surprise attribution to Tunisia
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] There are no data to accurately determine that the video is from Tunisia. Especially since this country is one of the most liberal in terms of Islam and the same Ennhada, the Muslim Brotherhood party now in power, wants to promote a very tolerant image.On the other hand, the Islamists have now become an international group capable of infiltrating anywhere. They are also in Syria, mingled among the opposition that has declared a "holy war" against Assad. Just as we saw them in Libya, mixed with the opposition against Gaddafi. Islamic radicalism and terrorism have become an international movement.Radical and fanatical Islam has always done these things. In Algeria, in the 90s they did terrible things, killing more than 100 thousand people. They ripped open pregnant women to kill the child!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] A Muslim minority that ruins the image of Islam. We decided to publish the link to the video - experiencing the cruelty of the sequences - because these acts give the image of a Muslim minority that ruins the whole Islamic community. The Islamophobia of which the Muslims often complain, is caused by such things. As long as moderate Muslims fail to protest against these acts, Islam will always be associated with violence.Of course, there are many Muslims who reject these inhumane acts, and most likely the majority rejects them. But words of protest are not enough! It takes visible action to counter these spectacular and dramatic episodes. Mass, well-organized demonstrations, are needed. Islam and authentic humanists must clearly demonstrate to everyone that Islam has nothing to do with this gratuitous and unheard of violence!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] But we must also reflect on the relationship between Islam and violence. This violence does not represent the majority of Islam. Far from it! But it's also true that violence has its seed in the Koran, and finds life of Muhammad and his depredations. which are sometimes very violent.Muslims must condemn this violence, not just by saying "but this is not Islam." Unfortunately, even that is Islam and found in the Koran. There is actually a seed of violence within Islam and the Koran, which today is taken up by the radical tendencies. Every radical group has its imam, issuing fatwas authorizing such violence, fatwas based on Islamic tradition. And the terrorists act believing that they are worshiping God!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] Islam needs, like all religions, to be rethought! Perhaps in the seventh century, such violence was understandable, among people who lived in the desert. But now it must be condemned and the religious center of Islam saved.Even the Bible has violent passages in the Old Testament. And I remember the great biblical scholar, the current Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, had written to denounce the violence done in the name of God and the Bible. But none of us Christians, although we recognize the Old Testament as a revealed text, would dream of applying what is written in some of those books to the letter. It would be unacceptable. If no one says anything, let alone Muslims, the seed of violence will grow. The rejection of violence must be absolute and radical, for all those who believe in God, for all those who believe in man, in the name of God and in the name of humanism!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[stop IMF Talmud: and his bad ISLAM: of Fratelli Musulmani e salafiti: of Saudi Arabia ] Warning: The images of the video referenced above may offend your sensibilities. Here is a link with video from "Egypt Today": /watch?feature=player_embedded&v=sxGWlOQZyEs&skipcontrinter=1.666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. IMF 666 - and since, I can not be defeated? is why, you no longer have a life. My mind is too simple: it does not reason in the structures of artificial, mental concepts: I reason with my heart, and I move in the Holy Spirit, which is why I can never go wrong! la mia mente è troppo semplice: essa non ragiona nelle strutture di artificiali concetti mentali: io ragiono con il cuore: e mi muovo nello Spirito Santo: ecco perché io non posso mai sbagliare!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[Between Few months: there will be no longer a country Called Saudi Arabia] these Satanists: they murdered or have did kill: too innocent people: in Sudan, etc. but their children today are slaves in Saudi Arabia: here's why: keeping their wickedness? they have not signed: the universal rights and international: about: human dignity! because: they know very well that: Sharia law is to make the genocide of all mankind! their allies: 322: 666:of IMF? lol. but Satanists are beasts: they are not human beings! they do not have a word to be honored: for give at their loss: perdita! why: in the USA, can be freed: all the money: that: have as debt: to Saudi Arabia? This war against Saudi Arabia would be a breath of fresh oxygen: in particular, for their debt (fake) with Rothschild! their neutrality? is their "business"
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[tra qualche mese: non esisterà più una nazione chiamata Arabia Saudita]666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. 666 IMF NWO; 322 fremasonry----------------- FOREVER roam: the damned hopeless: bleak: in their AbySSOS, in their Great Plain: Groundwater full of pain, for the absolute destruction infinite all ex-stars you drop: in circles of fire: oil hot: and everliving eaten alive by maggots! : Fallen are all the NAMES hat have betrayed their Creator: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER!: FOREVER! -- Amen! Alleluia! hallelujah! hallelujah! hallelujah!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[Between Few months: there will be no longer a country Called Saudi Arabia] all the innocent blood that: they have pour, by: Mohammed: until to now? will fall: everything against them! they exterminated: all the Christian peoples: that: they were the first of them! and have pour: as rivers: the blood: of the saints! but, the measure of Wrath of God? is full: in its height: against them! because: they are: that: they spread fundamentalism and Islamic terrorism: around the world! these international criminals: for their imperialism have not hesitated to condemn: to death all the nations of the world! selling all nations: and their fate: also: against the monotheism, that have sold of Satanists Americans of the IMF, which is why all the evil that they wanted to do : to all nations? will fall on them! (The pig is fat)
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[Between Few months: there will be no longer a country Called Saudi Arabia] Iran and Israel?: Both: 1. do not have one hope: to be able to survive the imminent: nuclear WW 3 °: that: Saudi Arabia has allowed it to be planned: with its plots made: with: the synagogue of Satan: 666 of the IMF: their planned agenda: for the NWO! so, all nations, that, may not have the territorial annexations: will have the rights: of exploitation of oil fields. here's why: this war can not be avoided: in fact, 2. all peoples have no interest in being exterminated: in an imminent: 3°nuclear World War. All evil: that: Saudi Arabia has plotted: against: all nations, and in favor: of: its imperialism: for to subjugate: with his: the Salafis, the Muslim Brotherhood: Al Qaeda, etc. all peoples? all his wickedness shall fall on his head: amen!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
lorenzoAllah says: "I am not a Christian: that: will hurt, at the King of Saudi Arabia", for all the harm he does to the innocent Christians! none of this! I am a Muslim: "lorenzoAllah" that, I denounce all the Salafists, before the Throne of God, my Holy God: Allah, for Saudi Arabia, ecc.. have do: high Betrayal! in fact, with all the Satanists of the world? He made the ally, of all alliances malignant impossible! Exactly, he did the most horrible crimes! He fornicated: with the little Satan (Israel), with the Great Satan (USA): and every other: Satan (322 Masonry: Bush, Rothschild and 666 IMF) here is why: I will do him harm! why: he has done: the destruction of the rights of God all over the world because: he did apostasy and blasphemy: in fact, he has transformed the sanctity of Islam: to make an ideology of death: racism violence and coercion: that's why I ordered to all my angels: to doing die in disgrace: and, in infamy: them all
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. IMF 666 - and since, I can not be defeated? is why, you no longer have a life My mind is too simple: it does not reason in the structures of artificial, mental concepts: I reason with my heart, and I move in the Holy Spirit, which is why I can never go wrong! la mia mente è troppo semplice: essa non ragiona nelle strutture di artificiali concetti mentali: io ragiono con il cuore: e mi muovo nello Spirito Santo: ecco perché io non posso mai sbagliare! -- e poiché, io non posso essere sconfitto? ecco perché voi non avete più una vita
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. 666 youtube Synnek1(mae) -- a true Christian like me: do not kill someone because of hatred or intolerance, or racism, but only when, was forced by the defense: legitimate! and all the innocent people: or Peoples are all Innocent! is why, they have the right to be defended by their King: REI unius. - my sex or my religion? 1. are not your problem! 2. are irrelevant from a political perspective, because a man is in his ideals: namely, the determination to combat Satanism: with his hatred and his evil criminal! I am a Christian biblical fundamentalist, "it is impossible for me to be gay". yes, I love all peoples and all people: also gay! i am universal brotherhood! Jesus said me: "you love everyone, in my name!"
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
IsraelNationalTV, ----- when the Salafis and the Muslim brothers: your false Allies, of Saudi Arabia, They Will came in: Syria? Then, the 3 ° world war: Will Become inevitable! But this is PRECISELY the agenda of your IMF (for: destroy Israel: forever), ie, calendar of Masonic system of seigniorage banking NWO 322: of a fake: star: of a fake King David: of 666 points, on the flags of Israel? Satanism is only, are too bad, in the Talmud, to do any: Holocaust Against: all hope of Israel! you break the chain of Satanists: and along with Iran, you Declared War Against: Saudi Arabia: the big whore of Satan! This is your only hope of survival! who is the coward traitor? He will not survive! All Those Involved in the Attack Against Saudi Arabia? His land will have, forever! hallelujah! Kill the Satanists!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. IsraelNationalTV ---- when : the Salafis and the Muslim brothers: your false Allies, of Saudi Arabia, Syria will came in? Then, do , the 3 ° world war: Will Become inevitable! But this is PRECISELY the agenda of your IMF (for: (destroy Israel: forever)): ie, Masonic system of seigniorage banking : NWO 322: of a fake: star: of a fake: King David: ie 666 : points on the flags: of Israel ? Satanism, are too, of Talmud and Kabbalah: for do any: Holocaust Against all hope of Israel! But this is PRECISELY history repeating Itself, Because The rabbis like snakes Were deaf to the despair , That, They Do Against the German people: the recession, debt: that, your criminal: that IMF, has doing : before, of the rise of Hitler ! who is the coward traitor? He will not survive ! All Those Involved in the Attack Against Saudi Arabia? His land will have, forever! hallelujah! Kill the Satanists!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. IsraelNationalTV ---- when : the Salafis and the Muslim brothers: your false Allies, of Saudi Arabia, Syria will came in? Then , the 3 ° world war: Will Become inevitable! lol. But this is PRECISELY the agenda of your IMF (for: (destroy Israel: forever)): ie, Masonic system of seigniorage banking : NWO 322: of a fake: star: of a fake: King David: ie 666 : points on flags: of Israel ? Satanism, are too, of Talmud and Kabbalah do for Holocaust Against all hope of Israel! But this is PRECISELY history repeating Itself, Because The rabbis like snakes Were deaf to the despair , That, They Do Against the German people: the recession, debt: that, your criminal: IMF doing : before, from, of the rise of Hitler ! who is the coward traitor? He will not survive ! All Those Involved in the Attack Against Saudi Arabia? His land will have, forever! hallelujah! Kill the Satanists!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. az99920 كويتي بحق ! -- Salafis, and Muslim brothers: they are: a bad ideology: that is, are from Saudi Arabia: that he could never accept: the freedom of religion, Saudi Arabia has the imperialist project: and criminal, against all: including all: man peaceful and moderate Muslims: in the world: for to conquer the world through: violence: bigotry, ignorance, intolerance, here because, they are the terrorists of: Al Qaeda, which is why, I have declared war: against them! You are with me in this war against Saudi Arabia for a secular state: against: Sharia law?

by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
Synnek1: BrotherhoodUniversal ♰ Brotherhood Universal. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real? make human sacrifices, then 30% of them also have a can of sulfuric acid, for to dissolve corpses: 3 hours ago: Hey, buddy! They're talking behind: your back! - ANSWER - I can guess what: they say! But, I feel, only, ultrasound in my mind! so I know: that: my friends: become: every day, more and more, numerous, and, I know which items: of my comment, that: give more bothersome:to all this international criminal. ie one only: satan synagogue: of salafi, ecc.. were launched: against: Christians innocent martyrs, peaceful and defenseless: only because the Jews Satanists: Pharisees rabbis Illuminati: of IMF. have stolen them, of every economic: and political control: through the masonry: and the IMF: the assassins of the Talmud!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. az99920كويتي بحق! -- this jew:"SubmissiontotheLord" is: the son of the tower of Babel in Babylon: ie, The IMF: ie, the synagogue of Satan, 666: he is full: of: madness racism. theological errors, in fact, he hates me: only why, I am an honest man: only reason: for, his absurd, of religious issues: ie. him, the banker jew: enlightened: he seeks only a pretext, to kill me. he seeks only a pretext to kill me, while I am full of love for everyone questo ebreo:SubmissiontotheLord è: figlio della torre di Babele: in Babilonia: il FMI: la sinagoga di satana: 666: lui è pieno: di: follia razzismo. errori teologici, infatti, lui odia me: che io sono un uomo onesto: soltanto a motivo: di assurde questioni religiose: cioè. lui, il banchiere ebreo: Illuminato: lui cerca, soltanto, un pretesto, per uccidere me, mentre io sono pieno di amore verso tutti
♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. 200.000 human sacrifice on altar of satan, every year are real?

Hey, buddy! They're talking behind your back!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. Iran, Israel: from IsraelNationalTV - if, between, ten days: I Have not Been Recognized: as REI unius, by all the Governments of the world? you declare war: against Saudi Arabia: together immediately! This is the only hope: that: you have: 1. of can survive, for both, and, 2. you can avoid: to the whole human race: the 3 rd WW nuclear? in fact, the Enlightened of the IMF? They can not leave alive: a state of the Jews: that is the only element, Able to Stop: Their extreme Satanism: ie Baal: of god Marduk: of Bohemian Grove: god owl: ie new Babylon tower: New World Order, ie, 666 star points on: flag of Israel !
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
IMF, priest of Baal, owl:in undercover, says: Rabbis Illuminati, ie SubmissiontotheLord said: "" God is: for: 9/10: bad/evil "" You are a fool and an idolater. "" You worship the bastard child of a whore. you are an idolater and a fool. "- answer- because the Talmud has pushed: himself, so badly: against: the law of the Torah? why: there is not: the nature of God (the 'love), but it is the nature of Satan (hatred): the inspiration of the Talmud! but, as I have analyzed, its biblical quotations: in support of his folly and his slanders against God: YHWH? these appeared, easily, of course, immediately, objectively: false and slanderous: against: the holiness of God, here is why: these fools (who, are the real Satanists) of the IMF? they can no longer continue to lead the world!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
IHateNEWLAYOUT has published a comment: 12 minutes ago: You think I am international criminal - ANSWER- YES! CERTAINLY! all satanists, and all people that are in masonic system of banking seigniore are criminal, why are accomplice of big big big crimes. However, everyone who works for the good of all, like you? will be forgiven!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
Synnek1 has published a comment: 11 hours ago: "VIRGIN PUSSY ;-)"-ANSWER- - never existed: a moral problem: about: Mary of Nazareth, because, at contrary? Jesus would not have been able to exercise: his ministry in public! about: his private life: his honor (civil, law: and moral) all this was in the hands of her boyfriend, that is Joseph, the descendant of King David. who: according to his judgment? the Mary was found honest, and in fact, his whole life was been perfect! here's why: In obedience to the law: that woman: Mary of Nazareth: it must be recognized perfect: here too: also by us. Why defame: a person that: the law protects? is a crime too big! if someone does not want to be in turn condemned by law as, an person criminal
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
and since, Unius REI is already: KING: Today: in the kingdom of God: here is why: the angels are fighting for me! fact: I have a duty to free: all men by these: Satanists, aliens abductions, Masons, synnek1, Sharia, reincarnation, Illuminati, 322, 666, sons of bitches, killers, criminals, pimps, parasites, IMF FED ECB INfact: I can not hold: the people slaves of all this scum: THE vomiting of all hell. Here's why: I have already declared war against them all, right: to protect, all men, righteous and peaceful, of every religion. Angels: my subjects? They did not hesitate to obey my commands! was given, a reasonable time: someone to make conversion, some are already dead, others are under a power of oppression!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
[Your lives? depend on me! ] All leaders: 1. have betrayed God, 2. did mutiny; 3. In fact, you're all part of a new "Tower of Babel." IMF NWO. those who have served, the Illuminati of the IMF? will be in the destruction! your death sentence has already been written for too long: against them! only, my ministry universal political, ie: my kingship: of Unius REI, may revoke the sentence: that: against all of you: it was pronounced! In fact, the Illuminati do not think, that Israel and Iran have cultural resources, to be allies: to declare war against Saudi Arabia: together: and in this way: to avoid: 1. this 3° WW nuclear, and 2. their planned destruction or extinction! because their mutual annihilation was given: in favor: of the imperialism, of Arabia Saudi !
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. to all Peoples: to all Governments - your lives? They is been precious to my eyes. is why, your lives they are mine, they belong to me: your unius REI! why, just me: I have the power to snatch your life, by his death: that the IMF: designed, against: you, some 400 years ago: namely, the destruction of all forms of Islam, which represents: Syria and Iran, against the Shiites, against human dignity, against existence Israel, of those rabbis Pharisees insane Illuminati of Baal OWL: their god 666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. to all Peoples: to all Governments -- le vostre vite? esse sono state preziose ai miei occhi. per questo esse sono mie, esse appartengono a me: il vostro Unius REI! perché, soltanto io: ho il potere di strappare le vostre vite, da quella morte: che il FMI: ha progettato, contro: di voi, circa 400 anni fa: cioè, la distruzione: di ogni forma di islam, che rappresenta: la Siria e Iran: contro gli sciiti, contro, la dignità umana, di questi pazzi rabbini farisei Illuminati
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. 666 morphicies mae synnek1 IHateNEWLAYOUT, ie, only one, person: Thomas Mistafield: ie master of youtube - Who are the dogs, cowards, that they are talking against me? because, to them, my detractors, why, they not: find, a sample of Satan (GOLEM = GOLIATH): for them, to speak against me: (little David): in public? these cursed by God? they can always come to demonstrate on this page up to that: they are international criminals! if then, is not: someone (outside of this spammer: with smoke fatuous in his mouth: empty: of synnek1) to speak against me? So, all this worms?, must be silent for ever!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
SubmissiontotheLord SAID: haha, I'm sorry for laughing at you. ITS but still cute how you worship a dead bastard child. - ANSWER - Because You want to laugh at the Jewish children who died at Auschwitz killed by your de Rothschild IMF? ALSO THEM AS ARE dead bastard child. WHY you want to bring all this hate in the world? Because you chose to be bad? In fact, no doctrine: that is bad, really bad is in the hands of a good man. --- YESHUA HaMashiach - hallelujah - you can not giudcare a man from His "label": why, every tree can be judged by the ITS fruits: and if ITS fruits, fruits are better than yours: I know you're the idolatrous: that shit alone is in: you're only in hate! why unius REI: condemning the world: because His works are the works of an universal love!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
since it is my sovereignty? then it is also mine: the final judgment of all things! I am the Kingdom of God on earth: from the political point of view: 1. REI (King of the universe: the biggest ): unius: (unique for all)! now would be a disgrace for me to collect taxes from his subjects, because: actually, I have no: subjects, but brothers! Not only that I will give for free: the money to the states, but I will give: a little check: also, for every person on the planet, to thank him for being honest and amicable to all
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. 666 CIA youtube synnek: satanist in google -- my heart is too noble and nice too delicate and sensitive! But, I am forced to be hard: very hard: with all those who disobey my will! the saints angels distribute punishments for all the world: For attestation: their obedience to my royal kingdom universal! because the wickedness that is in the world because of these: sharia, talmud, Freemasons and Satanists: all of the IMF? is too large: it will all die soon: in despair and destruction: in the fire atomic! --offline-- sorry il mio cuore è troppo nobile e gentile: troppo delicato e sensibile! ma, io sono costretto ad essere duro: molto duro: con tutti quelli che disubbidiscono alla mia volontà! gli angeli distribuiscono castighi per tutto il mondo: per attestazione: della loro obbedienza alla mia regalità! perché la malvagità: che è nel mondo: per colpa di questi: massoni e satanisti: del FMI? è troppo grande: infatti presto tutti moriremo!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. young Kim Jong-un - my boy! if your father was not: so stubborn? today, he would still be alive! stop yourself: to be: an criminal, illegal, ridiculous, grotesque and foolish: ie: why, you want deify your family funny horror! why: even your life would be surrounded: by too misfortune! while: every man has a right to be happy! if you will obedient: to me? when, I come to you: "I choose: of consecrate: you: as:" King of Korea "because: we can not consecrate: legally: with Satan, etc. but you can consecrate: only: with God, now, as any King: 1. his meaning? is the existence of God!, 2. all his subjects: also their are all principles: ie: it becomes an acquisition of an: royalty: and of any dignity: for all people! I want to raise: too monarchies around the world: why: only a king: can win: against: Jews 666 enlightened: of the IMF!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
Thanks synnek1: ie, youtube: for your goodness to have opened this page for me and for the whole world! I have humiliated you too seriously, but, I as king of Israel? I can not be friends with those who protect Satanists in youtube! you know I love you "and only this: is your interior comfort: this will be your strength interior!" because on this page? You can be only my enemy! for all the scary moments, that are behind: to all our Masonic lie: and Jewish of IMF 666: our false and unlawful, illegal: ie all masonic Governments of:the banking seigniorage grazie synnek1: ie youtube: per la tua bontà: per avere riaperto questa pagina: per me e per tutto il mondo! io ho umiliate te troppo pesantemente: ma, io come re di Israele? io non posso essere amico di chi protegge i satanisti in youtube! tu sai che io ti amo: "e soltanto questa interiore consolazione potrà essere la tua forza!" perché su questa pagina? tu puoi essere soltanto il mio nemico!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
I am a real man: I'm Lorenzo ! I have 40 channels on YouTube: my first word was in my channel lorenzojhwh io sono un uomo reale: io sono Lorenzo ! io ho 40 canali in youtube: il mio primo canale è stato lorenzojhwh
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.
666, FED ECB 322, IMF - you have ruined the world and you will have to save! this time? you do not laugh, like having laugh all'11_09. ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; Burn in Jesus's name! vota Magdi Allam. SubmissiontotheLord -- is normal, of be for the punishment for one who has betrayed! and we? we did treason! Because the law is a contract: the law and comply: with the heart and love? it is the only way to enforce this contract! surely God told Jeremiah that he would give the bad laws, "which is not possible to live! but this is to wear the HIS exasperation: i why the Jewish banking seigniorage", ie, IMF 666: or satan synagogue! you know this? If Mary was a woman dishonored? his enemies the Pharisees: would have insulted her, But, God's ways? are mysterious! We have 322 Old Testament prophecies that were fulfilled in the New Testament!
by Unius REI, king of Israel ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession all 666 322 IMF FED ECB agenda.

sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
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πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金(IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디. [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
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塔王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。 [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
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kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu. [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
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toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
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((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
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يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
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((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
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(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
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[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
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((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
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[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
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((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
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((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?

holy 23

a few hours] 1. Afghanistan: ied massacres, killed 4 children and 12 women. In the province of Herat. Bomb planted by Taliban on the run. 2. Egypt: Hazem Beblawi appointed prime minister elections within six months, the decree of the President, 3. Car bomb in Beirut Hezbollah neighborhood, There are at least 53 injured. Used 40 kg explosive, 4. Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market. A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara and this area was heard a shootout. - ANSWER - @ KING SAUDI ARABIA - you've seen? 2/3 of all the curses, and violent deaths in the world? are all yours, and turning, always all around, to Satanism Sharia! your being: 1. a political criminal, he adds, the fact that you are a 2. religious maniac, then, you're a criminal, that can not be controlled: in a civilized manner!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
4 minuti fa

1. Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 2. Egitto: Hazem Beblawi nominato premier, Elezioni entro sei mesi, decreto del presidente, 3. Autobomba a Beirut in quartiere Hezbollah, Ci sono almeno 53 feriti. Usati 40 kg esplosivo, 4. Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio. Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. -- ANSWER -- @KING SAUDI ARABIA -- tu hai visto? 2/3, di tutte le maledizioni, e le morti violente nel mondo? sono, tutte le tue, e girano, sempre tutte, intorno, al satanismo della sharia! al tuo essere: 1. un criminale politico, si aggiunge: il fatto, che tu sei un 2. maniaco religioso, quindi, tu sei un criminale, che, non può essere controllato: in modo civile!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 minuti fa

Afghanistan: ied fa strage, uccisi 4 bimbi e 12 donne. Nella provincia di Herat. Bomba piazzata da Talebani in fuga. 09 luglio, 19:46. Un ordigno artigianale piazzato sul ciglio di una strada dai talebani, inseguiti dall'esercito, è esploso al passaggio di un carretto, uccidendo tutti gli occupanti: 12 donne, 4 bambini e l'autista. Lo riferisce la Cnn. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. Il massacro si è verificato nella provincia occidentale di Herat. A quanto si è appreso l'ordigno esplosivo, collocato su un triciclo a motore, è stato attivato nel distretto di Obe al passaggio del veicolo su cui si trovava il gruppo di civili diretto ad Herat City. -- ANSWER -- tutte le stragi infinite, di satanAllah: per l'imperialismo della sharia, che è il califfato mondiale, della Lega Araba... quando calpesteranno, i calli ad Israele? la guerra mondiale diventerà inevitabile.. questo: i farisei hanno programmato, molto, molto tempo fa.
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
18 minuti fa

Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti. Donna si e' sottratta a controlli frontiera e non aveva visto 09 luglio, 19:43. Kazakistan: fonti Viminale, noi corretti (ANSA) - ROMA, 9 LUG - La questura di Roma ha agito correttamente nel caso dell'espulsione della kazaka Alma Shalabayeva (moglie dell'oppositore Mukhtar Ablyazov) e di sua figlia Alua. Lo puntualizzano fonti del Viminale sottolineando che la donna e' entrata in Italia ''sottraendosi ai controlli di frontiera'' e, inoltre, la sola assenza sul documento di timbri o visti di ingresso ''legittimava il provvedimento di espulsione, ai sensi del decreto legislativo 286 del 1998''. -- ANSWER -[ipocriti]- i vostri pantaloni, ultimamente, stanno cadendo troppo facilmente, vigliacchi, codardi, ipocriti, io spero, che, voi non abbiate la spudaretezza: di dire: "noi siamo un Paese civile!", non si lascia catturare, sul territorio nazionale, un perseguitato politico, di una nazione nazi islamica
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa

MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- BUT, if Satan had: a real wisdom? he would not have ended up in a deep chasm,of: shit, despair, destruction, no hope, that satisfaction: to realize the destruction and ruin, of other creatures unhappy, with him! and why, I would be afraid of you? you make me sick, alone, and, I block you: 1. because, you never said anything interesting or intelligent (and it is impossible to have a dialogue with a Satanist, because their every word would be the proof, of their crimes) 2. because I do not want to soil my page, that is filled with the holy angels, with your desecration!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
36 minuti fa

MCMXXXlll 4 hours ago: why you fear my wisdom? why you fear me? -- ANSWER -- MA, se satana aveva una sapienza reale? poi, lui non sarebbe finito in un abisso profondo, di merda, disperazione e distruzione, senza nessuna speranza, che, la soddisfazione: di realizzare, la distruzione: e la rovina, di altre infelici creature insieme a lui! e perché, io avrei avere paura di te? tu mi fai schifo, soltanto, ed io blocco te: 1. perché, non hai mai detto, niente di interessante, o intelligente (ed è proprio impossibile, avere un dialogo con un satanista, perché qualsiasi loro parola sarebbe la dimostrazione dei loro delitti); 2. perché, non voglio sporcare la mia pagina, che, è piena di santi angeli, con la tua profanazione!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
47 minuti fa

666 pharisees: Enlightened: IHateNEWLAYOUT / IN / theyearinreview: 7 hours ago, said: "set up you game" - ANSWER --- [but, you are cynical, absolutely irresponsible] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices criminals of banking seigniorage, ie: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to Protect Their Lives, in satanic supernatural way! but, for me, to send cancer: to an billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. you are cynical, destructive, self-defeating ... who, now, among sinners, rebels, accomplices of the Masonic system, can leaving the house, it will be safer to come back, alive? because I saw this: "my ministers, the angels, have already started to work in a destructive way!" .. but, no one can say that it was my fault, because God has sent me to forgive and to convert sinners, not to kill them .. but, you Pharisees Anglo-Americans? own you would not!
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
5 ore fa

IHateNEWLAYOUT ha Pubblicato /IN/ theyearinreview: 3 ore fa: "impostare il tuo gioco" ie, "set up you game" -- ANSWER --- [ma, voi siete cinici, assolutamente irresponsabili] --- BUT, you have sworn to super rich of the world (all the accomplices, of: IMF 666 NWO 322, masonic system), to protect their lives in a supernatural way! for me, send a cancer billion of people, or, to two billion of people, makes no difference .. voi siete cinici, distruttivi autolesionisti... chi ora, tra i peccatori, ribelli, complici del sistema massonico, uscendo di casa, sarà più sicuro, di poter ritornare vivo? perché, questo io ho visto: "i miei ministri, gli angeli, hanno già incominciato a lavorare in modo distruttivo!".. ma, nessuno potrà dire che è stata colpa mia, perché Dio ha mandato me a perdonare ed a convertire i peccatori non ad ucciderli.. ma, voi farisei anglo-americani? voi non avete voluto
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa

your criminal folly, ruin you! no one can go against the almighty power that is manifesting in me la vostra follia criminale, vi rovinerà! nessuno può andare contro la Onnipotenza che si sta manifestando in me
lorenzojhwh PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
8 ore fa

@666 -- Dio ha detto, che, non avrebbe, mai più: distrutto il mondo: attraverso: il diluvio universale, ma, non ha detto, che, non lo avrebbe più distrutto: diversamente, cioè, in altro modo! nel tempo: di: Unius REI? non ci potrebbe mai essere una speranza per voi! quindi, voi vi dovete ritirare... non è questo il vostro tempo.. tra, 150, o 200 anni, arriverà, il vostro momento, cioè, di essere il mondo, punito insieme a voi! il vostro governo, può essere soltanto, la amplificazione di ogni maledizione: sulla terra, perché, i demoni: non sono amici degli uomini
IHateNEWLAYOUT PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa

@allChristianMartyrs you do not know what I am you Never will :) set up you game
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa

[Revelation 17:2-12] with USA 666 NWO 322, they have committed fornication, all kings of the earth, and of the wine of whose fornication, the dwellers on earth have been made drunk. 3. And he carried me away: in spirit: in a wilderness: and: I saw a woman sitting upon: a beast, colored scarlet, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. 4. And the woman was arrayed: purple, and scarlet, and decked with gold, and: precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness, of her fornication. 5. And upon: his forehead was a name written, "bitch": USA 322 666 IMF FED, new Babylon NWO, the great mother of the fornications and the abominations of the earth. 6. And I saw the woman drunken: of the blood of the saints, and: the blood of martyrs of Jesus. ---> KING SAUDI ARABIA - also you, you are the fornicator! International Criminal, early, you will receive, your abyss of despair and destruction!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa

[Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] if Satanists remain on this page? world can not be saved, from nuclear holocaust! then everyone will die! begone satan in Jesus's name... [Unius REI can not lie and his word is to be believed! .. .. Unius REI non può mentire e la sua parola deve essere creduta!] se satanisti rimangono in questa pagina? il world, non potrà essere salvato, dall'olocausto nucleare! quindi tutti moriranno! begone satan in Jesus's name
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa

Somalia: Mogadishu car bomb in the market .. 09 July, 10:25. - MOGADISHU, July 9 - A vehicle exploded in a major market in the Somali capital Mogadishu, Bakara, and in the area: a shooting was heard. The witnesses said. There is no news at the moment of victims. Beirut car bomb near a Shiite, dead. In the parking lot of the shopping center run by Hezbollah. 09 July, 10:59. - BEIRUT, July 9 - He made several deaths a car bomb exploded this morning in the Shiite neighborhood of south Beirut, in the parking: lot of a shopping center run by the Islamic: party Hezbollah, in Bir al-Abed .. - answer - this is a unique project criminal by Arab League, that is, imperialism-Sharia "worldwide caliphate", in fact, Islamists and Pharisees (Anglo-American: IMF 666 NWO 322) are plotting: to destroy Israel, and both hope, new acquisitions imperialist: to get through, after World War.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa

Somalia: autobomba in mercato Mogadiscio.. 09 luglio, 10:25. (ANSA) - MOGADISCIO, 9 LUG - Un veicolo è esploso in un importante mercato: della capitale somala Mogadiscio, Bakara, e in zona è stata udita una sparatoria. Lo hanno riferito testimoni. Non c'è notizia al momento di vittime. Beirut: autobomba in zona sciita, morti. Nel parcheggio di centro commerciale gestito da Hezbollah. 09 luglio, 10:59 . (ANSA) - BEIRUT, 9 LUG - Ha fatto diversi morti un'autobomba esplosa stamani in quartiere sciita di Beirut sud, nel parcheggio di un centro commerciale gestito dal partito islamico Hezbollah, a Bir al-Abed..--answer -- questo è un unico progetto criminale, mondiale, della LEGA ARABA, cioè, l'imperialismo della Sharia: "califfato mondiale", infatti, islamisti e farisei (anglo-americani: FMI 666 NWO 322) stanno complottando: per distruggere Israele, ed entrambi: sperano, nuove acquisizioni imperialistiche: da ottenere con la guerra mondiale.
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
9 ore fa

[Apocalisse 17:2-12 ] con la quale hanno fornicato: i re della terra; e del vino della cui fornicazione sono stati inebbriati gli abitanti della terra. 3. Ed egli mi trasportò: in ispirito: in un deserto; ed: io vidi una donna, che sedeva sopra: una bestia, di color di scarlatto, piena di nomi di bestemmia, ed avea sette teste, e dieci corna. 4. E quella donna, ch'era vestita: di porpora, e di scarlatto, adorna d'oro, e: di pietre preziose, e di perle, avea una coppa d'oro, in mano, piena d'abbominazioni, e delle immondizie, della sua fornicazione. 5. E in su: la sua fronte, era scritto un nome: puttana: USA 322 IMF FED 666 NWO, Babilonia la grande, la madre: delle fornicazioni, e delle abbominazioni della terra. 6. Ed io vidi quella donna ebbra: del sangue: dei santi, e: del sangue dei: martiri di Gesù-ANSWER-. --KING SAUDI ARABIA -- proprio tu sei il fornicatore! presto criminale internazionale, tu riceverai l'abisso della disperazione e della distruzione!
allChristianMartyrs PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
10 ore fa

@666 IMF 322 NWO Satana -[amen. in Jesus's name. alleluia]- ragazzo, io vedo, che, la tua vita, sta per giungere, rapidamente alla sua drammatica conclusione, infatti, nessuno, in terra e negli abissi infernali, è idoneo: a poter salvare te, dalle mia mani, neanche il tuo amate, il Re dell'Arabia Saudita
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa

322 google 666 @ youtube, masonic system, occult power, AI OGM aliens abductions, agenda - you stop to came behind me, to sob, and to beg, because, I not agree, to talk again, with your Satanists! this is impossible! In fact, my ministry would fail, if I accept a dialogue with the Satanists, and, if I keep them, on this page again... therefore, you will also die in the world war, which could not be avoided! [blocks: stop your employees Satanists criminal cannibal!] @google 666 youtube -- tu smetti di venire dietro di me, a pingere, ed a supplicare, perché io accetti, di dialogare ancora, con i tuoi satanisti! questo è impossibile! infatti, fallirebbe il mio ministero, se, io accetto un dialogo con i satanisti, e se io conservo loro in questa pagina... quindi, anche tu morirai, nella guerra mondiale, che, non potrebbe essere evitata! [blocca: i tuoi dipendenti satanisti!]
allGiacintoAuriti PAX CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB [MENE MENE TECHEL e PARSIN] ( Ave Maria serva madre e sorella nostra Ave Maria Santa madre nostra Ave )
12 ore fa

@ Egypt - After the massacre today, the Salafi Nur Party, which had supported the end of June, the deposition of Morsi, has decided to retire,of the consultations for the formation, of the government, of national unity. It seems, therefore, go down the idea of creating a government of broad alliances, partly because the party Nur, opposed the candidacy, for prime minister, both, Muhammad al-Baradei, leader of the National Salvation Front (platform secularists, liberals and Nasserist) and economist Ziad Baha ad Din. - ANSWER - Muslim brethren: and Salafists said by yourself, to be the Nazis of Sharia, that they are not worthy: of: democratic values ... therefore, must be declared: outlaw! the ambiguities and failures, can only: to increase the drama of a Muslim country who is afflicted: by jihadism .. only, the determination: it could save Egypt: from civil war, as, Russia has already said.

38/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] III. CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE DAMAGED IN QUESTIONS: LEGAL: 1. of the: JEW: is: PERMISSION and LIE: Jura: the: FALSE: for: an order to: CHRISTIAN: In Babha Kama (113th) it says: the: Our teaching is: the: following: When to: jew and a: goi: (pay) appear in court, assolvithe: jew, if you can, according to the laws of Israel. If: the: goi: (pay) wins, tell him: that: what: is: what: tea: our law requires. If, however, the: jew can be acquitted in accordance with: the: of the law: kind, and assolvilo: tell him: that: what: is: done according to our laws. If this level: not: it can be done, do: with: hardness against: the: goi: (pay), as: recommended: the: Rabbi Ischmael.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
39/71 [Talmud vs. Christians]: the: Rabbi Akibha, however, argues: that: not: you can act: with: fraud: for: not: profane the name: of God, and: for: not : have to: jew returned to: opinion: for perjury. "A note to: margin, however, explains this point: of the: Rabbi Akibha as: follows: the name: of God: not: if it is profaned: the : goi: (pay): not: he knows: that: the: jew: has: lied. "and: more forward: the: Babha Kama (113b) says: the: name of God: not: is: when profaned : for example, to: jew mind to a: goi: (pay) saying: 'I have given something to you: your father, but He: is: dead, you must return it to me,' provided that: the: goi: ( pagan): not: know: that: you're lying. "

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
40/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] 2: is: PERMISSION TO to: JEW JURY: the: FALSE: with: CONSCIOUSNESS: CLEAN: In Kallah (1b, p.18) reads: "It (the: mother of the: mazmer) said, 'I swear to: me. and: the: Rabbi Akibha swore with: lips: but: invalidated in his heart: the swearing-in.' a: similar concept is in Schabbuoth Hagahoth: of the: Rabbi Ascher (6d): "If: the: magistrate of a city compels Jews to: swear that: not: and flee from that city: that: not: it rub off anything, they will swear the : false to say: themselves: that: not: flee that day, and: that: not: remove anything from the city on that day only. "

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
42/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] 1. to: JEW MUST ALWAYS TRY: of: DECEIVE CHRISTIANS: In Zohar (I, 160th) it says: the: Rabbi Jehuda the: has: said (to the rabbi Chezkia): ': is: worthy: of: praise Him: that : is: capable: of: get rid of enemies of Israel, and:: are: very worthy: of: the praise: the just that: they are released and: fight them. ': the: Chezkia Rabbi asked,' How should we fight? ': the: Rabbi Jehuda said,': with: wise adviser war against: of: them. (Proverbs, cap.24, 6) with: that: Type: of: war?: The: Type: of: war: that: every child of: man must fight: against: the: his enemies, and: that: Jacob used: against: Esau - when possible: with: the: and deception: the: fraud.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
43/71 [Talmud vs. Christian] They must be fought relentlessly, up to: that: the: right order: not: be restored: is: Therefore:: with: satisfaction, that: I say that: we must free up and from them: rule of: of: them. "2: not: you must help: SICK CHRISTIAN: In Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" the: Akum (Christian): not: they must be treated, even : for money, to: less: that: what: not: cause: the: their enmity. "3: not: we must: HELP: the: CHRISTIAN WOMAN IN: tea: parts: in the: Orach Orach Chaiim (330.2 ) reads: "No help, though minimal, should be given to a woman Akum (Christian) during: the: birth in day of: Saturday, in that: the: Saturday: not: it must be violated."

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
44/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] 4: not: we must: HELP: CHRISTIAN IN DANGER: of: DEATH: In Choschen Hammischpat (425.5) reads: "If you see a: heretic: that: not: believe nalla Torah to fall into: well: with: a ladder, and immediately rush: take it away and says' I must go to: take my son off to: roof. We will report on: the: scale immediately: or: something: of the: general . Kuthaei I, however: that: not:: are: and our enemies: that: take care: of the: sheep: of the: Israelites: not: they must be killed directly, but: not: they must be saved from death. "and: in Iore Dea (158.1) reads:" the: Akum (Christian): that: not:: are: our enemies: not: they must be killed directly,

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
45/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] this: not: in spite of them: not: they must be saved from the danger of: death: for example, if you see one: of: they fall into the sea: not: to pull it up: less: that: he: not: I promise: of the: money. "Maimonides in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X 1: not: Licet misereri eorum; some other impressive words:" It misereberis eorum "1). Idcirco, you quis viderit Adum pereuntem , vel demersum acquis, it OPEM ferat. He died proximate viderit eum, it eripiat dead. Attamen eum losing its maintenance, in praecipitem puteum give speed siquid Huic similar nefas east, quia nobiscum bellum: not: Gerit.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
46/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] Maimonides, in Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X, 1) says: not: have pity: of: them, in fact: is: said (Deuter. VII, 2): not: shown their piety. Therefore: if you see a: Akum (Christian) in difficulty or drown: not: go to his aid. and, if he was in danger of: death: not: save: but: not: is: just kill him with: the: pushing your hand into the pit: or: otherwise, since: that: they: not:: are: in the war against: of: us. "Article II - CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE KILLED: FINALLY: the: Talmud commands: that: the Christians are killed without mercy.: in the: Abhodah Zarah (26b) reads "Heretics, traitors and: apostates must be disposed in a: and well: not: they must be rescued."

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
47/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] and: in Choschen Hammischpat (388.10) states: "The spy should be killed, too: at to: our days, wherever you are. It can be killed even before: that: confess. and: even though he admits: of: he just wanted to make: of the: to hurt someone, and, if: the: evil: that: he wanted to do: not: it was very large: is: enough: to condemn it for : death. It must however be warned: of: not: admit this: but, if it blatantly says "No, I confess!" then he must be killed: the: as soon as possible. If: not: c 'is: time for warn you: not: is: a necessary step. Some say that: to: traitor must be made to: death only when: is: impossible to get rid

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
48/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] mutilating, ie, cutting off: the: language: or: ripping out their eyes: but, if this: is: can: not: to be killed since: that: he: not: is: worst: of: other: that: persecute us. "and: in Choschen Hamm: of: new (388.15) reads:" If you can prove: that: someone has: betrayed Israel three times, or: that: has: as: the: money: of: Israelites to the Akum (Christian), you will find: the: way, after careful consideration: of: delete it from the face: of the: earth. "Quinim, ipsum Studium Legis Iudaeorum mortis poenam meretur . Sanhedrin 59 to R. Iochanan you to quote: Goi scrutans legem, reus east mortis.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
49/71 [Talmud vs. Christians]: the: Christian: that: to be discovered: study: the: Law of Israel merits: the: death. In Sanhedrin (59a) it says: the: Rabbi Jochanan says: to: goi: (pay) that: sticks: the: nose in the law is: guilty of: death. "II. Occidendi sunt Baptisma suscipientes Iudaei. Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) X 2: Haec dicta sunt 1) de idolatris. Israelitarum Sed illos here to: desciverint religion, vel Epikurei evaserint, slaying, atque to pursue it even unto inferos iubemur. Quippe affligunt Israelem, populumque to: Deo avertunt.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
50/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] II. BAPTIZED JEWS SHOULD BE MADE to: DEATH: In Hilkhoth Akum (Christian) (X, 2) reads: "These things (above) are: for the idolaters: but: even the Israelites: that: leave: the: their and religion: must be killed and become epicureans: we must persecute them to the end. For they afflict Israel and: distract: the: people of God "and: in Iore Dea (158.2 Hagah) reads:" The renegades: that: are aimed: to at: pleasures of the: Akum (Christian), and: that: they are contaminated and worshiping the stars: the: as planets: they are, must be killed. "Similarly, it is said in Choschen Hammischpat (425.5):

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
51/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] "the: Jews: that: Epicurean become: that: of the damage you: worship: of the: stars and: of the: and planets: sin maliciously; even those: that: eat: the: meat of: injured animals, or: that: wear clothing rooms, they deserve: the name: of: Epicurean, in like manner, those: that: deny: the: Torah and: the: Prophets of Israel: the : Law: is: that: all: they should be killed, and: those: that: have: the: power: of: life and: of: death should have them killed, and, if this level: not: it could be done, they must be brought to death: with: the: deception. "Here sint abnegantes legem institutions, Clare R. Demonstratio Maimon in Hilkhoth Teschubhah III, 2).

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
52/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] Tres sunt negantium Torah classes: 1. Here dicunt: not: to: Deo given me these Torah, aut (not: to: Deo) saltem eius versum unum, unum saltem verbum, sed (lieutenant) Moysen to: seipso hoc dixisse, omnis (eng you to quote here) abnegat legem. 2. Here abiiciunt eius explicationem, quae dicitur Torah oralis (Mischnah), neque agnoscunt eius doctores, Quemadmodum (fecerunt) Zadok 3) et Baithos 4). 3. Here: of: the: Rabbi Maimonides, in Hilkhoth Teschubhah (III, 8), forniscethe: list: of: those: that: deniers are considered: of the: Law: "There: are: three categories of: people: that : deny: the: Law: of the: Torah: 1) People: that they say: that: the: Torah: not: is: was given by God,

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
53/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] to at least: to: or: a word: of: it (sic), and: that: they say that: Been is: the whole work of Moses, 2) People: that: refuse: the: explanation of the: Torah, namely the: Oral Law: of the: Mischnah, and: those: that: not: riconosconothe: of the authorities: Doctors: of the: Law, as: the: followers: of: Zadok (Sadducees) and: of: Baithos, 3) People: that: they say that: God has: changed: the: Law: for to: 'another New Law, and: that: the: Torah: not: has: no more value, even if they do: not: deny: that: was given by God as: believe the Christians and: the: Turks: all: deny them: the: Reads from the Torah. "III. CHRISTIANS SHOULD BE KILLED: why:: are:: tyrant: In Zohar (I, 25a) it says:

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
54/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] "The Peoples of the: earth: are: idolaters, and: of: of: them: Been is: written: that is wiped off the face: of the: land: Destroy: the : memory: of the: Amalekites. They: are: still: with: us in this Fourth Captivity, namely, the: Principles (of Rome) ..: that: in fact,: are: Amalekites. " 1. THESE PRINCIPLES SHOULD BE KILLED: for FIRST: why, if they are allowed: of: life: the: hope of the: liberation of the: Jews: is: vain, and: their prayers: of: release from this Fourth Captivity will be ineffective. In Zohar (I, 219B) it says: is: of course: that: the: our captivity will last up to: when the: principles of the: kind: that: they worship idols: not: they will be destroyed. "

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
55/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] and: even in the Zohar (II, 19a) it says: the: Rabbi Jehuda: has: said: Come to: See as: things are; as: tea: principles have assumed power over and Israel: the Israelites: not: complain: but, when it falls: the: Prince: the: their delight is felt. It is written that: the: Re: of the: Egyptians died and: immediately the: children of Israel were freed from captivity, and they screamed: tea: their voice ascended to: God "2: the PRINCIPLE: that HA: ROME for CAPITAL: is: IS: that: JEWS HAVE MORE HATE ': of: all: They call it: the: United: of: and Esau: of the: Edomites: the United Pride: the United : of the: Evil, Unholy Rome. The Turkish Empire is called: the: United: of the: Ishmaelites,

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
56/71 [Talmud vs. Christians]: that: they: not: wish to destroy: the: United: of Rome, however, must be exterminated: why: when: the: corrupt Rome is destroyed: the: and salvation: the : Freedom will be the chosen people: of: God "R. David Kimchi scribit defected Obadiam29: Quidquid dixerunt Prophetae vastatione of Edom in ultims diebus, id intellexerunt de Rome, in the ut Explica Iesaia in Versu" Access gentes to listen in "3) . Etenim when vastabitur Rome ERIT redemptio Israelitarum: the: Rabbi David Kimchi writes as: nell'Obadiam follows: "This: that: the: Prophets foretold the destruction of: Edom in the last few days I reported to Rome, as: says Isaiah (ch.34, 1):

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
57/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] Approach,: or: nations, and listen ... When Rome is destroyed, Israel will be redeemed. "Also: the: Rabbi Abraham says the: same thing in his book Tseror Hammor Section Schoftim: not: when Rome will be destroyed, we will be redeemed." IV. FINALLY: all: CHRISTIANS, INCLUDING AMONG THE BEST: Of: THEY MUST BE UCCISI.Abhodah Zarah 26b. Tosephoth: Optimus inter occidi meretur Gentiles. Multoties haec phrasis repetita occurrit in diversis Iudaeorum libris, Licet: not: iisdem verbis. V.g R. Ps. IARC in Exod cap.XIV, see Editionis Amstelodamiensis1 7) to quote:

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
58/71 [Talmud vs. Christians]: in the: Abhodah Zarah (26b, Tosephoth) reads: "Also: the: of the best: the Gentiles should be killed" The Shulhan Arukh, after the words of the: Iore Dea (158.1) that: they say that: those among the Akum (Christian): that: not: make: of the: evil to the Jews: not: they must be killed, namely those: that: not: make war on Israel , explains: the: Milchamah word - war: but: time: of: the war the Akum (Christian) should be killed because it is written: 'The good among the Akum (Christian) deserve: of: to be killed, etc.. "V. JEW: that kills: CHRISTIAN: not: sin: but: offers: sacrifice acceptable to: GOD: V. Iudaeus occidens Christianum: not: peccat, sed offerre dicitur Acceptable sacrificium Deo.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
59/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] Sepher Or Israel 177b3): Dele vitam et occide and Kiphoth; gratus enim eris Divinae majesty sicut illegal, oblatum incense offered here. In the Sepher Or Israel (177B) it says: "Take away: the: life: to at: Kliphoth and: kill them, and: like you to God as: a: that: the: offering incense." and: in Ialkut Simoni (245c. n.772) reads: "One: that: spreads: the: blood of the: wicked is: time to accept God as the one: that: offers: sacrifice to God . " VI. AFTER: the: destruction of the TEMPLE to: JERUSALEM, THE ONLY: SACRIFICE NEEDED: is: THE MURDER OF CHRISTIANS: In Zohar (III 227b): tea: Good Shepherd says the: only necessary sacrifice: is: that: togliamothe: foul: of: Means to: us. "

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
60/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] The Zohar (II, 43a), explaining: the: commandments of Moses on the redemption of the: first-born: of: a: ass: that: we have: with: the: offer : of: a lamb, says: "The donkey is: for: the: not: jew: that: it must be redeemed with: tea: Offer: of a: Lamb: that: is: the: scattered flock: of Israel: but, if he refuses: of: to be redeemed, then the break: the: skull ... They should be deleted from the book of the: living as of: of: to them is: said: He : that: sin: against: of: me, I will take away from the book: of the: life. "VII. PERSONS: that WILL KILL CHRISTIANS to: PLACE: HIGH IN THE SKY: In the Zohar (1.38 b, and: 39a) reads:

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
61/71 [Talmud vs. Christians]: in the: palaces of the: fourth heaven are those: that: they issued groans of Zion and Jerusalem, and: all: those: that: destroyed idolatrous nations ... and: those: that: killing people: that: he adored idols: are: clothes: with: dresses: of: purple so: that: and can be recognized: honored. "VIII. JEWS: not: SHOULD NEVER CEASE: of: exterminate: GOIM;: not: SHOULD NEVER LEAVE ME ALONE and: not: MUST: NEVER SUBMIT to: THEM. Hilkhoth In Akum (Christian) (X, 1) we read: not: eat: with: the idolaters: not: let them: of: the worship: their idols: is: in fact, wrote: not: established contracts: with: them not: show them mercy (Deuter. ch. 7, 2): or: distracts them from their idols : or: kill them. "

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
62/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] Ibid (X, 7): not: it will allow to: no idolatry: of: to stay: in the: places where the Jews are: strong, "IX: all: JEWS: are : REQUIRED TO JOIN TOGETHER: for: destroy the traitors: that: are: AMIDST to: THEM: In Choschen Hammischpat (338.16) states: all: the people: of the: city: are: required to: contribute to the spending of the killing: of: a: a traitor, even those: that they must pay other taxes. "X. NO PARTY: not: MATTER HOW SOLEMN, CAN ': PREVENT: the: DECAPITATION: of: a: CHRISTIAN: In Pesachim (49b) it says: the: Rabbi Eliezer said, is: only cut: the: head of: a : 'idiot' (a: of the: inhabitants of the: earth)

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
63/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] in the feast of the: Reconciliation when it falls by day of: Saturday. His disciples said to him: Rabbi, you should rather say to sacrifice: but He replied: Not at all: is: indeed necessary to pray while sacrificing, and: not: c ': is: need: of: to pray when you behead someone. "XI: the: ONLY PURPOSE: of: and ALL ACTIONS: PRAYERS: of the: JEWS MUST BE THAT: of: DESTROY: the: RELIGION: CHRISTIAN: the: depict Jews: the: and the Messiah: Liberator: that: expect as: a: a persecutor: that: to inflict great calamities: not: Jews: the: Talmud lists three great evils: that: hit: the: world when: the: Messiah will come. Schabbath In (118a) reads:

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
64/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] "Anyone who eats three meals: of: Saturday will be saved from three evils: of the: punishment: of the: Messiah, of the: and the pains of hell: the war of Magog; For it is written, Behold, I will send you Elijah the: first Prophet: that: is: the: 'Day': of the Lord, and so on. "XII. IN THEIR PRAYERS THE JEWS SIGH: the: COMING: of the: AVENGER MESSIAH, ESPECIALLY IN: VIGIL: of the: EASTER (Hebrew): "Download: tea: your wrath on the nations: that: not: you know, and: on kingdoms: that: not: invoke: the: your name; Download: the: of your indignation: of: their and: that: the: your wrath: of: vengeance take them, and Perseguitali: destroy: with: anger from under the : heaven of the Lord. "

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
65/71 [Talmud vs. Christian] They also pray as: follows: for how long it will remain: the: Your strength and captive: for how long lie: the: in thy beauty: the: hands of the oppressor?: Or: God ! Show: tea: and thy strength: the: your zeal against: the: our enemies; breaks: tea: their strength and: confondili "and: again:" Cut off: the: hope of the unjust; ago that: to: heretics perish at once; uprooted, broken, and: destroy: the United Proud; to hurry: to: to: the: subject peoples: in the: present day. "In exactly the same time: the: Friday, that" Prinicipe Proud of the Empire: of Rome: the: Pope, and pray: to order: all: all: the: world of: pray: for: all: "heretics"

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
66/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] and: those: that:: are "lost" as: follows: "Let us pray for the: perfidious Jews: that: the Lord our God may take away: the: veil from their hearts : that: they can recognize Jesus Christ our Lord. "Almighty and Eternal God: that: not: even exclude the Jews from your mercy, hear our prayer: that: offer: for: the: blindness: of: the people: that: recognized: the: light of the: thy truth: that: is: Christ, out of the can: its darkness: for our Lord Jesus Christ ... "How beautiful are thy HALLS,: or: JACOB, AND: THE YOUR CURTAINS,: or: ISRAEL! (Num.24, 5)

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
67/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] EPILOGUE: The gentle reader: In this paper, I quoted passages: of: very few of the books Talmud: ici: that: they refer: to at: Christians: for love of: brevity and: for saving: the: sensitive heart: of the: reader, I have omitted many others: that they could have included. These texts: that: I have mentioned, however, should be sufficient: for to show how false the claims: of the: Jews when they say: that: not: c ': is: nothing in the Talmud that: insegnithe: and hate: the : enmity towards the Christians. If the study: of the: horrible blasphemies: of: this book should be revolting: for: the: player: that: he: not: I feel like it.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
68/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] not: I said, of the: beginning: that: I told something of: pleasant: but: only: that: what I would have shown: that: really: the: Talmud teaches about Christians, and: not: believe: that: I could do it more appropriate. I realize, however: that: given: that: the: truth: not: to love: all: I will become many enemies, for having thus testified: the: truth. This to me: Been is: is reminded of the: read: of the: Talmud itself: that: threat: of: the death: "traitors", and: even more, by warnings: of: those: that: they have experienced : of the: action: that: the Jews undertake: against: those: that: to make known things: their unfavorable.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
69/71 [Talmud vs. Christian] They: all: predicted that: perish: for hand: of the: Jews. Looking for: of: dissuade me from continuing: tea: my work, some have asked me: of: remember: the: fate of the: Professor Charina: that: of the killed was: suddenly having begun to: translate: the: Talmud : vernacular. Others reminded me of: the: fate of the: monaco Didacus: of: Vilna, to: converted from Judaism: that: he was cruelly murdered, others reminded me: of: those: that: they had been persecuted for revealing secrets : of the: Jewish religion. Still others, I have warned: against: the: they should have incurred the dangers:: my: dear. "Wszak CIEB wydzi zabij"

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
70/71 [Talmud vs. Christians] I was repeated hundreds: of: times: the: book: that: you now hold in your hand is: the: best evidence: that: not: I have listened to the warnings of the: my : friends. I considered unworthy: of: myself, only to be silent: for love of the: my personal safety, while: the: conflict raging between the: two fields of the "Semitic" and: of the "Anti-Semites," both of the: who argue: of: fight: for: the: truth, while I know: that: the: whole truth: not: it is located in any of the: two fields: but: whatever happens to me: because: of : what: that: I did, I will be happy: of: bear: are: willing to: give: the: my life -

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
71/71 [Talmud vs. Christians]: that I can testify: the: TRUTH: (John 18:37) IB Pranaitis: but: the Jews will kill you "Polish translation (Approx: the: content of the Epilogue,: is: sadly significant to mention: that Father was in Pranaitis effects: the: death as: expected: for of the hand: his enemies during: the: Bolshevik Revolution - Ed) is: obvious: that: these statements: that: we have been able to justify reading,: against: the authors of: these blasphemies: Against Christ, thus: against: these Jews: that : have these anti-Christian statements, the words of Christ: "You have: for his father, the: hell." Carlo Maria: of: Peter (and WebMaster: Promoter: of the: MSMA): Cohen: Forum

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
1 / 28 [[Jewish racism]] Important Rabbi says that: the: not: Jews are donkeys, created for: to serve the: Jews: through: phrases taken from the Talmud: and: from Kabbalah: For a long time we have: heard : of the: white racism: with: all the good gossip: the moralists: BUT: never: it is: talk of the: racism: that: methodically: the: Jewish endeavor in their lives. This racism: of: ancestral origin: is: highlight: one of their sacred texts: the "Talmud". This document is: usually taught in Jewish schools: and: described: as: poetry collection: by: numerous Rabbis: of: after publishing numerous claims traced in this book: and: in the Kabbalah.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
2 / 28 [[Jewish racism]] We encourage readers to: careful analysis of individual sentences given: and: a: observation of: such as today are regularly followed with: religious orthodoxy: the: more saint spoke thus: to the Israelites: "You have recognized me: as: sole master of the: world: and: for: this reason, we confess: as: sole masters of the: world." Chaniga, 3to:, 3b. Wherever the: Jews go, they must be leaders of their Signori.Sanhedrln, 19. God has: given the Jews power over the possessions: and: the: blood of: all nations. Seph.Jp.92, 1. Regarding the claims of the Gentiles on the rights: of: property, their possessions are the: as: earth: not: levied in the Desert: Baba Bathra, 54b.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
3 / 28 [[Jewish racism]] With regard to the theft: if one were to steal, rob, rapisse one beautiful woman, or commit similar wrongs, if they were committed: by: to: Dear: to: to: to: the: wrong in question must be punished, just as if it were committed: against: of: a: Israelite, however: the: theft by: part: of a: against Israelite: of: to: Dear, can be perdonato.Sanhedrin, 57to:. and: always: a: a gesture worthy possession: of: a: property belonging to: to: Dear. Schuichan Aruch. When:: Jew has: to: Gentile in his clutches: a: another Jew may go to the same Gentile, lend him money: and: to: HIS: once deceive, so: that: the: Dear finish ruined.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
4 / 28 [[Jewish racism]] property: of: a: Gentile, according to our law: not: it belongs to no one: and: the: first Jew that: passes, has: its own right: of: to possess it. Schuichan Aruch, Choachem Hamischpath, 156: not: is: only steal from: to: brother, BUT: is: only steal from: to: not: Jew, as it is: written (Leviticus XIX, 13) "You: not: you rob: the: your brother (read: the: your neighbor). " BUT: These words, spoken: by: Jeovah: not: apply for: a: Gentiles: that: not: is: your brother. Baba Mezia, 61to:. to: Jew may lie: and: for perjury: condemn: to: Christian: the: name of God: not: is: when you lie to Christians desecrated. Baba Kama, 113to:, 113b.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
5 / 28 [[Jewish racism]]: is a: great sin do:: gift to: to: Dear. BUT: is: permissible to give alms to the poor Gentiles, the visiting their sick, give the: last honors to their dead: and: consoling the relatives, for: keep the peace: and: for: to pretend to the Gentiles: that : the Jews are their good friends, as they give them comfort. Aboda Zarah, page 20. -One thing lost: by: to: Gentiles: not: only to be kept by man: that: he finds it, BUT: is: also: forbidden to return to him. Schulchan Aruch, CHOSCHEN, Hamischpath, 266, 1. The Jews must always try to: hoodwink the Christians. Zohar 160to 1:.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
6 / 28 [[Jewish racism]]-People: that: the Christians are right: not: never rise from the dead. Zohar 1 25b. -During the period of the: Choihamoed the treatment: of: any business is: prohibited. BUT: is: only practice usury upon the Gentiles, as the practice of usury on the Gentile always like the Lord. Schulchan Aruch, Orach Chaim, 539. -In case: of: one deadly disease: a: a Jew is: authorized to: eat something: of: foul (ie something that: he is: required for: Law to: consider: as: foul: and: that: Touch [use, eating] in other circumstances is: forbidden) in the: if he believes: that: it can see: the: HIS: recovery.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme
7 / 28 [[Jewish racism]] BUT: also, in this case: not: is: allowed to use: of: something: that: it belongs to the dirtiest thing: of: all, that is to: say, the Christian Church. Schulchan Aruch, Johri Deah, 155: and: one good deed for: to destroy every Jew: and: burning churches: not: Jews: and: everything belongs to them, or is: did: by: to them, and: to throw the ashes to the four winds or water. Also, is: duty of Every Jew to look for: of: eradicating every church: not:-Judea: and: curse: the name (lit. her: a name cursed) Schulchan Aruch, Johri Deah, 143.

  WakeUpUSAxRonPaul  [♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB ♰ by di UniusRei3] shalomnaumann Beis Hamikdash - בית המקדש השני 7 ♰ I have done wrong to the All Those Criminals Who have Toppled the cross ♰ [♚ ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Alleluia. amen, MANE THECEL PHARES: in Jesu's name] ♚] PAX ♰ CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB "Drink your poisons made by yourself""You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ♰ : Unius REI ♰ : King♥ Messiah:  Israel:♥ Mahdi.    Shalom Gerusalemme

sorgete: voi potenze eterne, e, voi tutte: sorgete: potenze antiche, io sono il vostro: Unius REI, il regno della pianeta terra: è stato occupato dai mostri, e: questo è il lavoro del macellaio!
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

torre de David King)). [Ave María] lleno de gracia (Reina de los Ángeles), el Señor está contigo (ejército formado en batalla), sois bienaventurados (Inmaculada Concepción) entre las mujeres (Asunción) y bendito (Reina de los Santos) es el resultado de su útero (el Arca de la Alianza) Jesús: Mesías en Belén ((torre de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Santa María, Madre de Dios y de la Iglesia, Puerta del Cielo, ruega por nosotros los pecadores (miedo, horror, terror de los demonios), ahora y en la hora de nuestra muerte. Amén. Aleluya.] Sepan, de esta manera, tengo los mataron, y he empujado todo, en la boca del infierno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, el reino de Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: beber su veneno hecho por ti mismo.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

Башня Давида, царя)). [Богородица] полное благодати (Королева Ангелов), Господь с Тобою (армии, выстроенный к битве), то вы блаженны (Непорочное зачатие), среди женщин (Успенский) и благословен (Queen святых) является результатом ваших матки (Ковчег Завета) Иисус: Мессия в Вифлееме ((Башня Давида, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Махди.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[Святой Марии, Матери Бога и Церкви, Врата Небес, молись за нас грешных (страх, ужас, ужас демонов), ныне и в час нашей смерти. Аминь. Аллилуиа.] Знаете, таким образом, я их убили, а я толкнул всех на устах ад. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Рей unius ♰: Король ♥: Израиль: ♥ для Махди, царство Палестине [пр. Мария] МВФ FED ЕЦБ: пить яд сделали сами.
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turnul lui David, împăratul)). [Bucura-te Maria] plină de har (Queen of Angels), Domnul este cu tine (armata stabilit în linie de bătaie), sunteți binecuvântați (Neprihănita Zămislire) în rândul femeilor (Adormirea Maicii Domnului) și binecuvântat (Regina Sfinților) este rezultatul dvs. uter (Chivotul Legii) Isus: Mesia în Betleem ((turnul lui David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Sfânta Maria, Maica lui Dumnezeu și a Bisericii, Poarta Raiului, roagă-te pentru noi păcătoșii (frica, oroarea, teroarea de demoni), acum și în ceasul morții noastre. amin. Aliluia] știți, în acest fel, le-am sacrificat, și am împins tot, pe gura iadului.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Regele ♥: Israel: ♥ pentru Mahdi, regatul din Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: bea otrava tău a făcut de unul singur.
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torre de David King)). [Ave Maria] cheio de graça (Rainha dos Anjos), o Senhor está com você (exército em ordem de batalha), você é abençoado (Imaculada Conceição) entre as mulheres (Assunção) e bendito (Rainha dos Santos) é o resultado de sua útero (a Arca da Aliança) Jesus: Messias em Belém ((torre de Davi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e da Igreja, Porta do céu, rogai por nós pecadores (medo, horror, terror dos demônios), agora e na hora de nossa morte. amém. Aleluia.] Saber, desta forma, tenho-os abatidos, e eu empurrei tudo, na boca do inferno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Rei ♥: Israel: ♥ para Mahdi, o reino da Palestina [Ave Maria] FED FMI BCE: beber o veneno feito por você mesmo.
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wieża David King)). [Zdrowaś Maryjo] pełna łaski (Queen of Angels), Pan z Tobą (wojska ustawione w szyku bojowym), jesteś błogosławiony (Niepokalane Poczęcie) wśród kobiet (Wniebowzięcie NMP) i błogosławiony (Królowa Świętych) jest rezultatem twoich macicy (Arka Przymierza) Jezus: Mesjasz w Betlejem ((wieża Dawida, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Święta Maryjo, Matko Boga i Kościoła, Brama Niebios, módl się za nami grzesznymi (strach, horror, terror demonów), teraz iw godzinę śmierci naszej. amen. Alleluja.] Wiesz, w ten sposób, mam je ubojowi, a ja pchnął wszystkim na ustach piekła. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Izrael: ♥ dla Mahdiego, Królestwo Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: wypić truciznę wykonaną samodzielnie.
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برج دیوید کینگ)). [درود مریم] پر از فضل (ملکه فرشتگان)، خداوند با شما (ارتش در آرایه نبرد)، (مفهوم معصوم) پر برکت در میان زنان (فرض) و میتونه خیلی چیزا باشه یا میتونه چیز خاصی هم نباشه (ملکه پرستاران) در نتیجه خود را از رحم (ارک از میثاق) عیسی مسیح در بیت لحم ((برج دیوید، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ مهدی.
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[مریم مقدس، مادر خدا و کلیسا، دروازه بهشت، دعا برای ما گناهکاران (ترس، وحشت، ترور شیاطین)، در حال حاضر و در ساعت مرگ ما. آمین. حمد خدا] می دانم، در این راه، من آنها را قتل عام، و من تحت فشار قرار دادند همه، در دهان از جهنم است. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ترویج unius ♰: شاه ♥: اسرائیل: ♥ مهدی، پادشاهی فلسطین خیابان ماریا] IMF FED ECB: نوشیدن زهر خود را ساخته شده توسط خودتان.
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toren van David King)). [Wees gegroet, Maria] vol van genade (Koningin van de Engelen), de Heer is met u (leger in slagorde), u bent gezegend (Onbevlekte Ontvangenis) bij vrouwen (Hemelvaart) en gezegend (Koningin van de Heiligen) is het resultaat van uw baarmoeder (de Ark van het Verbond) Jezus: Messias in Bethlehem ((toren van David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van de Kerk, Poort van de Hemel, bid voor ons zondaars (angst, afschuw, schrik van demonen), nu en in het uur van onze dood. Amen. Alleluia.] Weet, op deze manier, ik heb ze geslacht, en ik heb alle geschoven, aan de monding van de hel. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ voor Mahdi, koninkrijk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink je vergif gemaakt door jezelf.
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(tårn av David King)). [Hail Mary] full av nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med deg (hær satt i fylking), er du velsignet (Immaculate Conception) blant kvinner (Assumption) og velsignet (Queen of Saints) er et resultat av din livmoren (den Paktens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Betlehem ((Davids tårn, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Hellige Maria, Guds Mor og Kirken, Gate of Heaven, be for oss syndere (frykt, redsel, terror av demoner), nå og i vår dødstime. amen. Halleluja.] Vet, på denne måten, har jeg dem slaktet, og jeg har skjøvet alle, på munningen av helvete. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rike Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drikke giften laget selv.
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torri ta 'David King)). [Hail Mary] sħiħa ta 'grazzja (Reġina ta' Angels), il-Mulej huwa miegħek (armata stabbiliti fl array battalja), inti mbierka (Immakulata Kunċizzjoni) fost in-nisa (Assunta) u mbierka (Reġina ta 'Qaddisin) huwa r-riżultat ta' tiegħek (l-Arka tal-Patt) ġuf Ġesù: Messija f'Betlem ((torri ta 'David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Qaddisa Marija, Omm Alla u tal-Knisja, Bieb tal-ġenna, itlob għalina midinbin (, biża orrur, terrur ta 'demons), issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. amen. ALLELUIA.] Know, b'dan il-mod, jien li joqtluhom, u stajt imbuttat kollha, fuq il-ħalq ta 'infern. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ għall Mahdi, renju tal-Palestina [Ave Maria] FMI FED BĊE: tixrob velenu tiegħek magħmula mill yourself.
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menara David King)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan kamu (tentera yang ditetapkan, dalam barisan yang teratur rapi), anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) di kalangan wanita (Andaian) dan memberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil daripada anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Isa: Mesias di Bethlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP Beluran SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Unius Rei ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.  [Holy Mary, Ibu Tuhan dan Gereja, Pintu Syurga, berdoa untuk kita berdosa (takut, seram, keganasan iblis), sekarang dan pada jam kematian kita. amin. Alleluia.] Tahu, dengan cara ini, saya mempunyai mereka disembelih, dan saya telah menolak semua, pada mulut neraka. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestin [Ave Maria] IMF Fed ECB: minum racun anda dibuat oleh diri sendiri.
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turn Davíðs)). [Hail Mary] fullur náðar (Queen of Angels), Drottinn er með þér (her sett í fjölda bardaga), þú ert blessuð (Immaculate Conception) meðal kvenna (Assumption) og blessuð (Queen heilagra) er afleiðing af þinn móðurkviði (á sáttmálsörkina) Jesús: Messías í Betlehem ((turn Davíðs, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Heilaga María, móðir Guðs og kirkjunnar, hlið himinsins, biddu fyrir okkur syndarar (ótti, skelfing, ótti djöfla), nú og á dauðastundu okkar. amen. Alleluia.] Vita, á þennan hátt, ég hef þá slátrað, og ég hef ýtt á alla, á munni helvíti. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Ísrael ♥ fyrir Mahdi, ríki í Palestínu [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drekka eitur þitt gert sjálfur.
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túr David King)). Is é [bheatha, a Mhuire] atá lán de ghrásta (Banríon na nAingeal), tá an Tiarna leat (arm atá leagtha síos i sraith cath), tá tú beannaithe (Conception gan Smál) i measc na mban (Deastógála) agus bheannaigh (Banríon na Naomh) toradh do bhroinn (an Áirc an Chonartha) Íosa: Meisias i mBeithil ((túr de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [A Naomh-Mhuire, a Mháthair Dé agus na hEaglaise, Geata na bhFlaitheas, guigh orainn na peacaigh (eagla, horror, terror na deamhain), anois agus ar uair ár mbáis. o'n. Aingeal ag glaoch.] A fhios agat, ar an mbealach seo, tá mé maraíodh iad, agus mé bhrú go léir, ar an béal ar ifreann. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Iosrael: ♥ le haghaidh Mahdi, ríocht na Palaistíne [Ave Maria] IMF FED BCE: deoch do nimh a rinne tú féin.
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menara David Raja)). [Salam Maria] penuh rahmat (Ratu Malaikat), Tuhan adalah dengan Anda (tentara ditetapkan dalam satuan tempur), Anda diberkati (Immaculate Conception) antara perempuan (Asumsi) dan diberkati (Ratu Saints) adalah hasil dari Anda rahim (Tabut Perjanjian) Yesus: Mesias di Betlehem ((menara Daud, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Santa Maria, Bunda Allah dan Gereja, Gerbang Surga, doakanlah kami yang berdosa (ketakutan, kengerian, teror setan), sekarang dan pada waktu kami mati. amin. Haleluya] Ketahuilah, dengan cara ini, saya memiliki mereka dibantai, dan saya telah mendorong semua, pada mulut neraka.. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Raja ♥: Israel: ♥ untuk Mahdi, kerajaan Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: minum racun buatan anda sendiri.
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दाऊद राजा के टावर)). [जय हो मैरी] हे प्रभु, आप (सेना लड़ाई सरणी में सेट) के साथ अनुग्रह (एन्जिल्स के रानी) से भरा है, आप (बेदाग Conception) (धारणा) महिलाओं और धन्य (संतों की रानी) के बीच ही धन्य हैं अपने का परिणाम है गर्भ यीशु (सन्दूक वाचा का): बेतलेहेम में मसीहा ((दाऊद के गुम्मट, k.i.n.g.)). सीएसपी BCS एसएम LNDSMD वीआरएस NSMVSMQLIVB. री ♰ unius: राजा ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ महदी.
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[होली मैरी, भगवान और चर्च की माँ, स्वर्ग के गेट, हमारे लिए प्रार्थना पापियों (भय, डरावना राक्षसों के आतंक), अब और हमारी मौत के समय में. आमीन. Alleluia]. पता है, इस तरह से, मैं उन्हें बलि, और मैं सब नरक के मुंह पर धक्का दिया है. सी SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. री unius ♰: राजा ♥: इसराइल: ♥ मेहदी, राज्य के लिए फिलिस्तीन Ave मारिया] आईएमएफ फेड ईसीबी: अपने अपने द्वारा किए गए जहर पीते हैं.
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πύργος του David King)). [Hail Mary] κεχαριτωμένη (Βασίλισσα των Αγγέλων), ο Κύριος είναι μαζί σου (στρατός που σε παράταξη μάχης), είστε ευλογημένοι (Ευαγγελισμού της Θεοτόκου) μεταξύ των γυναικών (Κοίμηση της Θεοτόκου) και ευλογημένο (Βασίλισσα των Αγίων) είναι το αποτέλεσμα της δικής σας μήτρα (η Κιβωτός της Διαθήκης) ο Ιησούς: Μεσσία στη Βηθλεέμ ((πύργος του Δαβίδ, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD ΠΕΣ NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Μαχντί.
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[Παναγία, Μητέρα του Θεού και της Εκκλησίας, Πύλη του Ουρανού, προσευχηθείτε για μας τους αμαρτωλούς (φόβος, φρίκη, τρόμο των δαιμόνων), τώρα και κατά την ώρα του θανάτου μας. αμήν. Αλληλούια.] Ξέρετε, με τον τρόπο αυτό, έχω να σφάζονται, και έχω ρέστα, στο στόμα της κόλασης. Γ SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Βασιλιάς ♥: Ισραήλ: ♥ για Μαχντί, βασίλειο της Παλαιστίνης [Λ. Μαρία] ΔΝΤ FED ΕΚΤ: πιει δηλητήριο σας γίνει από τον εαυτό σας.
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王ダビデの塔))。 [ヘイルメアリー]恵み(天使の女王)の完全な、主はあなた(陸軍戦闘配列で設定)を使用することです、あなたが女性(仮定)と祝福(セインツの女王)の間(無原罪懐胎)祝福され、あなたの結果である子宮(契約の箱)イエス:ベツレヘムの救世主((ダビデの塔、k.i.n.g.))。 CSPは、BCSのSM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。レイunius♰:キング♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥マハディ。
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[聖マリア、神の教会の母、天国の門は、今、私たちの死の時間で、私たちのために罪人を(悪魔の恐怖、恐怖、恐怖)祈る。アーメン。ハレルヤ。]このように、私は彼らが虐殺されており、私は地獄の口の中に、すべてのプッシュして、知っている。 C SPBCSSはMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVBをMLNDS。レイunius♰:キング♥:イスラエル:♥マハディ、王国のためのパレスチナ[アヴェマリア]国際通貨基金(IMF)、FED、ECB:自分で作らあなたの毒を飲んでいます。
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(tour de David, roi)). [Je vous salue Marie] plein de grâce (Queen of Angels), le Seigneur est avec vous (armée rangée en bataille), vous êtes béni (Immaculée Conception) chez les femmes (Assomption) et béni (Reine des Saints) est le résultat de votre utérus (l'Arche de l'Alliance) Jésus: le Messie à Bethléem ((tour de David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Sainte Marie, Mère de Dieu et de l'Eglise, Porte du Ciel, priez pour nous, pauvres pécheurs (la peur, l'horreur, la terreur des démons), maintenant et à l'heure de notre mort. Amen. Alléluia.] Savoir, de cette façon, je les ai abattus, et je l'ai poussé, sur la bouche de l'enfer. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israël: ♥ pour Mahdi, royaume de la Palestine [Ave Maria] FMI FED BCE: boire ton poison faite par vous-même.
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Tower of David King)). [Neitsyt Maria] armoitettu (Queen of Angels), Herra on sinun kanssasi (armeija, sotarintaan asettunut), olet siunattu (Immaculate Conception) naisten (oletus) ja siunasi (Queen of Saints) on seurausta teidän kohdun (Liitonarkku) Jeesus: Messias Betlehemissä ((Tower of David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.  [Pyhä Maria, Jumalan äiti ja kirkon, Gate of Heaven, rukoile meidän syntisten (pelko, kauhu, kauhu demonit), nyt ja tunnin meidän kuoleman. aamen. Halleluja.] Tiedä, tällä tavoin, olen ne teurastetaan, ja olen ajanut kaikki, suulle helvetin. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kuningas ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, valtakunta Palestiina [Ave Maria] IMF FED EKP: juo myrkkyä tehdä itse.
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tower ng David Hari)). [Hail Mary] puno ng biyaya (Queen ng mga anghel), ang Panginoon ay sa iyo (hukbo nakatakda sa labanan array), ikaw ay pinagpala (Immaculate Conception) kabilang sa mga kababaihan (Assumption) at pinagpala (Queen ng Santo) ay ang resulta ng iyong sinapupunan (ang arko ng Tipan) si Hesus: Mesias sa Bethlehem ((na tore ng David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS sa SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.  [Banal na Maria, Ina ng Diyos at ng Iglesia, Gate ng Langit, manalangin para sa amin makasalanan (takot, panginginig sa takot, takot ng mga demonyo), ngayon at sa oras ng aming kamatayan. amen. Alleluia.] Malaman, sa ganitong paraan, mayroon akong mga ito slaughtered, at ako hunhon lahat, sa bibig ng impiyerno. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Hari ♥: Israel: ♥ para sa Mahdi, kaharian ng Palestine [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: uminom ng iyong lason na ginawa sa pamamagitan ng iyong sarili.
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kula David King)). [Zdravo Marijo] milosti puna (Queen of Angels), Gospodin je s tobom (vojska postavili u bojni red), vi ste blagoslovljeni (Bezgrešnog začeća) među ženama (Velika Gospa) i blagoslovljen (Kraljica svetih) je rezultat vaše maternica (Zavjetni kovčeg) Isus: Mesija u Betlehemu ((kula Davidova, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BHS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi.   [Sveta Marija, Majka Božja i Crkve, Vrata raja, moli za nas grešnike (strah, užas, užas demona), sada i na času smrti naše. amen. Aleluja.] Znajte, na taj način, ja sam ih kolju, i ja sam gurnuo sve, na usta pakla. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kralj ♥: Izrael: ♥ za Mahdija, Kraljevina Palestina [Ave Maria] MMF FED ECB: popijte otrov napravio po sebi.
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데이비드 왕의 탑)). [성모 마리아] 은혜 (천사의 여왕)의 전체, 주님이 (군대의 전투 배열에서 설정)과 함께, 당신이 여성 (성모 승천)와 복 (성도의 여왕) 사이에 (성모 마리아 축일) 축복받은이의 결과입니다 자궁 (언약의 방주) 예수 : 베들레헴의 메시아 ((다윗의 탑, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : I.s.r.a.e.l : ♥ 마흐디.   [거룩하신 성모 마리아여, 하나님과 교회의 어머니, 천국의 문, 이제와 저희 죽을 때에, 우리 죄인을 (귀신의 두려움, 공포, 공포)기도합니다. 아멘. 할렐루야.] 이런 식으로, 나는 그들을 학살이, 나는 지옥의 입에 모든 밀고 한 알 수 있습니다. C SPBCSS는 MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB을 MLNDS. 레이 unius ♰ : 왕 ♥ : 이스라엘 : ♥ 마흐디, 왕국에의 팔레스타인 [번가 마리아] IMF FED ECB : 자신이 만든 당신의 독을 마셔.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

塔王大衛))。 [萬福瑪利亞"充滿恩典(天使女王),主與你同在(軍隊擺陣在戰鬥中),你是有福的(聖母無原罪)是你的結果(假設)的婦女和有福的(聖徒女王)子宮(約櫃)在伯利恆的耶穌,彌賽亞((大衛塔,k.i.n.g.))。 CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB。麗unius♰:王♥:I.s.r.a.e.l:♥馬赫迪。  [聖母瑪利亞,天主之母和教會,天門,請為我們祈禱罪人(恐懼,恐怖,恐怖的惡魔),現在在我們的死亡的小時。阿們。哈利路亞。要知道,這種方式,我有屠宰,我推入地獄口。 ÇSPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB。和麗unius♰::以色列國王♥♥馬赫迪,王國巴勒斯坦大道瑪麗亞] IMF美聯儲歐洲央行:喝你的毒藥使得自己。
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

kulla e Davidit, mbretit)). [Hail Mary] plot hir (Mbretëresha e Engjëjve), Zoti është me ju (ushtria e vendosur në betejë array), ju jeni bekuar (Konceptimi papërlyer) në mesin e grave (Supozimi) dhe të bekuar (Mbretëresha e shenjtorëve) është rezultat i juaj (arka e besëlidhjes) barku Jezusi: Mesia në Betlehem ((kulla e Davidit, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdiu.   [Shenjtë Mari, Nëna e Perëndisë dhe i Kishës, Porta e Qiellit, lutu për ne mëkatarët (, frika horror, tmerri i demonëve), tani dhe në orën e vdekjes sonë. amen. Aleluja!.] Dije, në këtë mënyrë, unë ata kanë therur, dhe unë e kam shtyrë të gjithë, në gojën e ferrit. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Mbreti ♥: Izraeli: ♥ per Mehdiun, Mbretëria e Palestinës [Ave Maria] FMN FED BQE: pi helm tuaj të bërë me veten.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

toring van David King)). [Hail Mary vol van genade (Koningin van die Engele), die Here is met jou (weermag wat vir die geveg opgestel is), is julle gelukkig (Onbevlekte) onder vroue (aanname) en geseënd (Koningin van die heiliges) is die resultaat van jou skoot (die Ark van die Verbond) Jesus die Messias in Bethlehem ((toring van Dawid, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.  [Heilige Maria, Moeder van God en van die Kerk, poort van die hemel, bid vir ons sondaars (vrees, horror, skrik van die duiwels nie), nou en in die uur van ons dood. Amen. Halleluja!] Ken, op hierdie manier, ek het hulle geslag, en ek het al gestoot, aan die mond van die doderyk. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi, koninkryk van Palestina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drink jou gif wat deur jouself gemaak.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

((برج الملك داود)). [السلام عليك يا مريم] ممتلئة نعمة (ملكة الملائكة)، والرب معك (الجيش تعيينها في مجموعة المعركة)، وأنعم عليك (الحبل بلا دنس) بين النساء (العذراء) ومباركة (ملكة القديسين) هو نتيجة الخاص رحم (تابوت العهد) يسوع: المسيح في بيت لحم ((برج داود، k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: الملك ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ المهدي.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

يصلي [يا قديسة مريم، يا والدة الله والكنيسة، بوابة السماء، لأجلنا نحن الخطأة (الخوف، والرعب، رعب الشياطين)، والآن وفي ساعة موتنا. آمين. الله اكبر.] تعرف، وبهذه الطريقة، لقد ذبح لهم، ولقد دفعت كل شيء، على فم الجحيم. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. REI الخط الفاصل ♰: ♥ الملك: إسرائيل: ♥ للالمهدي، مملكة فلسطين [افي ماريا] صندوق النقد الدولي البنك المركزي الأوروبي FED اشرب السم الخاص الذي أدلى به نفسك.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

((tårn af David King)). [Hil dig, Maria] fuld af nåde (Queen of Angels), Herren er med dig (hær indstillet i Slagorden), er du velsignet (ubesmittede undfangelse) blandt kvinder (antagelse) og velsignede (Queen of Saints) er resultatet af din livmoderen (den Pagtens Ark) Jesus: Messias i Bethlehem ((tårn af David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi.   [Hellige Maria, Guds moder og af Kirken, Gate of Heaven, bed for os syndere (frygt, rædsel, rædsel af dæmoner), nu og i vores sidste time, død. Amen. Halleluja.] Vid, på denne måde, har jeg dem slagtet, og jeg har skubbet alt, på munden af helvede. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, rige Palæstina [Ave Maria] IMF FED ECB: drik din gift lavet af dig selv.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

(מגדל מלך דוד)). [מייסון] מלא חסד (מלכת מלאכים), ה 'איתך (צבא קבע במבנה קרב), אתה מבורך (התעברות טהורה) בקרב נשים (הנחה) ותברך (המלכה של קדושים) הוא התוצאה שלך רחם (ארון הברית) ישו: משיח בבית הלחם ((מגדל דוד, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ מהדים.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[מריה הקדושה, אם האלוהים ושל הכנסייה, שער השמים, להתפלל עבורנו חוטאים (פחד, אימה, פחד של שדים), עתה ובשעה מותנו. אמן. הללויה.] דע, בדרך זו, יש לי אותם נשחט, ואני דחפתי את כולם, בפתחו של גיהינום. ג SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. ריי unius ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ להדים, ממלכת פלסטין [Ave מריה] IMF FED-ECB: לשתות הרעל שלך עשה בעצמך.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

((טורעם פון דוד מלך)). [שלום מר] פול פון חסד (מלכּה פון מלאכים), די האר איז מיט איר (אַרמיי שטעלן אין שלאַכט מענגע), איר זענט ברוך (יממאַקולאַטע קאָנסעפּטיאָן) צווישן פרויען (אַססומפּטיאָן) און ברוך (מלכּה פון סיינץ) איז דער רעזולטאַט פון דיין טראכט (די אַרק פון די קאָווענאַנט) יאָשקע: משיח אין בעטהלעהעם ((טורעם פון דוד, ק.י.נ.ג.)). קספּ בקס סם לנדסמד וורס נסמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: י.ס.ר.אַ.ע.ל: ♥ מאַדי.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[רוס מרים, מוטער פון גאָט און פון די קהילה, גייט פון הימל, דאַוונען פֿאַר אונדז זינדיקע (מורא, גרויל, טעראָר פון בייזע גייסטער), איצט און אין די שעה פון אונדזער טויט. אמן. אַללעלויאַ.] וויסן, אין דעם וועג, איך האב זיי סלאָטערד, און איך ווע פּושט אַלע, אויף די מויל פון גיהנום. C ספּבקסס מלנדס מדוורסן סמווסמקליווב. רעי וניוס ♰: מלך ♥: ישראל: ♥ פֿאַר מאַדי, מלכות פון פּאַלעסטינע [אַווע מאַריאַ] ימף פאסטעכער עקב: טרינקען דיין סם געמאכט דורך זיך.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

((David King kulesi)). [Hail Mary] lütuf (Melekler Kraliçesi) dolu, Rab (ordu savaş dizide ayarlanmış), sen kadın (Varsayım) ve mübarek (Saints Kraliçesi) arasında (Immaculate Conception) mübarek sizin sonucudur rahim (Ahit Sandığı) İsa: Bethlehem Messiah ((David kulesi, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mehdi. [Kutsal Meryem, Tanrı'nın ve Kilise'nin Annesi, Cennet Kapısı, şimdi ve ölüm saatinde, bizim için günahkarlar (şeytanların korku, korku, terör) dua. amen. Elhamdülillah.] Bu şekilde, onları katletti var, ve ben cehennemin ağzına, tüm itti ettik, bilin. C SPBCSS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB MLNDS. Rei unius ♰: Kral ♥: İsrail: ♥ Mehdi, krallık için Filistin'de [Ave Maria] IMF FED'in ECB: kendiniz tarafından yapılan zehir içilir.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

((Turm von David King)). [Hail Mary] voll der Gnade (Queen of Angels), der Herr ist mit dir (Armee gesetzt in Schlachtordnung), Sie sind gesegnet (Mariä Empfängnis) unter den Frauen (Maria Himmelfahrt) und gesegnet (Königin der Heiligen) ist das Ergebnis Ihrer Gebärmutter (die Bundeslade) Jesus: Messias in Bethlehem ((Turm von David, k.i.n.g.)). CSP BCS SM LNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: I.s.r.a.e.l: ♥ Mahdi. [Heilige Maria, Mutter Gottes und der Kirche, Pforte des Himmels, bitte für uns Sünder (Angst, Schrecken, Terror der Dämonen), jetzt und in der Stunde unseres Todes. Amen. Alleluia.] Wissen Sie, auf diese Weise habe ich sie geschlachtet, und ich habe alle, an der Mündung der Hölle geschoben. C SPBCSS MLNDS MDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ für Mahdi, Reich Palästina [Ave Maria] IWF FED EZB: Trinken Sie Ihr Gift selbst gemacht.
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

Benjamin Netanyahu ] tutti coloro che hanno fatto: 1. accordi, 2. rese, 3. armistizio, 4. alleanze militari, 5. patti, con islamici? oggi sono estinti! Nei Balcani lo sanno bene, chi vince fa il genocidio o caccia le popolazioni di chi perde! Ecco perché, con la benedizione di ONU e NATO in Cossovo è stato fatto il Genocidio di tutti i serbi! La sharia non lascia sopravvivere nessuno! 1400 anni di storia, andrebbero studiati! Ed è inquietante, che coloro che hanno la teologia della sostituzione, e che non avuto nessuna evoluzione teologica possano essere ritenuti alleati credibili! e se avessero desideri di pace, non avrebbero la sharia. Ma, se il tuo Talmud consente di ingannare i goyim, perché non lo dovrebbe consentire il loro Corano di ingannare i dhimmi? infatti, loro entrambi sono da satana!

che cosa qualcuno pensa di ottenere dai maniaci religiosi NAZISTI SHARIA, della LEGA ARABA? LORO POSSONO SOLTANTO UCCIDERE O ESSERE UCCISI! ED IL GIORNO DELLA LORO ESECUZIONE, NESSUNO DEI FARISEI MASSONI BILDENBERG, SPA TROIKA, FMI, 322 NWO, POTRà DIRE: "IO NON NE SAPEVO NIENTE!".. VOI LEGGETE I LIBRI DI STORIA E DAL GIORNO DEL LORO FALSO E MALEDETTO PROFETA, è CHE LORO SONO SEMPRE STATI COSì.. QUESTO è EVIDENTE: GLI USA OBAMA GENDER NATO, CIA, HANNO DECISO DI ROVINARE IL GENERE UMANO! ] [ Netanyahu, Khamenei resta aggressivo, Prima reazione premier Israele dopo intesa storica ] TEL AVIV, 19 luglio 2015 [ In una prima reazione al discorso del leader supremo iraniano Ali Khamenei, Benyamin Netanyahu ha affermato: "Se qualcuno pensava che le grandi concessioni fatte all'Iran avrebbero cambiato la sua politica, ha ricevuto ora la risposta con le sue parole aggressive e di sfida". "Gli iraniani - ha aggiunto il premier - non si sforzano nemmeno di nascondere che utilizzeranno centinaia di miliardi di dollari ricevuti in virtù dell'accordo per rafforzare il loro apparato terroristico".

a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] come puoi dire il sono la vera religione (e questo andrebbe dimostrato attraverso, amore, bontà, la giustizia di non fare violenza a persone pacifiche ed oneste, e di rispettare libertà di religione e di coscienza), per affermare proprio tu, invece, che il tuo Allah è il demonio! tu dici: " quindi io sono anche la teologia della sostituzione, ed io ho il diritto con varie tecniche subdole, di fare il genocidio di tutte le altre religioni, perché, con il nazismo della sharia, io vi devo tutti soffocare ed uccidere.. e questo io lo posso fare perché i froci, scimmie evolute, di OBAMA GENDER, i sacerdoti di satana 322 Bush kerry: SpA Fmi NWO, 666 Rothschild il talmud, tutto loro me lo hanno permesso!

a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] non posso dire ai rotti di culo, club Obama GENDER, ai sacerdoti di satana 666 Rothschild Talmud, Bush 322 NWO, Califfato sharia, Corano di merda apostasia blasfemia, teologia sostituzione genocidio ideologico e pratico, OIC: sistema massonico Bildenderg SpA, tutte le religioni ipocrite del mondo (proprio tutte), egoisti, lussuriosi, corrotti, pervertiti, ipocriti, cinici, comunisti, farisei, massoni, salafiti, evoluzionisti, relativisti, femministe, materialisti, parassiti, ribelli e negatori dei valori naturali e fondamentali, ecc.. : "voi votatemi, perché io sono la democrazia!". NO! non funziona in questo modo: io dirò a tutti coloro che hanno tradito il regno di Dio JHWH: "voi non mi dovete desiderare, perché io vi voglio vedere morire, anzi, sarò proprio io ad uccidervi!" ed ecco perché, io non ho nessun rispetto delle persone di questo pianeta che fanno i leader in modo abusivo (calpestando la legge naturale e la legge universale dell'Universo), ed io non ho attenzioni per compiacere queste merde criminali di persone, che, sono piene di demoni. Ecco perché, io sono sincero, quindi questo è il mio potere politico, che è uno standard universale, con il quale, io ho sempre vinto ogni tipo di scontro il youtube e nel mondo: in questi 7 anni, dove io ho dimostrato di essere invincibile, perché, io possiedo una logica razionale ed una coerenza intima, che non esiste confronto su questo pianeta, quindi, proprio tutto quello che io penso, anche, proprio è tutto quello che io dico (ormai l'ultima risorsa politica prima della guerra mondiale nucleare dove vi vedrò morire tutti, o quasi). Quindi, questo è il mio potere politico universale: 1. la lealtà, 2. la verità, 3. la giustizia, 4. la imparzialità, 5. la uguaglianza, 6. la fratellanza universale.. POI, CIRCA LA MIA MILLANTATA E PRESUNTA ESPERIENZA DI FEDE, LA MIA SUBLIME TEOLOGIA, ECC.. CHI PUò DIMOSTRARE QUESTE COSE, SE, PRIMA NON HO POTUTO FARE DI TUTTI VOI UNA SOLA MARMELLATA DI SANGUE?
è INUTILE continuare a FAR FINTA DI ESSERE STUPIDI ] la Lega ARABA sta attaccando l'Occidente ed il mondo intero, con la sua maledetta e corrotta religione, con il suo nazismo sharia, e con i suoi servizi segreti, ONU OCI, Ummah MECCA; il Nazismo sharia. ORMAI LA GUERRA MONDIALE CONTRO nazismo sharia LEGA ARABA è UN ATTO INEVITABILE! ] Siria: Ong, 5mila uccisi in Ramadan [ Spari basi Tennessee, uccisi 4 marines. Morto anche aggressore, 24/enne americano originario del Kuwait. Una combo con Mohammod Youssuf Abdulazeez e i fiori sul luogo della strage. WASHINGTON, 17 luglio 2015. Quattro marines uccisi in due basi militari, una poco distante dall'altra, a Chattanooga in Tennessee. L'autore e' un cittadino americano, originario del Kuwait, Mohammed Youssef Abdulazeez, 24 anni, morto a sua volta. Il presidente americano Barack Obama, nel presentare le condoglianze alle vittime delle famiglie, assicura un''indagine a tutto campo, bla bla bla..'' per capire cosa sia accaduto. E informa che il Pentagono e' al lavoro per assicurarsi che tutte le basi siano ''allerta e vigili'' mentre si cerca di far luce sui particolari dell'incidente. A guidare le indagini e' l'Fbi, affiancata dalle autorita' locali. A caldo il procuratore Bill Killian ha definito l'incidente un atto di ''terrorismo domestico''. [Tennessee, killer andò in Giordania] Io credo che il Califfo OBAMA debba essere fucilato per alto tradimento!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] circa la mia millantata posizione sul Trono di Dio JHWH, questo è qualcosa che nessun uomo sano di mente dovrebbe mai poter credere, e che anche io, non dovrei mai osare di credere: "LA INFINITA UMILTà DI DIO HOLY JHWHW" che lui ha reso possibile, una cosa del genere così vertiginosa, soltanto perché, io non mi ritengo migliore di nessuno, soprattutto non mi ritengo migliore di un pigmeo.. e che cosa straordinaria io non do nessun orgoglio: o vanto, e non pretendo privilegi, a questo essere Unius REI, come, può essere il bere un solo bicchiere di acqua quando si ha sete, cioè, io valuto non un onore, ma soltanto come una responsabilità, questo grande potere che Dio mi ha dato nel Regno di Dio. Così, un bambino di 9 anni, nella sua semplicità, può dimostrare di avere ragione contro di me, ed io sarei felice di ubbidire a lui! Quindi, io non sono un profeta, che sarebbe incompatibile con la funzione politica.. io ho i poteri sovrani legislativi così come in Cielo, nel Regno di Dio, così come, anche in Terra. Quello che io decido di fare? Dio lo accredita, se, non esiste ancora lo crea per me, e il mio Regno Celeste lo realizzerà, perché non c'è ombra di razzismo, faziosità, o qualche forma di predominio ideologico o religioso, nella mia dottrina metafisica. Certo non avrei difeso il cristianesimo se non erano gli assassini che lo stavano attaccando! Infatti, è molto umiliante per il tuo Dio demonio Allah, pensare che lui è così frocio impotente, da avere bisogno di essere difeso dalla tua scimitarra! Questa è la verità: tu non hai nessuna fede in Dio, infatti tu sei soltanto, un assassino seriale che vuole conquistare il mondo!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] ma, voi siete troppo criminali e TROPPO satanisti per poter capire ME, e cosa più difficile, PUR CAPENDO ME, COME poter prendere decisioni adeguatamente politiche? ... ma, che fretta c'è? all'inferno voi sbattere in una disperazione, quasi infinita, che, è un dolore che oggi vi potrebbe uccidere 1000 volte in un solo minuto! IO SONO QUALCOSA CHE VOI NON POTETE AFFRONTARE! infatti, IO SONO L'AMORE, il vostro nemico!

Merkel troika e Regina Elisabetta GB: usurai strozzini, ma voi a quale culto di: satana microchip, Bohemian Grove gufo Baal voi ci state portando? ] [ le bestie di satana: 1. satanisti farisei massoni SpA Fmi, e: 2. satanisti islamici LEGA ARABA: sharia califfato, loro faranno è vero tra di loro "mezzo giorno di fuoco", ma, prima sono alleati tra di loro per complottare contro Europa e contro Israele, e per soffocare tutto il genere umano: facendoci uccidere tra di noi e mettendoci l'uno contro l'altro! se, voi non volete vedere inghilterra e germania trasformate in un cimitero radioattivo, Roma trasformata in un califfato, Gerusalemme trasformata in califfato, ecc.. noi dobbiamo unirci subito a CINA e Russia, e dobbiamo, spezzare la NATO. NOI dobbiamo costringere il Talmud 322 USA, e il Corano Saudita Allah demonio genocidio akbar, a fare tra di loro, questo mezzo giorno di fuoco, prima che ci abbiano fatto distruggere tra di noi! Infatti, il nostro destino di sopravvivenza e lo steso destino di CINA e Russia.. Voglio da voi subito atti politici concreti in questa direzione!
TALMUD 666 CORANO ]] i vostri libri di teologia sono la merda di Satana [[ BRUCIATE TUTTO! ]] Dio è infinita umiltà, e lui non pretende di essere Dio, di comandare su tutto e tutti.. perché l'amore si fa uguaglianza, si fa paritario con le sue creature! Se, il Padrone si innamorasse della sua operaia, poi, costei diventando sua moglie, non diventerebbe a sua volta, la sua Padrona e la Sua signora, ugualmente? Così, l'amore in Dio non prevede gerarchie forzose, perché l'amore suo è perfetto! e quindi,Dio JHWH, lui non pretende od impone alle sue santificate creature, un obbligo di culto di lode e di adorazione! NON ESISTE UNA COSTRIZIONE IN PARADISO! SOLTANTO CHE: il livello di verità, giustizia e amore che Dio può fare è un livello infinito: oggettivamente lui è il migliore. non riuscirai mai a vincere la sua umiltà, o a vincere la sua tenerezza, e le sue premure per te: sono infinite anche oggi. quindi anche se Lucifero non capiva (perché Dio ha condiviso la natura divina con i cristiani: effusionati, nati di nuovo, ma, non con gli angeli), lui non avrebbe dovuto mettere in dubbio la santità di Dio, quindi anche noi in Adamo ed Eva abbiamo messo in dubbio la santità di Dio, rompendo il sacramento di amore che ci legava a lui, quindi abbiamo fatto la esperienza del peccato, morte, ecc. CHE SE CI PENSATE è SOLTANTO UNA CONDIZIONE DI SEPARAZIONE DA DIO. quindi quando ritorniamo in Paradiso in uno stato di Grazia E DI COMUNIONE, anche maggiore del Paradiso Terrestre e poi vediamo: Obama E GENDER, di urlare all'inferno? poi, il minimo che noi possiamo fare è amare e lodare Dio che è una cosa che è una gioia giubilo, di spontanea necessità perché altrimenti l'amore che Dio ci ha dato, che è un amore infinito, se non esce fuori da noi ci farebbe scoppiare! INFATTI ANCHE LA FELICITà PUò UCCIDERE!

TALMUD 666 CORANO ]] MA voi siete razzisti, criminali, assassini seriali, ladri, bugiardi, usurai, ipocriti, però la vostra religione di satana vi ha detto che, voi andrete in Paradiso.. OK, allora, noi MANDIAMO I SANTI INNOCENTI MARTIRI CRISTIANI ALL'INFERNO AL POSTO VOSTRO ALLORA!

Benjamin Netanyahu ] di che cosa tu ti meravigli? [ non è la prima volta che io vedo quì nel Governo Massonico mondiale di youtube, i sacerdoti di satana e i farisei, soccorrere e consolare gli islamici sharia.. ]  è UNA SCENA RIVOLTANTE! Qui in: c'è stato un islamico "Abu Antar" agente segreto di Siria e Iran (187AudioHostem lo ha detto), che lui faceva l'amico con i sacerdoti di satana i cannibali della CIA, ma, ovviamente lui non faceva l'amico con me! Eppure dopo anni che lui si spacciava per cristiano? io lo smascherai.. lui era un musulmano!

#youtube SpA 666 ] [ io non so adesso il mio grande maestro yitzhak kaduri cioè come lui potrebbe prenderla! ] [ Questo account è stato sospeso a causa di molteplici o gravi violazioni delle norme di YouTube riguardanti spam, gioco d'azzardo, contenuti ambigui o di altre violazioni dei Termini di servizio. ] youtube allert YOUTUBE WARNING [ ma, non avevi deciso di salvarmi i commenti?
yitzhak kaduri 3 giorni fa

ERDOGAN HA GIURATO DI FORMARE UN ESERCITO DI VENTI MILIONI DI SOLDATI (perché a suo dire, altre 8 nazioni appartengono alla Turchia), Tutti i Greci e tutti gli Israeliani moriranno per voi contro questo esercito di islamici [[ Grecia: misure austerity in Parlamento. Manovra da oltre 3 miliardi tra tasse e tagli di spesa ]] NON SIATE AVARI E PAGATE BENE LA VOSTRA CARNE DA CANNONE, QUELLA CARNE DA MACELLO CHE I FARISEI ANGLO AMERICANI, HANNO PREPARATO PER FORTIFICARE IL NWO FMI SPA, COME CONQUISTA GLOBALE! perché è SATANA IL VERO DIO DEL TALMUD.
I sauditi hanno riesumato l'ISLAM medioevale dei salafiti, quindi, hanno trasformato l'ISLAM, in una questione di vita o di morte, per tutto il genere umano! ora, noi siamo costretti ad uccidere gli islamici ad uno ad uno. e quello che io dico (il futuro) è già stato scritto nei libri di storia dei vostri figli (il passato)! Quando un islamico non si vede uccidere? è proprio lui il primo a sentirsi meravigliato! Così ha fatto l'ITALIA, ha preso un reclutatore dello ISIS sharia, ed invece di ucciderlo, lo ha estradato! Sono i sauditi i veri responsabili della galassia jihadista nel mondo, mentre gli USA dei satanisti massoni, sono stati i suoi complici facilitatori.. la attuale agenda dei farisei anglo americani è quella di uccidere la civiltà cristiana, ecco perché, Russia, Israele e Europa sono state condannate alla disintegrazione!

la storia del mio Maestro il Rabbino yitzhak kaduri è una storia più importante della mia ] Prima di morire, Kaduri aveva asserito che si aspettava che il "Mashiach", il messia ebreo, dovesse arrivare presto e che l'aveva incontrato un anno prima. : “Egli solleverà il popolo e dimostrerà che la sua parola e la sua legge sono valide.” Nel testo originale in ebraico le prime lettere  delle parole che compongono questa frase formano il nome Yehoshua. Ovvero, Gesù. [ lui fece pubblicare dal suo "discepolo notaio" un anno dopo la sua morte, che il Messia vero degli ebrei era Gesù! Ovviamente, il suo obiettivo era quello di scendere all'Inferno, per prendere a calci nelle palle tutti gli scribi e i farisei, i morti e gli stramorti di Rothschild e di tutti gli Illuminati, quindi con un bastone li ha picchiati tutti senza pietà! Perché loro hanno ingannato, rovinato il popolo degli ebrei: distrutto le benedizioni di Mosé e Abramo! e mentre tutte le anime maledette, ridevano sghignazzavano e si rallegravano per essere riuscite a ingannarlo e rovinarlo, precipitato all'inferno anche lui.. poi, come il notaio discepolo ha letto la sua dichiarazione, Gesù di Betlemme è sceso all'inferno e se lo è portato in Paradiso.. a quella scena, tutti i demoni e tutti i farisei Illuminati salafiti massoni, hanno incominciato ad urlare così forte che le fiamme sono arrivate a livello del calore sole
Yitzhak Kaduri predisse la guerra in Afganistan e lo tsunami, ADESSO TUTTI SI ATTENDONO CON CERTEZZA IL COMPIMENTO DI QUEST'ULTIMA SUA PROFEZIA!  Ecco infatti la descrizione spirituale del Messia, pubblicata dal nipote Yosef, anch’egli rabbino. "È difficile, per molte Nazioni, accettare la leadership di un Messia in carne ed ossa. Come capo, Egli non avrà alcun incarico, ma sarà tra la gente e parlerà tramite i media. Il suo regno sarà puro e privo di interessi personali o politici. Durante il suo dominio, regneranno solo la giustizia e la verità. Crederemo tutti in Lui? No, all’inizio alcuni lo faranno ed altri no. Sarà più facile seguire il Messia per i non credenti che per gli ortodossi. La sua rivelazione avverrà in due fasi: prima, confermerà la sua posizione senza sapere lui stesso che è il Messia. Poi si rivelerà ad alcuni Ebrei, non necessariamente ai saggi esperti di Torah. Magari saranno persone comuni. Solo allora si paleserà all’intera nazione. La gente si stupirà e si chiederà:”Cosa, è lui il Messia?”. Molti ne hanno conosciuto il nome, ma non gli hanno creduto". LOL. QUESTI RABBINI SONO SORPRENDENTI, ma nessuno si aspetta da loro una perfezione interpretativa al 100%.

Benjamin Netanyahu ] questo è vero, quì i sacerdoti di satana lo possono testimoniare, quando con il mio primo canale, lorenzoJHWH 30 mar 2008, io mi sono proclamato il Re degli ebrei, è vero che, io non pensavo di essere il Messia degli ebrei.. e la coscienza di essere anche Unius REi il Governatore Procuratore del Genere Umano, su tutte la Nazioni del mondo, questo è avvenuto in seguito. Questo deve essere detto, senza l'aiuto dei satanisti? io non avrei capito molto: della mia identità, era la mia immagine così come rimbalzava e si rifletteva attraverso il loro terrore, che, mi ha fatto capire la universalità e la potenza di questo ministero politico metafisico. Poi è proprio vero che io sono sempre stato proprio così: "Il suo regno sarà puro e privo di interessi personali o politici. Durante il suo dominio, regneranno solo la giustizia e la verità. "
Rothschild scimmia di satana ] quale è il tuo problema? con i soldi che io deciderò di lasciarti tu farai diventare metà della Arabia Saudita come il giardino del Signore!

Benjamin Netanyahu ]  Bari (26 febbraio 1984) [ quando il nostro compianto maestro Yitzhak Kaduri mi ha potuto vedere? alla televisione ovviamente, io era l'Accolito e chierico che manteneva il bastone PASTORALE, nella principale celebrazione liturgica di Piazza Ferrarese, quel bastone, che poi, diventerà anche il bastone pastorale di Benedetto XVI, ovviamente nel 1984 io avevo 24 anni, e mai è poi mai io avrei potuto pensare che non sarei più diventato un presbitero, e che sarei diventato il messia degli ebrei: lorenzoJHWH, e il Mahdì lorenzoAllah di tutti i musulmani! ma, lui il nostro compianto maestro Yitzhak Kaduri? LUI GIà SAPEVA TUTTO! due sono le ipotesi: 1. la più probabile è che lo Spirito Santo ha parlato al suo spirito; 2. è evidente lui è riuscito a decompilare il codice "W", cioè, quello che lo scienziato Newton non era riuscito a fare, se non in modo parziale!
Benjamin Netanyahu ]  non è che io mi sento migliore o più intelligente di qualcuno: NO! io credo di essere inadeguato, rispetto a tutti, in questo mondo! ED io ho bisogno del parere di tutti, perché non mi posso assumere la responsabilità di un giudizio errato! MA QUESTO è quello che PIù FORTE DI ME, la mia caratteristica principale! Se, io vedo qualcuno, ipocrita o bugiardo, che, lui vuole fare il furbo per derubare, o per danneggiare qualcun'altro? IO DIVENTO VIOLENTO COME UNA BESTIA! perché l'unica categoria che io conosco sono quella di uomini donne (tutti con uguali diritti ed uguali doveri in tutto il mondo), e le persone che hanno dei gravi problemi di salute e si chiamano: GENDER
Benjamin Netanyahu ] SE, tutto il sistema massonico occidentale, alto tradimento signoraggio bancario, SpA Rothschild FMI, FED, ecc.. Banche Centrali, non era fondato, sui sacerdoti di satana della CIA, che fanno 200000 sacrifici umani sull'altare di satana, ogni anno, poi, non sarebbe mai esistito nessun Messia: Mahdì, lorenzoJHWH, lorenzoAllah, ed Unius REI. ] [ perché non avrei mai potuto esistere come Unius REI senza i sacerdoti di satana? io ho scritto per mesi, Dombass, invece di scrivere Donbass, e su quanti ministri di Dio falliti ipocriti, codardi, esistono in tutto il mondo: delle religioni del cazzo JabullOn inciucio massonico il modernismo.. ecc.. bene, nessuno di loro è venuto a correggere il mio errore, tranne che un sacerdote di satana che è venuto ad insultarmi per questo motivo!
POI, LO STATUTO SE LO METTONO NEL CULO! ] [ è giusto finanziare i partiti ed obbligarli ad aprire, sedi territoriali di rappresentanza politica, in ogni Comune di Italia.. Anche la democrazia ha il suo prezzo! Quei poveretti di FdI sono dei pezzenti e miserabili morti di fame, che non riescono a fare a Bari neanche una sede regionale! POI, LO STATUTO SE LO METTONO NEL CULO!
"Abracadabra! ECCOVI LA NORMA AMMAZZA BLOG ] tra un poco faranno la norma ammazza massoni Illuminati [ QUESTI FARISEI MASSONI BILDENBERG ADESSO HANNO INCOMINCIATO A ROMPERE I COGLIONI! [ Sono ora in Commissione a lavorare sulla proposta di legge del Pd che ha il fine di sbloccare velocemente i finanziamenti pubblici ai soliti partiti sanguisuga (pdl Boccadutri). Non noi ovviamente che li abbiamo rifiutati tutti. Guardate un po' cosa scopro: un bell'emendamento che vieta la pubblicità nei blog riconducibili ai movimenti politici. Vogliono farci fuori!
VIDEO Che fastidio che dà l’informazione quando è libera La norma #AmmazzaBlog Significa che stiamo andando alla grande e che Pd & Co. temono ogni giorno di più una nostra vittoria alle prossime elezioni. Inutile il dire che non gli conviene approvarla. Non farebbero che accelerare la nostra vittoria." 16 Lug 2015, 16:25

Benjamin Netanyahu ]  questi assassini seriali, commercianti di schiavi goyim, usurai rothschild, satanisti cannibali della CIA, NATO, agenda: guerra mondiale, farisei talmud culto Illuminati, parassiti, alto tradimento massonico, hanno cambiato il termine: "Troika", in termine: "Creditori", ma, tutti diranno il termine: "RODITORI" [ PAX ] TUTTI COSTORO? FARANNO DISINTEGRARE ISRAELE, SE ARABIA SAUDITA NON TI DA LA TERRA CHE IO HO CHIESTO IN 15 GIORNI, TU DISINTEGRALI!
chi è Harry Louis, United States Military Academy (USMA)
e perché i sacerdoti di satana: CIA DATAGATE, hanno modificato le mie impostazioni privacy sul suo post, che loro mi hanno portato questo uomo? perché hanno così tanta paura di lui?
Questo è evidente lui sarà un altro esorcista cristiano cattolico, pentecostale, nato di nuovo ed effusionato come me. cioè, una BESTIA di DIO JHWH, come me, che neanche la morte può fermare!
ma, chissà che fine hanno fatto tutte le sue mogli, e tutti i suoi figli! ???
Comunque, io non sono un razzista, che non sa accogliere sulla via del pentimento chiunque!
ciao,  Harry Louis, tu hai scelto di entrare nella mia vita, ed io non ti ho escluso dal mio amore!
Harry non è su Hangouts. Vedrà i tuoi messaggi più tardi.
chi è Harry Louis, United States Military Academy (USMA)
e perché i sacerdoti di satana: CIA DATAGATE, hanno modificato le mie impostazioni privacy sul suo post, che è loro, che, mi hanno portato questo uomo!!
ma, perché hanno così tanta paura di lui?
Questo è evidente lui sarà un altro esorcista cristiano cattolico, pentecostale, nato di nuovo ed effusionato come me. cioè, una specia di BESTIA di DIO JHWH, come me, che neanche la morte può fermare!
ma, chissa che fine hanno fatto tutte le sue mogli, e tutti i suoi figli! ???
Comunque, io non sono un razzista, che non sa accogliere sulla via del pentimento chiunque!
ciao,  Harry Louis, tu hai scelto di entrare nella mia vita ed io non ti ho escluso dal mio amore!
i am king Israel
ie, political proiect, for kingdom of Israel
this is my Master yitzhak kaduri
this is my Messiah in Jeusus's name, amen alleluia!
really i love you, you are all my life
i live for you.
questa è la verità, io non temo nessuna sfida, perché agli occhi di Davide, sembrava troppo piccolo il Gigante Golia, ecco perché, non c'è un futuro per il tuo Spa NWO, contro di me lui non una speranza di sopravvivere, io sono il generale supremo di tutto l'esercito del Signore! Gli arcangeli obbediscono al cenno della mia mano!
that's the truth, I do not fear any challenge, because in the eyes of David, seemed too small the Giant Goliath, why, there is no more a future for your Spa NWO, against me, none did not hope to survive, I are the supreme general Governor into Kingdom of JHWH, all the army of the Lord be with me! Archangels obey the nod of my hand!
Harry Louis, United States Military Academy (USMA) tu lo sai, io ho preso le coordinate della tua anima, ed ora io ti seguirò fino al tuo esito finale! ma, io combatterò, affinché, dove io sono anche tu possa essere!
un altra mia amica, in youtube, di cui io non ho saputo più niente è Yeevooihon, io ignoro, non conosco la sua sorte, ma, certamente il suo canale è stato acherato, da soggetti squallidi, all'inizio c'era un tipo che si dichiarava il re di youtube, una gang di gente pericolosa! adesso il sito ha preso una piega pornografica!
ma, forse il mio amico Harry Louis, United States Military Academy USMA, lui potrebbe vendicare, le mie due amiche, che sono sparite in youtube
Harry Louis ] AMICO: i farisei salafiti uccideranno: Israele, Europa, Cina, Russia, ecc.. poi, faranno 5 miliardi di morti ] ed a te QUESTO NON LO HANNO DETTO [ io odio la violenza, ecco perché quando sarò diventato io, il padrone del mondo, io smetterò di essere violento! MA, è QUESTA LA VERITà IL SISTEMA MASSONICO DELLA BANCHE CENTRALI SPA? SI TROVA NEL POSTO SBAGLIATO, E AL MOMENTO SBAGLIATO, PERCHé, questo è alto tradimento contro di me. ecco perché, pur essendo di indole pacifica, IO UCCIDERò LORO CON TUTTI I LORO COMPLICI!
Sotto terra in USA ci sono città METROPOLITANE, INGEGNERIA GENETICA E BIOLOGIA SINTETICA, tutte piene di mutanti, satanisti ed alieni, che Obama, sa soltanto di essere un GENDER, lui non conosce, di questo lui non sa nulla.. che, anche tu non conosci un cazzo! i Bush 322 i Rothschild hanno così rovinato gli USA, che il satanismo ha preso il controllo, ad un livello di tecnologia parallela, che Dio prima o poi vi disintegrerà tutti quanti con un asteroide gigante spugnoso, reso incandescente dall'attrito con il sole!
a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] per me Satana il GENDER, lui vale meno di una zanzara! Infatti, le zanzare stanno rallentando il mio lavoro (ne ho uccise circa 30 in meno di 20 minuti, che è una cosa, che potrebbe insospettire), ma, Satana, lui non si può avvicinare, perché rischia di essere mutilato, e ridotto allo stato larvale. lol. proprio che, se Satana pensa di salvare l'Impero di Nwo, 322 Bush Rothschild, con le zanzare? lol. allora vuol dire che lui è proprio arrivato alla feccia!

a Salman dell'Arabia Saudita ] chi pensa in se stesso: "io voglio fare di me stesso il nemico di Unius REI" lui ha deciso di andare incontro a tribolazioni, di una tale entità e dimensione, di cui lui non può conoscere la vastità! Perché soltanto un ignorante del soprannaturale, può pensare in questo modo, infatti nessun satanista lo pensa! .. è rimasta proverbiale, quella sfida mortale che, un sacerdote di satana spagnolo, ha accettato di fare contro di me: ShalomGerusalemme channel, ma,... lui adesso va in chiesa tutti i giorni!
Dio per amore ha creato l'universo, ed ha voluto avere dei figli, anche, che, questi figli, li ha messi nel Paradiso Terrestre. Poi, ogni pomeriggio JHWH scendeva a giocare con loro, li abbracciava e li circondava di ogni affetto. MA, questi figli non hanno creduto, non hanno ubbidito, ed hanno ritenuto ingiusto il loro benefattore! Questi figli hanno rotto il patto di amore, si sono ribellati, sono diventati abusivi, ed hanno spaccato nel dolore il cuore di Dio.. Quindi la nostra condanna era l'inferno immediato! non di poter ottenere la misericordia, in questi tempi supplementari tridimensionali di misericordia! Tuttavia coloro che hanno ricevuto misericordia a loro volta si sono fatti aguzzini, sfruttatori, dei loro fratelli, forse perché avevano un linguaggio diverso, oppure la loro pelle era stata più esposta al sole, e quindi avevano elementi caratterizzanti che, è questo che ha dato una giustificazione al loro razzismo omicida, che è sete smodata di ricchezza e di potere!
2 Timoteo 3:1-5 in questo elenco di peccati mortali, sono tutti dei peccati mortali così gravi, che anche uno solo di essi ti spingerà nell'inferno! NON TI VANTARE SE TI MANCA QUALCUNO DI LORO. 2 Timoteo 3:1-5 Or sappi questo: che negli ultimi giorni verranno tempi difficili,
2. perché gli uomini saranno amanti di se stessi, avidi di denaro, vanagloriosi superbi, bestemmiatori, disubbidienti ai genitori, ingrati, scellerati,
3. senza affetto, implacabili, calunniatori, intemperanti, crudeli, senza amore per il bene,
4. traditori, temerari, orgogliosi, amanti dei piaceri invece che amanti di Dio,
5. aventi l'apparenza della pietà, ma avendone rinnegato la potenza; da costoro allontanati.
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] CERTO TU SEI COLPEVOLE DI MORTE! perché quando si mette il tuo nome viene prima avanti quella bestia demonica di tuo fratello defunto all'inferno! e che vuoi dire? è stata tutta colpa sua e non è stata colpa mia? Così fanno anche i Farisei usurai loro danno la colpa ai loro padri, per finire insieme a loro all'inferno!
Ma, questo io dico, è dimostrato per 6 anni, quì in youtube io messo: holy JHWH, ed holy Allah come sinonimi, diversi nomi dello stesso Dio. E tutti sanno che per amore dei musulmani e di Holy Allah io ho fatto di me stesso il Mahdì, lorenzoALLAH. ma, è stata tutta colpa, soltanto tua, se adesso io guardo Allah come un demonio all'inferno!
Tu sarai disintegrato perché, tu hai fatto profanare da me il nome di Allah.. ed ora, il nome di Allah rimarrà profanato in ETERNO!
Unius REI è come Noè, respingere il suo amore, significa morire affogati! Se, il misericordioso Unius REI non è buono per te! Se la misericordia non ti ha potuto salvare. se, tu hai disprezzato la tenerezza del mio amore per te,
è vero: allora, non esiste più un futuro per te nella speranza, prendi le tue armi e vieni a morire contro di me, sul campo della tua sorte maledetta, 1. maledetto tu, 2. maledetto il tuo dio, e, 3. maledetto il tuo falso profeta!
my JHWH holy ] dove è quel figlio di una cagna, che ha sputato contro l'amore di Gesù Cristo di Betlemme benedetto e crocifisso risorto? io lo giuro solennemente: "lui non avrà mai parte alla mia eredità!" dove è quel figlio di una lupa, che fa del male a persone innocenti? io lo giuro solennemente: sull'altare di Dio SANTO, "io dilanierò tutte le loro ossa sulla bocca dell'inferno!"
questa storia inquietante tra Hollande e la sua moglie, la divorziata Segolene Royal, suo attuale ministro è una storia veramente inquietante.. lei ha aggredito la NUTELLA (marchio italiano) perché contiene olio di palma, e giustamente questo olio è tossico e cancerogeno, allora, perché non fare una legge per abolire totalmente l'olio di palma, in tutti gli alimenti?
come se, la storia di ogni massone, non fosse una storia totalmente inquietante, di traditore del giuramento costituzionale e del tradimento del Regno di Dio, quindi il demonio Baal JaBullOn domina il FMI FED SPA BCE NWO!
E tutti voi, molto presto, voi sarete tutti dei cadaveri radioattivi
    "Se il Congresso dirà no all'accordo - ammonisce Kerry - non ci saranno costrizioni per l'Iran, uccideremmo l'opportunità di fermarli e di impedire loro di avere la bomba atomica".
India: è commovente la tua preparazione alla guerra, e poiché i satanisti massoni: MERKEL, OBAMA, GENDER, Bildenberg sono l'Anticristo, tu ti stai preparando a fare la guerra, SOLTANTO, contro di me, che io sono il REGNO DI DIO! ] [ aggrediti tre pastori protestanti. Durante una visita a famiglia di un bambino malato. NEW DELHI - Tre pastori protestati hanno denunciato di essere stati aggrediti da un gruppo di sospetti radicali indù mentre ieri a New Delhi pregavano con alcune famiglie. Lo riporta oggi il quotidiano The Hindu. Secondo le autorità religiose si è trattato di "un atto di vendetta contro la comunità cristiana" da parte di componenti l'associazione indù Rashtrya Swayamsevak Sangh (Rss). L'organizzazione, affiliata al partito di governo del Bharatiya Janata Party (Bjp), ha però smentito le accuse.
20 luglio 2015.
my Israel ] [  che, ma, CHE significa che loro si sentono male? non sono venuto per far star bene i criminali istituzionali! i popoli oppressi e ridotti in schiavitù loro stanno peggio!
Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] so molto bene, che, io sono diventato il simbolo del Regno di Dio, il simbolo del Decalogo di Mosé, ed il simbolo stesso della giustizia: la LEGGE DIVINA, e che, come tale io non mi posso abbandonare alle debolezze umane! TU SEI ARRIVATO IN RITARDO, PRIMA DI TE MI HANNO già MINACCIATO I FARISEI Illuminati, E i SACERDOTI DI SATANA circa, questo tuo argomento!
CAZZO Salmān bin ʿAbd al-ʿAzīz Āl Saʿūd è re dell'Arabia Saudita dal 23 gennaio 2015, il secondo re dei cosiddetti "Sette Sudayrī" dopo suo fratello Fahd ] CAZZO, TU SEI PROPRIO UNA CIOLA! [ tu hai detto, che Maometto è l'ultimo dei profeti, e che la Rivelazione è compiuta. Quindi tu hai ordinato a Dio HOLY, di tacere, e di non aprire più la bocca! Ecco perché, quando io verrò da te, io ti taglierò: la lingua e poi, io ti taglierò la gola come: bestemmiatore, abusivo nemico di Dio apostata, blasfemo e satanista! tu e il maledetto tuo falso profeta pedofilo poligamo e tutti i peccati sono stati con lui all'inferno! anche tu come lui: esoterico, predone, commerciante di schiavi, ipocrita, e cattivo: come un fariseo, soltanto più ignorante e stupido di lui. TU SEI NATO COME UNO SBAGLIO IMPURO E MALEDETTO, MA, AD OGNI SBAGLIO BISOGNA PORRE RIMEDIO!

((tower of David King)). [Hail Mary] full of grace (Queen of Angels), the Lord is with you (army set in battle array), you are blessed (Immaculate Conception) among women (Assumption) and blessed (Queen of Saints) is the result of your womb (the Ark of the Covenant) Jesus: Messiah in Bethlehem ((tower of David king)). CSP BCSSMLNDSMD VRS NSMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ Mahdi. [Holy Mary, Mother of God and of the Church, Gate of Heaven, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. amen. Alleluia.] Know, in this way, I have them slaughtered, and I've pushed all, on the mouth of hell. CSPBCSS MLNDSMDVRSN SMVSMQLIVB. Rei unius ♰: King ♥: Israel: ♥ for Mahdi, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

[Ave Maria] piena di grazia(regina degli angeli), il Signore è con te(sercito schierato a battaglia), tu sei benedetta(Immacolata Concezione) fra le donne(Assunta in Cielo) e benedetto(regina dei santi) è il frutto del tuo seno(Arca della Alleanza) Gesù: CSPBCSSMLNDSMD VRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰: king ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma-h-di. [Santa Maria, madre di Dio, prega per noi peccatori, ora, e nell'ora, della nostra morte. amen. alleluia.] così in questo modo io li ho macellati, e li ho spinti tutti, sulla bocca dell'inferno. CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSN SMVS MQLIVB. Rei Unius ♰ : K i n g ♥: Israel: ♥ Ma h di for, kingdom of Palestine
LorenzoJHWH Unius REI

is impossible for a God of: infinite love, and infinite justice, to condemn a person: that: he loved, suffered, fought on the path of virtue, that: he has donated his activities: for a noble cause, that is, to convict a person, virtuous, only, in matters relating to a certain doctrine: ideologic or religious. @Abu jihad Antar -- murderess Shiite, of Christian martyrs, as it is: good: sharia for you? @theVArious666 --- when in Naples, you have done: the first human sacrifice on the altar of Satan? about him, as, you have you eaten?

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel