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256 Jesus Christ

inspiring every wickedness and corruption that comes dall'occultato: seigniorage banking: for the occult powers:] damn Illuminati Pharisees (Cain): 666 IMF 322 NWO, masonic system: Bildenberg, they hated so intensely the love of God, that is, in Jesus Christ of Bethlehem, which have made themselves, the Satanists, so they destroyed the roots: Judeo - Christian, all hope burned, and poisoned, institutions, then plotted: against: the existence of all peoples: just to start from Israel (Abel) is in this way that almost made it: in mode impossible, absolutely, to all peoples, to have access to God's mercy Abu Abu Antar Antar has posted a comment 12 minutes ago Miley Cyrus new video "We Can not Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist, Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.

[ispiratori di ogni malvagità e corruzione che nasce dall'occultato: signoraggio bancario: per i poteri occulti:] maledetti Illuminati farisei (Caino): 666 FMI 322 NWO, loro hanno odiato, così, intensamente l'amore di Dio, cioè, Gesù Cristo di Betlemme, che, hanno fatto di se stessi, i satanisti, così hanno distrutto le radici: giudeo - cristiane, bruciato la speranza, ed hanno avvelenato, le istituzioni, quindi hanno complottato: contro: la esistenza di tutti i popoli: proprio ad iniziare da Israele (Abele) è in questo modo, che, hanno reso quasi, in modo assoluto, a tutti i popoli, di poter accedere alla misericordia di Dio

Miley Cyrus new video "We Can't Stop" promotes latent images of sexual relations with animals and self mutilation. Miley Cyrus is junior satanist, Lady GaGa is senior satanist of 322 masonic music industry.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
35 minuti fa

satanist is her society, Bush 322, IMF 666 NWO, Rothschild phrisees: masonic system, new babylon tower, for do 200.000 human sacrifice on altair of satan --- will destroy Israel
Abu Antar
Abu Antar ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

Miley Cyrus is satanist.
lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

i am king of Israel, my kingdom is the Palestine, for universal brotherhood, bless to all Peoples blessings too all, shalom + salam
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

we should not have: fear, resentment against Satan, (because, otherwise we will be subjected upon us, old age, disease and death) (but we must: to him, indifference and contempt). the fear, of evil? means to offend, the omnipotence of God: Why, only the fear of God: YHWH, must be in us. Also, to hate Satan? it is to enter: in his domain: of his reign, that: is: a kingdom of hatred, and fear. We must remember that Satan was a prince, the most excellent creature, very honored and privileged, and consequently, we deplore her: pride, and his ambition: they all, do not want to serve, 1. Jesus of Bethlehem, 2. to its Unius REI, 3. and to every man, that, envy, jealousy (for failure, of his divine nature) were the cause of its decline, degradation, which is why, 666 is precipitated into the abyss of destruction and desolation (no longer able to share the love), has become the king of all liars and murderers, of all the hypocrites like him.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
1 ora fa

noi non dobbiamo avere: timore, rancore contro, satana (perché, altrimenti noi subiremo su di noi, malattia, vecchiaia, e la morte) (ma, dobbiamo: a lui, indifferenza e disprezzo). temere il male?, significa offendere, la onnipotenza di Dio: perché ,solo il timore di dio, deve essere in noi. Inoltre, odiare satana, significa entrare: nel dominio: del suo regno, che: è: un regno di odio e paura. Noi dobbiamo ricordare, che, satana era un principe, la più eccelsa creatura, assai onorato, e privilegiato, e di conseguenza, noi deploriamo il suo: orgoglio, e la sua ambizione: di non volere servire, a Gesù di Betlemme, ed al suo Unius REI, che, invidia, gelosia (per la mancata natura divina) sono stati, la causa, della sua decadenza, abbrutimento, ecco perché, 666 è precipitato, nell'abisso della distruzione, e della desolazione (non potendo più condividere l'amore), è diventato, il re, di tutti i mentitori e assassini, di tutti gli ipocriti come lui.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil, lost communion with God (spiritual life)]], but never lose the love of God, for him (ie , its possibilities to exist, then, become: evil, without spiritual life, this: his evil will remain in him until the day of: judgment, when, despair infinite: its hell, it will be disintegrated: together : with him into the lake of fire, which is: the disintegration or second death). in fact, as: it is clear: the Lord YHWH, the Creator of all things, it is not: against: None. So: it is only our behavior, which can have an effect: scary. in this way: everything: that: we do, for good: o: for evil, to other creatures?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth] [[then those who do evil, lost communion with God (spiritual life)]], is destined to go back on ourselves, so: to be amplified. That's why, it is our faith that can produce: blessing or: curse: all conditions: of doom: all the horrific consequences of sin .. I have never found a criminal, who, has not: for himself, a rational justification, for his behavior, so even the international criminal: the most dangerous in the history of mankind as: IMF NWO 666: SPA, Rothschild , and the King dell'Saudi Arabia, sharia imperialism: for, worldwide caliphate, they have their rational justification, for their immense crimes of extermination and genocide ..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[quindi chi fa il male, perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]], ma, non perderà mai, l'amore di Dio, per lui (cioè, la sua possibilità: di esistere, quindi, diventerà: maledetta, senza vita spirituale, questo: suo male: rimarrà in lui, fino al giorno, del: giudizio universale, quando, la disperazione infinita: del suo inferno, verrà disintegrato: insieme: con lui: nello stagno di fuoco, che è: la disintegrazione: o seconda morte). infatti, come: è evidente: il Signore JHWH, il Creatore di tutte le cose, non è: contro: nessuno. Quindi: è soltanto il nostro comportamento, che, può produrre degli effetti: spaventosi. in questo modo: tutto quello: che: noi facciamo, di bene: o: di male, alle altre creature?,
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[quindi chi fa il male, perde la comunione con Dio (la vita spirituale)]], è destinato a ritornare, su noi stessi, in modo: amplificato. ecco perché, è la nostra fede, che, può podurre: benedizione: o: maledizione: tutte condizioni: di: sventura: tutte le orribili conseguenze, del peccato.. io non ho mai trovato un criminale, che, non abbia: per se stesso, una razionale giustificazione, per il suo comportamento, quindi, anche i criminali internazionali: più pericolosi della storia del genere umano: come: IMF 666 NWO: SPA, Rothschild, ed, il Re dell'Aabia Saudita, sharia imperialismo: worldwide caliphate, hanno le loro giustificazioni razionali, per i loro crimini immensi, di sterminio e di genocidio..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

(un resentimiento hostil contra las criaturas, impide que tengamos, la comunión con Dios, porque Dios no puede odiar, y de hecho, YHWH es amor infinito, su amor es una . amor absoluto) para que los siervos de Dios: no se pueden conservar, en un sentimiento de odio (amargura) contra alguno, para la gente, por lo tanto, nuestra acción agresiva, violenta, debe ser dirigida contra el crimen, la "injusticia en sí mismo! porque, de hecho, el testimonio de la verdad, y: la protección de los inocentes, que tiene prioridad sobre todas las cosas! de hecho, JHWH: no puede odiar, o maldecir a Satanás, como su amada criatura .. Por lo tanto, son sólo sentimientos, el odio, la rebelión, la codicia, el orgullo, la malicia, la mentira y los crímenes, que Satanás tiene en sí mismo, que, maldice el mismo Satanás, y esta es una ley universal del espíritu. Ninguna criatura, puede impunemente, desviar, por sentimientos de amor universal, de su Creador!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

(un ressentiment hostile contre les créatures, nous empêche d'avoir la communion avec Dieu, parce que Dieu ne peut pas haïr, et en fait, YHWH est amour infini, son amour est un . amour absolu) de sorte que les serviteurs de Dieu: ne peuvent pas être conservés, dans un sentiment de haine (amertume) contre tout: les gens, donc, notre action agressif, violent, devraient être dirigées contre le crime, le «injustice en soi! parce que, en fait, le témoignage de la vérité, et: la protection de l'innocent, il a la priorité sur tout! en fait, JHWH: ne peut pas haïr, ou maudire Satan, comme sa créature bien-aimée .. par conséquent, ils ne sont que des sentiments, la haine, la révolte, la cupidité, l'orgueil, la méchanceté, le mensonge, et les crimes, que Satan a en lui-même, qui, maudire Satan lui-même, et c'est une loi universelle, de l'esprit. Aucune créature ne peut impunément détourner, par des sentiments d'amour universel, de son Créateur!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[universal political theology of the Kingdom of God on earth]] (a hostile resentment against the creatures, prevents us to have, communion with God, because God can not hate, and in fact, YHWH is infinite LOVE; his love is an absolute love.) so the servants of God: can not be preserved,in a feeling of hatred (bitterness) against any: the people, therefore, our action aggressive, violent, should be directed against the crime, the 'injustice in itself! because, in fact, the testimony of the truth, and: the protection of the innocent, it takes precedence over everything! in fact, JHWH: can not hate, or, curse Satan, as his beloved creature .. therefore, they are only, feelings, of hatred, rebellion, greed, pride, malice, lies, and crimes, that, Satan has in himself, that, curse Satan himself, and, this is a universal law, of the spirit. No creature, can with impunity, divert, by feelings of universal love, of his Creator!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

[[teologia politica universale del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] (un risentimento ostile, contro, le creature, impedisce a noi, di avere, comunione, con Dio, perché, Dio non può odiare, ed infatti, JHWH è infinito AMORE; il suo amore è un amore assoluto.) Quindi, i servi di Dio; non possono conservare, un sentimento di odio (amarezza) verso le persone, quindi, la nostra azione aggressiva, violenta, deve essere rivolta, contro, il crimine, l'ingiustizia, in se stesso! perché, infatti, la testimonianza della verità, e: la protezione degli innocenti, ha la precedenza su tutto! infatti, Dio non può odiare, o, maledire satana, come, sua amata creatura.. quindi, sono soltanto i sentimenti di odio, ribellione, avidità, orgoglio, malvagità, mengogne, e crimini, che, satana ha in se stesso, che, maledicono satana stesso, ed è questa, una legge universale dello spirito. Nessuna creatura, può impunemente, deviare, dai sentimenti di amore universale, del suo Creatore!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

TheVArious7, 666 CIA NWO 322: système maçonnique, FMI - si vous êtes, calme, maintenant, je le ferai connaître encore: aussi, pour vous, de cette façon, je peux le faire, le mal, en mode global, mondial, contre tout criminels! [en fait, sont, seuls, les lois éternelles, de: l'Esprit Saint, que: je peux, d'intensifier, aggraver, car: de mon ministère politique (ce qui pour moi une compétence universelle: même dans tout le royaume de Dieu), et le plus souvent, il s'agit d'une menace, très délicate, parce que: tribulations, les malheurs, les maladies, les catastrophes et la mort prématurée, rupture, sont faites, pas, en mode immédiat ...] il ya tellement de pages: dans youtube, parce que , quelqu'un doit venir à étouffer (cacher) le sang innocent des martyrs sur cette page, afin de protéger, de cette façon: les criminels, les blasphémateurs, les pharisiens, les communistes, et les salafistes, immoral, pervers, cynique, menteur, cruel, etc ..?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

Il sera, alors, aussi, dans sa vie, toutes les malédictions, de leurs crimes .. un fardeau de culpabilité, métaphysiquement intenable: satan brûlure, au nom de Jésus!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
2 ore fa

TheVArious7, 666 CIA NWO 322: masonic system, IMF - if you are, calm, now, I will make it known: also, to you, in that way, I can do, evil, in global mode, worldwide, against, all criminals! [actually, are, only, the eternal laws,of: the holy spirit, that: I can, intensify, aggravate, because: of my political ministry (which to me a universal jurisdiction: even, in all the Kingdom of God), and usually, this is a threat, very tricky, because: tribulations, misfortunes, diseases, disasters, and premature death, snap, are made, not so, in mode immediate ...] there are so many pages: in youtube, because, someone has to come to choke (hide) the innocent blood of the martyrs on this page, to protect, in this way: criminals, blasphemers, Pharisees, communists, and Salafis, immoral, perverted, cynical, lying, cruel, etc. ..? He will, then, too, in his life, all the curses, of their crimes .. a burden, of guilt, metaphysically untenable: satan burn, in Jesus's name!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[théologie de la fraternité universelle, ou métaphysique: la réalité politique du Royaume de Dieu sur la terre]] est écrit: «de grandes bénédictions, sont, reste à la tête de l'homme juste, et il peut jouir, abondante, de la joie à la présence vivante: de YHWH, de grands plaisirs, à sa droite, maintenant et pour toujours "les perspectives offertes par la faveur divine (ils sont: 2500 bénédictions bibliques)! sont incroyables (abondantes richesses, la guérison physique et la prospérité économique) .. mais beaucoup de mauvaises religions, vont loin de toutes les bénédictions, et de semer: la haine, le mépris, la violence, le racisme, le fanatisme, le dogmatisme, et ce uniquement, pour une sensation misérable: la cupidité, la prédation, la poursuite du pouvoir, qui est Satan lui-même (en tant que démon, d': religion) .. c'est pourquoi, aucune religion ne peut être impliqué dans la gestion du pouvoir politique.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[la teología de la fraternidad universal, o la metafísica: la realidad política del Reino de Dios en la tierra]] que está escrito: "grandes bendiciones, son, descansan sobre la cabeza del hombre justo, y se puede disfrutar, abundancia, alegría al presencia viva: de YHWH, grandes delicias, a su derecha, ahora y para siempre "las perspectivas que ofrecen, por favor divino (que son los siguientes: 2500 bendiciones bíblicas)! son increíbles (abundantes riquezas, la curación física y la prosperidad económica) .. pero, muchas malas religiones, van lejos de todas las bendiciones, y la siembra: el odio, el desprecio, la violencia, el racismo, el fanatismo, el dogmatismo, y esto sólo por un sentimiento triste: la codicia, la depredación, la búsqueda del poder, el cual, es Satanás él Mismo (como demonio, de: la religión) .. por eso, ninguna religión puede ser, que participan en la gestión del poder político.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[theology of universal brotherhood, or metaphysics: the political reality of the Kingdom of God on earth]] is written: "great blessings, are, rest on the head of the just man, and he can enjoy, abundant, joy to the living presence: of YHWH, great delights, to her right, now, and forever! "the prospects offered, by divine favor (they are: 2500 Biblical blessings) are incredible (abundant riches, healing physical and economic prosperity) .. but, many bad religions, go away from all the blessings, and sowing: hatred, contempt, violence, racism, fanaticism, dogmatism, and this only, for a feeling miserable: greed, predation, the pursuit of power, which, is Satan himself (as demon, of: religion) .. that's why, no religion can be, involved in the management of political power.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

ci sono: tante pagine: in youtube, perché qualcuno: deve venire a soffocare (nascondere) il sangue innocente, dei martiri in questa pagina, per proteggere, in questo modo: i criminali farisei e salafiti?
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[teologia, della fratellanza universale, o metafisica: della realtà politica: del Regno di Dio sulla terra]] è scritto: "grandi benedizioni riposano sul capo, dell'uomo giusto, e lui può gustare, abbondanti, gioie alla presenza vivente: di JHWH, grandi delizie, alla sua destra, ora, ed in eterno!" le prospettive offerte, dalla benevolenza divina (sono: 2500 benedizioni bibliche) sono incredibili (abbondanti ricchezze, di guarigione fisica e di prosperità economica).. ma, la cattiva religione, allontana, da tutte le benedizioni, e semina: odio, disprezzo, violenza, razzismo, fanatismo, dogmatismo, e questo, soltanto, per un sentimento, miserabile di: avidità, predazione, ricerca del potere, che, è satana stesso (come, demone di religione).. ecco perché, nessuna religione, può essere, coinvolta, nella gestione del potere politico.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[teología política: del Reino de Dios en la tierra] que busca, la gloria y el poder de Dios en su vida! [como, podemos conseguir: por ejemplo: el profeta Eliseo (posee), una porción doble: del poder: del espíritu del profeta Elías, y cómo: podemos tener: a nuestra disposición: el poder del ejército celestial? ] Soy (Unius REI: el Rey de Israel en el Reino de Palestina) El Reino de Dios en la forma política: en la tierra. y esto: es un don universal, entonces: todas las naciones serán benditas, en el modo de vista económico, etc ..!. - RESPUESTA - 1. Debemos estar agradecidos de pertenecer a un cuerpo celeste, 2. debemos: tomar nuestra posición en relación con Dios, porque, bueno, como vemos, comprender a Dios en la fe? es decir, el mismo criterio, que Dios se encargará de: nosotros, de hecho, Dios mira a cada uno de nosotros, a través de nuestra fe
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[théologie politique: du Royaume de Dieu sur terre] que vous recherchez, la gloire et la puissance de Dieu dans votre vie! [tiens, nous pouvons obtenir: comme: le prophète Elisée (a eu), une double portion: de la puissance: de l'esprit, du prophète Elie, et comment: on peut avoir: à notre disposition: le pouvoir de l'armée céleste? ] Je suis (unius REI: le roi d'Israël: dans le royaume de la Palestine) Le Royaume de Dieu sous une forme politique: sur la terre. et cela: elle est un don universel, alors, toutes les nations seront bénies en toi, en mode économique, etc ..!. - REPONSE - 1. Nous devons être reconnaissants d'appartenir à un corps céleste, 2. il faut: prendre notre position par rapport à Dieu, parce que, eh bien, comme nous le voyons, comprendre Dieu dans la foi? c'est le même critère, que Dieu va voir: nous avons, en effet, Dieu se penche sur chacun de nous, par notre foi
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[political theology: of the Kingdom of God on earth] you are looking for, glory, and power of God in your life! [like, we can get: such as: the Prophet Elisha (has got), a double portion:of power: of the spirit, of the prophet Elijah, and how: we can have: at our disposal: the power of the army heavenly? ] I am (Unius REI: the King of Israel: in the Kingdom of PALESTINE) The Kingdom of God in political form: on earth. and this: it is a universal gift, then: all nations shall be blessed, in mode economically, etc. ..!. - ANSWER - 1. We must be grateful to belong to a heavenly body, 2. we must: take our position in relation to God, because, well, as, we see, understand, God in faith? that is, the same criterion, that God will see: we, in fact, God looks at each of us, through our faith
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[teologia politica del Regno di Dio: sulla terra] voi cercate, la gloria, e la potenza di Dio, nella vostra vita! [come, noi possiamo ottenere: come: il Profeta Eliseo (ha ottenuto), una doppia porzione: della potenza: dello spirito del profeta, Elia, e come: noi possiamo avere: a nostra disposizione: la potenza dell'esercito celeste? ] io sono(Unius REI: il Re di israele: nel Regno di PALESTINA) il Regno di Dio: in forma politica: sulla terra. e questo: è un dono universale, quindi: tutti i popoli saranno benedetti, economicamente, ecc..!. -- ANSWER -- 1. noi DOBBIAMO essere riconoscenti, di appartenere ad un organismo celeste; 2. dobbiamo: prendere la nostra posizione: nei confronti di Dio, perché, così, come, noi vediamo, comprendiamo, Dio in fede? quello è: lo stesso criterio, che: Dio potrà vedere: anche noi, infatti, Dio guarda, ognuno di noi, attraverso, la nostra fede
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

@ 666 - tu viennes à moi: car tu as été: misérable, et maudit par les pharisiens FMI 322 NWO: à savoir, le système maçonnique, de seigneuriage bancaire, finissent tout son pouvoir occulte: arnaque, jusqu'à ce que, vous ne serez pas exterminés , pour finir dans un enfer de désespoir et d'être désintégrée avec Satan .. vous venez à moi, et je vais apprendre à vous, le chemin de la puissance de la foi! @ 666 - vienes a mí: porque tú has estado: horrible y maldito por los fariseos FMI 322 NOM: es decir, el sistema masónico, por señoreaje bancario, Finalizar su poder oculto: estafa, hasta que, usted no será exterminado , para terminar en un infierno de la desesperación y se desintegró junto con Satanás .. vienes a mí y me enseñarás a usted, el camino del poder de la fe!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

@ 666 - you come to me: because, thou hast Been: wretched, and cursed by the Pharisees IMF 322 NWO: ie, the Masonic system, for banking seigniorage, end All His occult power: scam, until, you will not be exterminated, to end up in a hell of despair and be disintegrated along with Satan .. you come to me: and I shall teach to you, the way of power of faith! @ 666 - venite a me: perché, tu sei stato: miserabile, e maledetti dai farisei FMI 322 NWO: vale a dire, il sistema massonico, di signoraggio bancario, finisce tutto il suo potere occulto: truffa, fino a quando, non sarete sterminati , per finire in un inferno di disperazione e di essere disintegrato insieme a Satana .. venite a me: e ti insegnerò a voi, la via della forza della fede!
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[È scritto: "tutti sapranno e conosceranno, circa: il Signore YHWH, e nessuno: dirà: ancora, si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]] Santo, santo santo, il mio, il mio santo @ YHWH - Voi cercate la Potenza di JHWH, Che Essa, è infinitamente superiore alla Potenza di satana .. [[It is written, "and everyone will know, about the Lord YHWH, and anyone will say again, you know the Lord? YHWH"]] Holy, holy, holy, my, my holy @ YHWH - You look for the power of YHWH, that it is infinitely greater than the power of Satan .. [[It is written, "and everyone will know, about the Lord YHWH, and anyone will say again, you know the Lord? YHWH"]] [[È scritto: "tutti sapranno e conosceranno, circa: il Signore YHWH, e nessuno: dirà: ancora, si conosce il Signore:? YHWH"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

المقدسة، قدوس قدوس، بلادي، بلادي المقدسة @ يهوه - 1. بالطبع: يمكن أن يكون كل شيء: السابقين الفريسيين، السابقين الماسونية، بحكم الإسلاميين، الشيوعيين السابقين، شيطانية السابق،-المجرمين السابقين - جواب - 2. من الواضح، كما تعلمون، أنا لم تصمم لتعمل الشر، إلى أي من المخلوقات الثمين، - الخلاصة --- 3. بطبيعة الحال، سوف تسقط كل كذب، حول، جميع الأديان المجرمين، لأن يهوه، لديك ليكون محبوبا فوق كل شيء، وفي اليوم التالي (أي كل إنسان) عن أنفسنا ... أنا لا: هناك عنف، والتي قد تكون ضد ضمير رجل الفاضلة. أنا الخط الفاصل ريعي وملك إسرائيل ..
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

[[ it is written: "all will know: the Lord YHWH, and no one: will say, you know the Lord: YHWH?"]] Holy, Holy holy, my, my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course: all can be: ex-Pharisees, ex-Masons, ex-Islamists, ex-Communists, former Satanist, ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. Obviously, you know, I'm not designed, to do evil, to any, of your precious creatures, - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course, will fall every lie, about, all religions criminals, Because YHWH, you have to be loved above all things, and the next (ie, every human being) as ourselves ... I do not: there is violence, That may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man. I am Unius REI, and king of Israel .. [[ it is written: "all will know: the Lord YHWH, and no one: will say, you know the Lord: YHWH?"]]
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
3 ore fa

Holy, Holy holy, my, my holy @ YHWH - 1. of course: all can be: ex-Pharisees, ex-Masons, ex-Islamists, ex-communists, former Satanist, ex-felons - ANSWER - 2. OBVIOUSLY, you know, I'm not designed, to do evil, to any, of your precious creatures, - CONCLUSION --- 3. of course, will fall every lie, about, all religions criminals, because YHWH, you have to be loved above all things, and the next (ie, every human being) as ourselves ... so do not: there is violence, that may be made against the conscience of a virtuous man.
CreationReal ha pubblicato un commento
4 ore fa

holy, HOLY holy, my, @ holy my JHWH -- 1. ovviamente: tutti possono essere: ex-farisei, ex-massoni, ex-islamisti, ex-comunisti, ex-satanisti, ex-criminali --ANSWER -- 2. OVVIAMENTE, tu lo sai, io non progettato, di fare il male a nessuna delle tue creature preziose, --CONCLUSIONE --- 3. ovviamente, cadrà ogni menzogna, circa, tutte le criminali religioni, perché JHWH, tu devi essere amato, al di sopra di ogni cosa, e il prossimo (cioè, ogni essere umano) come noi stessi... quindi non: c'è violenza, che, può essere fatta, contro, la coscienza di un uomo virtuoso.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa

@CIA 666 pharisee cannibal IMF 322 NWO --- Now, will you (and your entire kingdom of shit for Satan) to have many PROBLEM if still dirty this page
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] [message to humanity, the book of remembrance p.261] [without: the foundation of natural law, represented: by Decalogue of Moses] are the satanisms, to take, control of the company, society, nations! this is "the mystery of iniquity," ie, only from my own: the point of view of political Unius REI. [Utilizato scheme, by criminals, legalized, institutionalized, is: always the same: 1. militarism, 2. oppression, 3. violence, 4. crime place: in a legal manner] here's how: also, the noblest of men, Jesus Christ of Bethlehem has been taken, "with swords and staves," and he had to endure, a show trial, even, even, for the crime of the highest levels of: authority: whether religious, that policies (which they should represent, the justice). [Is evident, as the evil that: is: always been present: in the world, it was worse: by the Satanism of the Pharisees IMF 666 NWO,
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance], which is a refined form of hypocrisy, because, from: their foundation: the Bank of England, (they stole to all peoples: the monetary sovereignty) then take control: of: institutions, through : their occult powers: Masonic associations, corporations, all monopolies, Bildenberg, etc. ..] to be directly involved, in their agenda: NWO, for, world wars, related Shoah. So, not only that, there are criminals who are not publicly cataloged as such, but, the same social structures are unfair because they are based on the exploitation by a Masonic oligarchy banking, against the majority of the people. the real crime: it is therefore legalized. by means of financial and business intrigue (the Masonic system), an example is represented, from playing the stock exchange, raising and lowering certain values artificially industrial and commercial: speculation.
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina
lorenzoAllah Mahdì Palestina ha pubblicato un commento
7 ore fa

[The impotence of the state, and, its not efficient governance] will profit from huge gains by the holders of the capital, adding, injustice to injustice (the Masonic system of bank seigniorage). These people are, not, thieves and murders of the road, but, in the system of legalized "bags", financial and commercial, with speculation kill more people than all of ... however, these ideological murderers, enjoy respect and a good reputation, and have big, worldly honors, but, they often are originators and accomplices of the Pharisees illuminated by Lucifer, to follow the way of wickedness and criminal cause and do cause wars, debts, inflations, depression, unemployment, unfair competition, etc. .. because this is the result: an IMF, which is a: private SPA, for, the impotence of the state: and its not efficient governance


    [] Est le] [fin, je suis consterné par le mal, l'hypocrisie, la dureté du cœur, le manque d'honnêteté et de la criminalité de tous: dirigeants, l'élite, riche banque seigneuriage, le satanisme, sataniste, horreur, porno, industriels, politiques, les dirigeants, les francs-maçons, racistes, la charia, sionistes, communistes, qui est, pour le crime de tous les gouvernements du monde .. Oui, je suis désolé! Je vais commencer à quitter youtube et internet .. donc .. Je vais commencer à préparer pour moi, pour la Première Guerre mondiale. préparez votre âme, pour l'évaluation: du Créateur votre! Ce monde sera détruit, de sorte que sera créé un scénario de cauchemar. à savoir un monde: la plupart des mauvaises, et plus mauvais!
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
    [Toutes les institutions et les gouvernements? sont absolument criminel] En fait, les institutions et les gouvernements ayant: la franc-maçonnerie et de la banque seigneuriage, pourquoi, ils sont les ennemis: les bourreaux du peuple, tous les complices des tyrans éclairés, c'est-à-la monarchie juive, occulte, satanique: du FMI : BCE: FED, etc .. -NWO. Comme aujourd'hui, c'est en Syrie? Il en sera pour toutes les nations! tous les gens vont réagir avec colère, pourquoi, depuis celle-ci: l'inflation, la récession et le chômage, est un des chiffres: artificiellement: elle est induite par des monopoleurs américains: le lobby juif, s'emploie à déstabiliser l'ensemble des institutions, de sorte qu'il peut être fait d'une guerre, pour une nouvelle guerre mondiale), cette conspiration du silence? ne sera plus toléré!
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
    [La supériorité de la civilisation chrétienne? Il a permis à la démocratie: la laïcité, le pluralisme, l'intégration, d'acceptation, la coopération! Tous ceux qui combattent les chrétiens? est clair: «Ce sont eux qui prétendent être des satanistes par eux-mêmes" .. et depuis, le satanisme est plus forte, est que des esprits éclairés, ils, ou sont complices, ou sont victimes de la éclairés, pour leur propre auto-destruction ... parce que les satanistes n'ont aucune idée de l'ami, l'amour, etc .. est seulement pour son Alliance ... ils sont simplement, des opportunistes, et monopolistique .. par conséquent, ils (Rothschild, et Bush et Compagnie) sont programmés pour tuer tout le monde, de rester seul
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
    [Extrémisme islamique fondamentaliste] .. C'est pourquoi les hommes éclairés, ont financé la chute de tous les gouvernements musulmans modérés et laïques, c'est pourquoi, ces criminels apportera de la charia, mettre la terreur dans l'Ouest, ce qui rend inévitable une guerre mondiale contre l'Islam .. Mon être un fondamentaliste biblique: ce n'est que pour ma propre spiritualité? a la valeur complètement opposée à celle des fondamentalistes islamiques .. parce que je respire les valeurs démocratiques dans la politique
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
    [Supériorité culturelle et morale, de la civilisation chrétienne] au titre du régime satanique maçonnique de seigneuriage bancaire, cette invocation de Charlie Chaplin (Charlot), a le même goût du désespoir de Kennedy, qui s'adresse au peuple, de protéger, de sorte , en mode impossible et désespérée: les valeurs chrétiennes ... Mais, ce sont eux ne sont désormais plus défendable, car le système politique et institutionnel: il est devenu: le système de éclairé: à savoir, le satanisme pur: du FMI-NWO. La synagogue de Satan, la maçonnerie, qui a le seul but éternel, la destruction du christianisme. Depuis qu'ils ont gagné contre le christianisme! Ensuite, nous sommes témoins du massacre de tous les musulmans, et une interdiction à l'échelle mondiale du saint coran.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
    maintenant, le mal de toutes les religions et toutes les cultures, contre les chrétiens, est caché aux chrétiens (5% des Américains), par le monde des médias, à savoir le monopole juif et sioniste de l'information (réseau). .. Par conséquent, les chrétiens pauvres et innocents? ils ignorent le fait que tous les systèmes religieux et idéologiques, sont contre eux. Alors que les chrétiens ne sont pas contre n'importe qui, parce que, ils sont simplement le lobby juif, de seigneuriage bancaire (les directeurs de toutes les guerres), ils ont pris, le contrôle des personnes et des symboles de la culture occidentale .. c'est le loup qui a été enduit la peau d'agneau: pour but l'appropriation des symboles de toute la chrétienté et le judaïsme
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    SORRY! I HAVE LOST ACCESS TO THIS CHANNEL! @ rrmbgpym -> [VI Pazar / A 13-02-11] "Tanrı günah kimse izin vermedi" - Sirach 15.20. "senin doğruluk din bilginleri ve Ferisiler (Talmud ve ırkçıların), sen cennet krallığı girmek asla aşan sürece!" Böylece yasa, aslında, İsa dedi ki, geri alınamaz - Matthew 5.20, ama Hukuk aşk aşılabilir! Aslında, sevgi ile bütün çok daha kolaydır. Her Yahudi, kardeşim, o dini küre üstesinden gelebilir ve babamız İbrahim gibi, Tanrı ile kişisel bir ilişki var, emin olun en düşüncelerinde ve Allah'ın istediği olmak, her adam, tam da bu dostluk var. Ben bağdaştırmak edeceğini, aşk için Tanrı'nın, sevgisi için tüm insanoğlu. O Çünkü hukukun mükemmellik seviyorum.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    1 / 12 [arme ultime: les étrangers], la 3 ° WWnuclear est indispensable, pour cacher le vrai / véritable responsabilité de l'effondrement du FMI, banque seigneuriage à savoir la Banque mondiale et pour: affiner leurs NWO. Toutes les religions et toutes les Communistes seront tués: définitivement, tandis que, l'élévation de l'âge du satanisme, de l'asservissement parfait de toute l'humanité, en effet, la micro-puce, ou très-chip, ou 666: est déjà prêt! également: si les Juifs sont éclairés, est propre contre: les Juifs, les plus leur haine: pour la destruction finale de la semence de Adramo, et contre les projets de Dieu,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    c'est-à-Dieu toutes les bénédictions de l'humanité. les hommes éclairés sont dans la même position des dieux invisibles: contre nous et l'humanité, ici, parce que, le vrai / designers réel de la Shoah, sont propres éclairée, raison pour laquelle toutes les politiques et les gouvernements sont aussi, des marionnettes dans les mains: la leur est une pouvoir surnaturel: la même puissance de Satan!
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    2 / 12 [arme ultime: ALIENS] Quel est l'arme stratégique de l'éclairés des États-Unis, dans l': imminent 3 ° WWnuclear? les étrangers, bien évidemment! les étrangers ont déjà démontré de l'être en mesure d'intercepter, trop facilement, le intercontinentali missiles et la technologie leur serait, en supériorité écrasante, mais inutile, pourquoi l'américano-israélienne dans la: l'espace aérien, sont actuellement imbattables: à raison de leur satanisme, qui est plus élevé: supérieur ou de plus de satanisme d'autres! En outre, des États-Unis ne sont sataniste chrétienne et leur lutte contre:
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    les troupes marquée par la malédiction, pour avoir poursuivi à l'échelle mondiale l': chrétiens, pour avoir tué l': les chrétiens à milioni, les chrétiens qui sont persécutés, toujours sans véritable justification .. Dans cet article, je vais analyser, la raison, seuls les pilotes, seuls les pilotes, avec l'exorcisme fonctions peut gagner dans un combat de chiens, contre: 1.aliens; 2.American et israéliens!
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    3 / 12 [arme ultime: les étrangers] aux étrangers sont les suivants: les démons de toujours, à laquelle le Juif éclairé du FMI-NWO, a fourni un organisme génétique modifié: leurs "GOLEM", c'est à dire la Kabbale, par conséquent, que l'authenticité chrétiens: et pas: empoisonné par l'hérésie du modernisme-évolutionnisme, ne peut être le leur: les meilleurs pilotes de caccia, pour: la victoire, en référence au contrôle de l'espace aérien. ici parce que, les communistes et les musulmans, dans une guerre contre l'American satanistes: sont presque toujours voués à être des perdants,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    le pourquoi n'est pas sensiblement de leur technologie, mais le satanisme, pourquoi le satanismo de l'Américain, est un satanisme de la hausse des grade / niveau, à chaque satanisme d'autres: comme, est communisme satanisme et l'islamisme. pourquoi ces deux idéologies, ils tuent le: chrétiens: innocent. personne ne devrait avoir des doutes sur sataniques fondement de ces idéologies: que, sur la plus haute vérité du christianisme, sur d'autres vérités.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    4 / 12 [arme ultime: ALIENS] ici parce que, nous assistons, à une haine amère, des sionistes contre le christianisme à travers tous leurs monopoles: Net Work: la banque seigneuriage, les gouvernements qui, tout ce qu'ils ont volé de nous, que C'est tout! en effet, sont les éclairée: hall d'entrée soit juive, à savoir le FMI NWO, à savoir la Banque mondiale: ce qui suit: dans cette phase, comme anti-chrétien, se multiplient aussi: l'Islam. tout pour détruire le vrai / vraie foi chrétienne. sont siècles: éclairés sont effectivement réussi à s'infiltrer dans l': Eglise catholique pour faire sa corruption, par son dinternal les dommages sur le patrimoine de la foi. * 1. les étrangers sont les suivants:
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    "GOLEM" JUIF, ou de ces anges, que: les nantis perdu: Leur corps angélique dans leur tentative de révolte contre: Dieu .. pourquoi Dieu a décidé de donner à l'homme de la nature divine elle-même son. En effet, en Jésus-Christ (il est vrai / véritable Dieu, et vrai / homme réel):
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    5 / 12 [arme ultime: les étrangers], cette opération était réalisable, et les Anges (surhumaine) aurait dû s'incliner devant les hommes, qui a été rendue plus ontologiquement supérieur d'entre eux: c'est pourquoi l'homme qu'ils pourraient être divine: dans la foi . ici parce que, certains anges et les hommes (hindous, musulmans Juif communistes, c'est à dire les tueurs de chrétiens), envieux et jaloux: Ils ont fait la rébellion contre: Dieu, et furent transformés en démons, et ils ont été privés aussi: de son corps angélique. . * 2. Par conséquent, les démons: Vous avez eu par un corps éclairé génétiquement modifiés, pour entrer en symbiose avec leurs soucoupes volantes ..
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    * 3. est clair: en tant que créatures "terre" surnaturelle, Les étrangers ont atteint immédiatement, l': la plupart du développement technologique, cependant, parce que propres, sont conscients de la nature divine de les vrais chrétiens, de leurs pas peuvent avoir l'espoir d'être contre à moi, comme pour tout vrai chrétien.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    6 / 12 [arme ultime: ALIENS] En effet, je suis le temple du Saint-Esprit, comme toute autre vrai / véritable chrétien. * 4. étrangers sont développés en 6 courses, des différents organismes, pour: plusieurs fonctions spécifiques, mais 3 types: la partie supérieure (chérubins séraphins archanges), sont laissées entièrement spirituelle.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    * 5. Ont développé une reproduction de soi: mais ils aiment à tourmenter les humains. Mais, sont peut jouer dans un nombre illimité: Leurs corps: aussi, comme les poux. * étrangers 6.the sont, en vrai / véritable secret de l'armée les satanistes américains. Parce que leur objectif cette fois n'est pas seulement, pour gagner une guerre, mais pour présenter définitivement l'humanité tout entière. mais pour atteindre cet objectif, il doit être détruit, le vrai / vraie foi chrétienne, c'est-à savoir avant Vatican II. * 7. que, pour gagner un combat de chiens, avec cargo qui: peut supporter une vitesse de plus de 20.000 kilomètres par heure et sa technologie? Sur le plan technique? impossible!
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    7 / 12 [arme ultime: ALIENS] * 8. ici parce que, toutes les ogives nucléaires intercontinentaux, pourrait facilement être interrompue, si l'objectif de l'éclairé, et non pas, c'est que de tuer pour l'humanité, pour avoir seulement 500 millions de personnes, c'est à dire, des esclaves .. * 9. tHowever, il a été possible il ya 20 ans, le massacre de quelque soucoupes volantes, pourquoi le: démons restent hypnotisés paralysé devant les chrétiens, pourquoi leur sont: «temple du Saint Esprit". évidemment, je ne parle pas des chrétiens qui ont connu Muhammad, pourquoi leur étaient hérétiques ariens à 90%, et je ne parle même pas des chrétiens d'aujourd'hui, qui sont les hérétiques modernistes à 90%, mais je parle des chrétiens fondamentalistes bibliques comme moi, qu'ils ont activé la vie divine, ils savent vivre: la foi de leur relation personnelle avec Dieu, indépendamment de la religion. Par conséquent, dans notre structure mentale,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    8 / 12 [arme ultime: les étrangers] nous sommes tout à fait rationnelle, comme des athées, et nous ne sont pas caractérisés par le fanatisme et mentale des dullsess qui est typique de tous les hommes religieux, à tout de la religion. pourquoi le démon de la religion, de toute religion, est opposé à la relation personnelle du croyant avec Dieu. * 10. Est-il possible de comprendre, quelle est la: le vrai christianisme: les martyrs, que vous tuer, comme, par mes commentaires. * 11. est indispensable pour mettre toutes les structures stratégiques: dans le métro et aussi: tous les établissements humains: dans le métro, pourquoi ne pas que l'explosion de plusieurs bombes atomiques, l'oxygène se brûler, mais sera utilisé, rapidement, à l'échelle mondiale, d'énormes quantités des armes chimiques et bactériologiques, donc, les abris doivent être indépendants et autonomes de la surface, pour la production nationale de l'oxygène.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    10/12 [arme ultime: ALIENS] ceux que Dieu décide de ne pas élire au christianisme? Leurs pas: ils ne pourront jamais comprendre la chose est le christianisme! Seuls les chrétiens, qui dépassent la taille de la religion, ne leur peuvent avoir la compréhension de la gestion au courant de sa nature divine, ce qui suit: que pourrait donner la supériorité, sur la menace imminente contre: toute l'humanité pécheresse. Défendre l': l'humanité, contre: cette menace surnaturelle de l'satanistes (américain de la loggy juive de éclairés) et leurs étrangers. est une tâche ou la mission que seul le vrai / christins réel peut accomplir. si les musulmans et les communistes veulent surmonter cette terrible menace que: sera de l'espace aérien? s'ils veulent gagner: combat aérien contre: les étrangers et les satanistes (juifs et américains), leur ont besoin indispensable de mettre dans leurs avions de combat,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12/12 [arme ultime: ALIENS] outskool100 dit: Et ne marche pas Jezus existent - REPONSE-> Jésus n'a pas existé, car il dit Marx? mais Marx était Juif, Juif comme Staline (même si le marxisme est une création de l'éclairé: c'est une partie intégrante d'un ancien projet pour la détruire du christianisme)! En Jésus, l'homme qu'il est mort sur la croix, comme il l'avait prétendu être le Messie? Il ne peut être nié historiquement! le dit et l'pouvons le prouver! tu mourras cette année et que d'autres meurtrière [Kim Jong Il]. En effet, je te maudis, au nom de Jésus! [CONCLUSION] 1 ° phase: à diffuser la Bible à tous .. 2 ° phase: regarder ce garçon est assis l'Esprit Saint; 3 ° phase: pour mettre ce jeune homme à une prise de conscience de la nature du divin et de son potentiel à travers l'étude des observations et mes des enseignements de Benny Hinn. , etc ...
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    1/9[open letter to Muslims]->Exsultate Jubilate Fulget: friend's brother. the prophet Jesus said "the truth shall make you free". You not have afraid of the truth, it not is been applied for to hurt you, to one that: is was predestined at heaven, that is to contemplate the vision of the glory of Allah. When the Zionists have to stop of protecting Islam, that: today is protected by the Jewish lobby, for the destruction of Christianity? Soon after, it will be easy for them to break even against Islam, because all the errors of the Koran makes Islam very vulnerable. for this is that: the Internet is having an over-development, and multimedia technologies are developed with priority absolut. is too easy to prove, as: "the Qur'an is full of lies!". With the upcoming three-dimensional holographic technology?
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    2/9[open letter to Muslims]->all men because of their curiosity, they will be corrupt because of their lower instincts and carnal: will be sufficient an glasses with mobile phone for internet access, even in the desert: why the ADSL signal will come directly from the satellite: and no government can stop this satanism of American Jewish. all morality will be broken: and all the falsehood of the Koran mercilessly highlighted: That is so, faith will be lost worldwide. Muhammad was a murderess is: corrupt liar lustful predator, esoteric that it can no longer be hidden: in fact, he has powerfully damn the whole human race? To replace the natural order ordained by God that says "all men are created equal ", while Muslims make violence and contempt for those who are not Muslims!
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    3/9[open letter to Muslims]->as Allah would never confuse a polytheist with an idolater? This is the objectivity of the facts: "Who has written the Koran after the death of Muhammad, for Muhammad did get to heaven by [قبة الصخرة, Qubbat al-Sakhr '] that had not been built yet?" Muhammad has created a totalitarian imperialism: a theocratic dictatorship: the greatest threat to the peaceful coexistence of peoples, so massacres and genocide were still the continuously by Muslims all crimes they did enjoy Satan. all for the destruction of human dignity, for the lack of the right to freedom of religion and for the consequent martyrdom of hundreds of innocent Christians: every day, even today. Accused of the crime of apostasy,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    4/9[open letter to Muslims]->blasphemy, absurdity, citizens inferior for the face of the state, Christians subjected to abuse / soppruso: both by the political authorities, as by fundamentalists or terrorists. Why? the Koran is a work esoteric, demonic! But, not this: is bad news, because Satan has this way of working: he wears small traces of error, in a majority of positive content. This is the perfect job for me that: I am the Mahdi, and by God I had the appropriate training for the discernment of spirits. Of course, I not can add nothing, But, I can erase the negative all that: in the Koran is bad, That is so in this way will become truly holy the Koran and can meet all the challenges of modernity, and be able to compete culturally with the Christianity without fear.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    5/9[open letter to Muslims]->In this way the Muslim governments will have not more need of protection of Islam with violence, as is today. is clear: "I am like the prophet Jonah, I'm a bad minister of God, why I not want to give everyone, no even at Christians, passive servants of a religion, the true nature of God, that's why I speak rarely of Jesus if the Holy Spirit not me forcing me to do it." I am angry because the 2 / 3 of the human race go down to hell: How you can live selfishly, while God has made you, in His image and likeness? and you, instead of being a gift of love for others? you do racism, differences between men of religion, ethnicity, etc. ..? You're a demon! From this point of view: the Qur'an as being written word is more accessible to the human mind,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    6/9[open letter to Muslims]->that: not: the Bible, since without a special miracle of the Holy Spirit? the Bible can not be understood from the mind. That is why I am sincere when I say that: I want to defend Islam, that is religion most harmonious: certainly. But, if the words of Satan, not: be deleted from the Qur'an, Muhammad to hell for being: (curse is on HIM), then the freedom of religion not: it can never be taken as the fundamentalist fanatics continue to kill the Apostates: to bring to constant wars and destruction without end. as is always been. But this violence of sharia in Saudi Arabia, ecc.. not it shows the character of God, which is why some verses from the Koran: "I'm really: "Satanic Verses.". If I will be prevented of doing this work, by the Muslim governments?
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    7/9[open letter to Muslims]->Then, ever the freedom of religion, will be no concrete. So, you will have to face the next 3 rd and WWnuclear: and you will die with 5.5 billion of men in 2012. But the my curse and to condemn at hell all the followers of Muhammad that are the sharia: that is totally in opposition to the true nature of Allah that: is mercy, compassion, virtue, respect of the righteous, ie all those who respect the 10 commandments of Moses, ie the holy Islam. My God will ruin all the enemies around the world for the since purity of my heart that is perfect. And I cursed those that: go against the natural law: but Today all the religions and institutions are to betray the natural law. the Vatican do blackmailing the his priests, forcing them to celibacy,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    8/9[open letter to Muslims]->but this is does not the worst abomination, because the Vatican as any State sovereign in world, he not wants exercise its right of seigniorage the banking, giving his fundamental and inalienable: sovereignty (like all states) at Jews Satanists: of bankestein, ie enlightened. This is betraying God! While the Vatican: he, the necessary money could be print for give free to all States, and then give the gratis to the states, defeating the Satan himself, and freeing the Jewish people from slavery evil, and all humanity. I Rei Unius & Mahdi can not be corrupted and influenced by anyone! Because my authority is the top/superior on all religions and to all institutions.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    9/9[open letter to Muslims]->I curse all those that: are opposed to natural law, for I am the universal brotherhood, I thank God in the name of Jesus of Bethlehem, the son of David, for the ruin of my foes, all over the world and my eye the will see this. In the end: stop! you finite to vent your anger against the poor Christians? you ignorant donkey, because if there is a "world bank or banking seignirage or International Monetary Fund?" So we are all slaves of the Jews, and governments of Europe are no less traitors of your Governments Muslims: why buy all the money from the enlightened Jews to the cost of 200%. and that is why the whole world has fallen into poverty and Jews are all rich. All the governments of the world? All of them are actors of the real demons of Satan.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @feartroda --> how is did the universe? you do not know! If God exists? you can not do without him: anyway! I have imposed upon you, a belief or a religion? No! I pretend that you're a good man and honest, not misleading and does not hurt anyone. Although it is true that I can do good to you? then it is also true, for the transitive property, that I can do you harm to you, if you will be harmful to others, your brothers. my page? it is not available to the idiocy of anyone! @feartroda --> come è nato l'universo? tu non lo sai! Se Dio esiste? tu non puoi fare a meno di lui: comunque! Io ho imposto a te una credenza od una religione? No! Io pretendo da te che tu sia un uomo buono ed onesto, che non inganna e che non fa del male a nessuno. Perché se è vero che io posso fare a te del bene, allora è anche vero, per la proprietà transitiva, che io posso fare a te del male se tu sarai nocivo agli altri, tuoi fratelli
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @ feartroda. -> toutes les religions sont comme beaucoup: les femmes, plus ou moins mauvais, d'un mari qui est en parfait état: Dieu! est clair que toutes les religions peuvent sembler le mal! et je suis vraiment un mal absolu quand ils sont utilisés politiquement comme c'est le cas de l'Islam. Jésus est vraiment le Messie, par conséquent, nul ne peut être sauvé de l'enfer sans lui. Mais depuis que je suis le "Rei unius" qui est représentative de toute personne dans toute l'histoire de l'humanité. Tous ceux qui ont été vertueux et paisible, à cause de ma mère porteuse foi, ils peuvent également être sauvegardés, même s'ils sont athées. Pourquoi dois-je imposer seulement une morale laïque, qui sont les 10 commandements. Mais vous devrez attendre que votre temps dans le purgatoire ou le séjour des morts ou Hadès, le jour de la résurrection des morts. Quand je viens à vous avec Abraham, le Messie, etc ...
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    youtube SAID me:ATTENTION: An image you selected for your YouTube channel has been disabled for violation of the YouTube Community Guidelines. Your account has received one Community Guidelines warning strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations may result in the temporary disabling of your ability to post content to YouTube and/or the termination of your account. Date Received: November 06, 2010--ANSWER- I intentionally wanted to do damage to myself, to years of hard work: in fact, the Holy Spirit HAD told me this. But Also I wanted to publish the photo of that girl, That Satanists have: 1.rape& violate; 2. tied to the bed; 3. heart His ate; 4. a huge crucifix in His mouth!
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    01/12 [alta traición] Por supuesto, en 500 años, iluminado lobby judío ha hecho un trabajo perfecto para Satanás! SEÑORIAJE BANCA, y TALDUS SATÁNICA: es un fracaso y un informe culpable de omitió denunciar los "Neturei Karta", una operación deshonesta culturales para separar al pueblo judío, por todas las implicaciones de la responsabilidad del FMI, esto indica que sólo el terror y la hipocresía, que no los Judios en el Occidente de estar en nuevo holocausto, es decir, masacrados por la gente enojada, por inevitable tercera WWnuclear de justificar el colapso de la institución. Judios, con "Nature Karta" han tomado el camino más fácil, pero para la mayoría inútiles: Pero, esta masacre de los masones judios, banqueros, políticos, etc .. será inevitable. entonces eso es precisamente lo que quieren conseguir,
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12/02 [alta traición] [ebrei] los iluminados, no han bloqueado todos aquellos como yo .. son años después de que "taraz808" en youtube, que se hizo pasar como judio en mi contra. Ahora me escribió: "Por cierto, el vestíbulo Suad," lo que demuestra, que un italiano, con el traductor, para hablar en Inglés, como yo. Pero esto es más que una estafa, esto es traición al Estado! Delito que todos los políticos y los gobiernos del mundo se han comprometido, desde hace décadas, no reaccionar ante el señoriaje del banco, esto es alta traición! ¿Quién paga por este muchacho italiano, para hacerse pasar por un judio? es a través del empobrecimiento absoluto, malditos Judios, que están tomando nuestros hijos en el camino de la prostitución. Después de habernos despojado de todo, estos Judios satanistas: son la compra de un "consenso",
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12/03 [de alta traición a la patria] [ebrei] el corazón y el alma de nuestros niños, les pagan, para hacer lo que sus Judios y satanistas. Lo mismo me dijo, por el "centro de cal" de "sparanesister", que se encontraba en su sede de Londres. YouTube es una trampa, como cualquier otra institución o de la religión: sólo es: una fracción de la realidad, un escenario, donde los hombres se ven obligados a recitar un guión ya escrito, esta es la perfección de la cábala satánica. Ese es uno y el mundo de realidad virtual que los Judios han construido, para encarcelar y esclavizar a la raza humana. De hecho, no era posible que yo en tres años, tener sólo una relación real, en youtube, con un judio real. Si la asociación de "Neturei Karta"no era fundamental para el Mossad?
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12.4 [alta traición] [ebrei] ellos: "2.628.342" sin duda me habría agradecido, por haber puesto su sitio, en mi "otro canal", que en la actualidad: lo voy a quitar de inmediato! YouTube, como todas nuestras instituciones es falso! Los Judios están fuera de toda esta ficción, es por eso que no se pueden ver en youtube, de hecho, todos los Judios que se encuentran en YouTube son falsas: que son parte de varios "centro de cal" que son pagados con dinero robado de nosotros, a través de La "banca señoreaje" y coordinado por el "Mossad Nuestros muchachos se han vendido, por sí mismas de la desesperación, no sólo por el desempleo, pero sobre todo por el hecho de que:. el sistema de señoreaje banco ha conseguido robar la fe cristiana en su la vida, la fe cristiana sin embargo, que podrían protegerlos.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12.5 [alta traición] [ebrei] con préstamos bancarios, también han llevado a nuestros hijos: que los Judios han robado a todos. Por lo tanto, es el hambre, que nuestros hijos se ven obligados a trabajar en "Call Center", donde se hacen pasar por Judios, satanistas, prostitutas, adivinos, o lo que sea. Mientras que los Judios son verdad en otros lugares, a vivir su vida en su realidad de Satanás, que han elegido. judio es un satanista, que no se detendrá hasta que no se nos habrá destruido por completo. La pornografía es, pues, parte integral de un sistema complejo: la banca señoreaje del Nuevo Orden Mundial, que busca destruir y subyugar: nuestras vidas por completo. es decir, todos los pueblos, podemos quedar atrapados en la ilusión de estructuras que son virtuales,
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12.6 [alta traición] [ebrei] el lobby judío nos han despojado de todo: recursos, la dignidad, la independencia, la soberanía, ya que la élite masónica han traicionado al pueblo, por eso se las arreglaron para robar la soberanía de todos los pueblos, y pronto vamos a traer a 3 ° caso WWnuclear, esencial para volver a abrir un nuevo ciclo monetario, el FMI ahora moribundo y agotado. También en Occidente es imposible hablar con un judio o musulmán libremente, ¿por qué las víctimas de los sistemas totalitarios: satánico, de entrada en una ciega pasión, soy incapaz de comprender las motivaciones de los árbitros. El Islam está lleno de muchas cosas estúpidas y mienten como: "Jesús no murió en la cruz, sino un sustituto para él" y con estas mierda, no se puede hablar con su si no tengo una pistola en la mano.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12.7 [alta traición] [Musulmani] y basura muchos otros, todos fácilmente repudiado en el mundo académico. Los musulmanes, sin embargo, nunca se puede sospechar que sus líderes les han llenado de mentiras y asesinatos: los mejores aliados: de los Judios satanista iluminado. es vergonzoso porque el nivel actual de la educación: en toda la raza humana: se ve obligado bajo para que todas las fuentes de conocimiento, han sido manipulados de ideológico. manipulado desde el sistema masónico plutocrático del mundo de las finanzas. Pero, como dijo el arzobispo Padovese, martirizado en Turquía recientemente, "no se puede dialogar con el Islam." Fue asesinado por su chofer, por lo que se lavó la vergüenza: que los musulmanes estaban poniendo en él cuando fue a la mezquita, por lo que como para llevarlo en la depresión, para que se convirtió al cristianismo hace ocho años.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12/08 [alta traición] Pero el arzobispo no le ha dado de alta, cuando se había convertido al Islam. Es por eso que hay un abismo infinito entre el cristianismo y el Islam de Satanás, que se apoya en las mentiras y los asesinatos en continuar: la violencia, violaciónes y asesinatos. [alta traición a la patria] [Zeitgeist] que laicista masón maldito penal, debe ser Zeitgeist, para llegar a negar la existencia histórica de Jesús como hombre? Además de los Evangelios, que en sí mismos son históricamente documentos fiables, que tenemos, para demostrar la existencia histórica de Jesús de Belén: 1 ).... Fuentes judías: Flavio Josefo (37 dC) "Antigüedades de los Judios" 20, 197-203. 2 ).... fuentes rabínicas "Talmud de Babilonia" (70 dC), Sanedrín 43a: de Jesús, dijo: "Me colgaron en la víspera de la Pascua."
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12.9 [de alta traición a la patria] 3 ).... Fuentes romanas: [A] 112d.C.: El gobernador de Bitinia, Plinio el Joven, en "episole", escribe en el emperador Trajano. [B] 117d.C.: Tácito describe el martirio de los cristianos (64d.C.), acusado por Herodes por el incendio de Roma, [C] del mismo episodio, habla Suetonio, en "La vida de Claudio." Por no hablar de todos los documentos escritos por la generación inmediatamente posterior al apóstol san Pedro y san Pablo, que es una enciclopedia masiva de "Padres de la Iglesia" de Clemente de Roma, que escriba a la comunidad de Corinto en Grecia a la AD 96 - 98, citado en la carta de San Policarpo. hasta el Concilio de Nicea (325). Por lo tanto, sólo un Satanista puede dudar de la historicidad y autenticidad de los Evangelios canónicos.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    10/12 [alta traición] ¿Cómo se dice de los musulmanes, para que sus esotérica un Corán en sus manos manchadas con sangre inocente de todos los mártires cristianos, por así decirlo, jeje. dicen de nosotros los cristianos, que nuestros textos sagrados son corruptos? ¿por qué ustedes son el hijo del diablo que es el infierno el lugar justo para los criminales como tú! [alta traición a la patria] [la historia judía] Pero el maldito descendientes de los escribas y fariseos, con su satánico Talmud, que nace, al pie de "Satanás Marduk" en Babilonia. Escribas y fariseos, que no sólo había dañado irreparablemente el judaísmo de Moisés, con su herejía, por lo que no puede reconocer a Jesús como el Mesías, pero también ha condenado a Israel por todos los fracasos, en el hecho de tener que sufrir toda dominación extranjera.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    11/12 [alta traición], sino que debe destruir el FMI, antes que destruir por todos nosotros! No estoy desanimado, si Dios se siguen matando para mí: los líderes y las élites como moscas en todo el mundo. Dios es el amor de su. 1John4: 8 El que no ama no conoce a Dios, porque Dios es amor. Nuevo Orden Mundial no es más que un fraude para obtener su cabeza metida en la arena. Abre los ojos. Signo inequívoco de la maldad absoluta y la hipocresía del pueblo judío, deliberadamente arruinado por su Dios, por los 560 mandamientos imposible de vivir. Sólo que puede ser la solución a la regeneración de toda verdadera religión, si no quería bailar con los demonios, por lo que se avecina en el mundo! Yo soy el ReiUnius ", pero tal vez alguien tiene ganas de vivir la emocionante experiencia de la 3 ª WWnuclear.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    11/12 [alta traición], sino que debe destruir el FMI, antes que destruir por todos nosotros! No estoy desanimado, si Dios se siguen matando para mí: los líderes y las élites como moscas en todo el mundo. Dios es el amor de su. 1John4: 8 El que no ama no conoce a Dios, porque Dios es amor. Nuevo Orden Mundial no es más que un fraude para obtener su cabeza metida en la arena. Abre los ojos. Signo inequívoco de la maldad absoluta y la hipocresía del pueblo judío, deliberadamente arruinado por su Dios, por los 560 mandamientos imposible de vivir. Sólo que puede ser la solución a la regeneración de toda verdadera religión, si no quería bailar con los demonios, por lo que se avecina en el mundo! Yo soy el ReiUnius ", pero tal vez alguien tiene ganas de vivir la emocionante experiencia de la 3 ª WWnuclear.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    12/12 [de alta traición a la patria] Por lo tanto, la religión judía actual sólo puede ser una herejía, un fraude, fundada en el racismo absoluta satanismo perfecta del Talmud y la Cábala, y ahora, pedazos de mierda de los Judios, vienen a matarme, así , es decir, la única posibilidad, la de los excrementos de mierda como tú, puede tener, por no tener mueren durante el próximo 3 de WWnuclear! Yo soy la fraternidad universal: Todo hombre es mi amigo y hermano, es decir, la metafísica de la ley natural. Yo soy el único objetivo universal: más allá de las creencias, ya que más allá también de los sistemas políticos, ya que más allá de todas las religiones así soy la pura racionalidad de la ley natural.! Yo soy el último y único: la única esperanza antes de: 3 ° WWnuclear, que es esencial para regenerar un nuevo Fondo Monetario Internacional, que se ha agotado
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Ich bin der universellen Brüderlichkeit: Jeder Mensch ist mein Freund und Bruder, dh die Metaphysik des Naturrechts. Ich bin der einzige universelle Ziel: mehr als über Glauben, als mehr über gut politischer Systeme, als auch über mehr alle Religionen. Ich bin reiner Rationalität des Naturrechts! Ich bin der letzte und einzige: die einzige Hoffnung vor der: 3 ° WWnuclear, dass es unerlässlich ist, um eine neue Internationale Währungsfonds, die nun erschöpft ist regenerieren
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @ sirataalmustaqeem -> Allah youtube bizi koymak çünkü? elbette evrensel kardeşliği için! Ama şok olacaksınız: Ben sizinle beraberim olarak: Eğer, bkz: Nasıl Batı'da bizim demokrasi, ama sonra tadını çok Müslüman. onlar şeriat için çünkü, onlar, Hıristiyanların ölüm cezası (küfür ve döneklik of) içindir öldürmek olan din, vb özgürlüğünün reddi içindir, Müslüman uluslara karşı havlamaya istemiyorum ... Bu, ancak büyük bir kötülük, koyun gibi konuşmak Müslümanlar senin yüzünden insanlık üzerine düşecek yüzden, katiller neden kalbin şiddet, zulüm ve cinayet dolu's
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @sirataalmustaqeem --> You are an accomplice of the innocent Christian martyrs, through your silence if I am the Mahdi? you will see many people dying all over the world! I have 50 sites & 5000 articles in youtube: I had reported in these all evil and all the crimes of the world: my Hly Allah. but you have not yet condemned the sharia: that he: satanAllah considers it illegal to freedom of religion. because you have so much shame, you do not want to write on my page?
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    sirataalmustaqeem SAID: "I am interested in your agenda? You don't seem interested in teaching people a better way to live or how to correct the mistakes they make. You just point fingers and threaten. I have no interest in one who believes he is holier than others. We all have faults and only Allah will judge. "Verily for all men and women who have surrendered themselves unto God, ... : for all of them has God readied forgiveness of sins and a mighty reward." (33:35) -ANSWER-> if you were not a satanAllah and a murderess? I would not need to point the finger at you. Verily I say unto thee in the name of God: "You're preparing the misfortune of your children, Why, you not want to see the innocent blood of Christian martyrs"
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Re: Gracias Padre, en nombre de Jesús, por todo el mal que se puede hacer al Rey de Arabia Saudita sirataalmustaqeem dijo: Yo soy curioso en cuanto a lo que otros piensan de su (ShalomGerusalemme) conversaciones? Cualquier persona que en realidad ellos la lectura? He sido y soy curioso ... - RESPUESTA-> cómo satánico punto de vista, no deseas que la concesión de la libertad religiosa en Arabia Saudita, que concedemos a usted en Canadá? Usted no va a tener alguna esperanza de poder salvar tu alma, por el fuego del infierno, si usted no reconoce la plena libertad de religión para todas las naciones musulmanas. Lo que otros piensan de mí? No me importa, porque veo a Dios y a la santidad y la perfección de mi conciencia pura. Me hará daño a todos los satanistas: los sionistas y la Sharia de una manera sobrenatural. Ya he matado a muchos animales humanos en este camino!
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    à tous les ministères -> Non seulement cela, vous avez juré sur la Constitution, qu'il ne fournit pas: le transfert du pouvoir souverain de seigneuriage bancaire, le Juif banquier, à savoir le FMI, qui est, à une personne privée (SpA) non-UE. Mais il faut aussi acheter de l'argent à 270% de sa valeur. =. Seigneuriage 100%, 100% des intérêts de la dette: public; +: 70%: pour les réserves fractionnaires. Maintenant, si vous ne relèvera pas de la colère légitime et violente de la population? Qu'est-ce que vous espérer échapper à la colère de Dieu? si je qui a tous les droits souverains du Royaume de Dieu, si je décide de ruiner quelqu'un? qui peut l'aider?
    lorenzojhwh  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @ozone02 --> I have read and translated, your long stretch of 20 points: and how can you say: "In the name of Allah, the beneficent, the Merciful", as Allah is merciful, if you kill Christians? for the offense: 1. apostasy, 2. Blasphemy 3. to shake the faith of the Muslim (Morocco). 3. exclusion from public office, etc. .. You are a nightmare. You are a bunch of Satanists criminals! How can I prove to you that you are a donkey with horns? without do not condemn also you, too (if you were an honest man) to martyrdom? Muslim do not will condemn you to death for apostasy also you? You are ready to die for Jesus? if it is: yes, I send to you: Jesus to you at any time. All those of Sharia? they are with the hell! as a slave of religion as you, as you can speak to a free man like me? Please, you do not bother to me more!
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    all Muslim nations are criminals too, for not admit the genocide of the Christian people! In fact, the Turks still can not admit the genocide of all Armenians & of the whole nation. is a true miracle that the Copts have survived at 1500 years of bloodshed in Egypt
    GUL FRAZ MAJEED  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    waley come saalaam, well come wash wish you well have drink on table or tablet of jesuse happy new year will of gullaam<< slave of earth the flower's spring out each every year to fraz<    ShalomGerusalemme
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Zeitgeist est le NewAge du NWO: des bankestein maçon sataniste: des éclairés: lui, c'est une bonne stratégie pour délégitimer: toutes les institutions et les religions. Il est donc important: de le séparer, à partir du projet Vénus. En fait, je suis le vrai "Venus Project", qui est la fraternité universelle, dans la: le droit naturel à savoir:: rationnelle, laïque, universel et la nature "faire le bien et éviter le mal». Tous les gouvernements et la religion sont de toute légitimité, à la suite de seigneuriage bancaire, des millions de francs-maçons et des collaborateurs de la NWO-FMI: tous les parasites, ils finiront devant un peloton d'exécution, comme cela a été au moment de la Révolution française . exécuté par un tribunal populaire révolutionnaire pour haute trahison à la Constitution.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    sorry, I can no longer access, to respond to you by this channel, lol. perhaps God My torturer, perhaps he wants a new channel for the Christian martyrs. ZEITGEIST is the NWO of satanist mason bankestein of enlightened: him is a good strategy to delegitimize all institutions and religions. It is therefore important to separate him from the Venus project. In fact, I'm the real "Venus Project", which is the universal brotherhood, in the: rational, secular, universal & nature: ie natural law: "do good and avoid evil". All governments & religion are de-legitimized as a result of bank seigniorage, millions of Masons & collaborators of the NWO-IMF: all parasites will end in front of a firing squad, as was at time of the French Revolution. executed by a revolutionary tribunal popular for high treason to the Constitution.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    1/4 [sign the petition eun] PAKISTAN: Asia Bibi is a mother of 37 years, but has been maligned and condemned to death for the sake represented by the "blasphemy law" of your Satan, any your evil is way of interpreting Holy Quran! To cover all your absolute ignorance and cultural lag! To you: President Asif Ali Zardari: "ENOUGH! stop with all this torture & death sentence on the cock! What satanic horror films, you're playing in hell?". Who have been buggered by a donkey, to teach to you the Holy Quran in this way? Why are all Muslim nations to reject the freedoms thought, faith and religion? President Asif to you & to all Muslims of the world, I command you in the name of Jesus & in the name of all the saints of the one true God, Allah, be you please: stop this executioner of Satan! In fact, Asia Bibi was drawn into the trap, of a religious conversation, by her colleagues, who wanted to force her to convert to Islam.
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    2/4 [sign the petition eun] an instinct leads all to believe that others are like him. the Holy Spirit has made Asia Bibi of pure love his soul, that's why she would never have thought, of who demon of religion were been possessed her companions. So insistently, she was invited by his group of women to convert to Islam, it had been requested with force to her, of to document the reasons for his faith. so Asia Bibi said simplify: "Jesus Christ died on the cross for our sins, and not Muhammad. " Ok President, where is your problem? Jesus called the Christ, the Messiah, really died, of his own accord, condemned to death on the Cross, to be the innocent lamb that washes away the sins of the world, as said the prophet Isaiah, which is why it is written "by His stripes, we all received salvation!" In fact, it was not Muhammad to die for our sins. that he did commit so much violence, Instead, as you. And you, for these words: innocent and true of Asia Bibi,
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    3/4 [sign the petition eun] you have brutally beaten, imprisoned & sentenced to death Asia Bibi, a holy innocent! But, how much blood of innocent Christian martyrs, your hands are dirty, every day? Yes, you have serious psychological problems! Why do you hate people's opinions and the truth? Truth that is taught by atheists, that they not can deny, on account of the historical sources and archaeological many and varied? the crucifixion of Jesus has been documented: in parallel, from those racists of Jews in their Talmud! Perhaps you believe to be more cunning and perfidious of Jews, who managed to steal the bank seigniorage or monetary sovereignty of all nations for do making us their slaves? How could you betray your Muslim brothers, for sale the yours at jews enlightened satanist?? Who put in the hands of donkeys with horns, like you, the Holy Quran? Do not you know that only the saints can give the correct interpretation of any of the sacred books of every religion?
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    4/4 [sign the petition eun] Sure, I understand, for a Muslim is a sacred duty, to kill an idolater: like me, that he can not have hope, salvation, and for this reason that immediately after of criminal homicide of your poor Asia Bibi, I myself will come to Pakistan, to give you, Mr. President, personally, the joy of killed me, for do joy your God & all who are U.S.. So you're killing me as an idolater, for to preserved the faith of his muslims: from "hesitation of doubt" to respecting a other law that you have in Morocco. My death? will be the lesser of all evils, because anyway I have been condemned by God as idolatrous and I can not receive paradise. Your reasoning is very intelligent! Your Muslims of all around the world? You are a total abomination! You have profaned God & Islam. Remember my words, Mr. President, when the wrath of God will come upon you all.Why these are the conditions with which you fed and fortified terrorism!
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    1/4 [firma la petizione di eun] PAKISTAN: Asia Bibi è una mamma di 37 anni, ma è stata calunniata e condannata a morte a motivo del vostro satanismo: rappresentato dalla "legge sulla blasfemia", che voi avete, per coprire la vostra assoluta ignoranza e ritardo culturale. A te: Presidente Asif Ali Zardari: "BASTA! smettila, con tutte queste TORTURE & CONDANNE a MORTE del cazzo! Quale satanico film dell'orrore, voi state interpretando?". Chi si è fatto inculare da un asino, per insegnare a voi, erronemente il Santo Corano? Perché tutte le Nazioni musulmane sono così criminali? perché respingete la libertà di: pensiero, fede e religione? A te Presidente Asif & a tutti i musulmani del mondo: io ordino, nel nome di Gesù & nel nome di tutti i santi dell'Unico Vero Dio, voi smettetela di essere dei boia di satana! Infatti, Asia Bibi è stata attirata nella trappola, della conversazione religiosa, dalle sue colleghe, che volevano costringerla a convertirsi all'Islam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    2/4 [firma la petizione di eun] un istinto conduce ogni uomo a credere che gli altri, sono come lui. Asia Bibi resa pura dalla Spirito Santo, non avrebbe mai potuto pensare al demone di religione che possedeva le sue compagne. Così insistentemente invitata dal gruppo a convertirsi all'Islam, le veniva richiesto di documentare le motivazioni della sua fede. ecco perché Asia Bibi ha detto: "Gesù Cristo è morto sulla croce per i nostri peccati e non Maometto". Ok Presidente, dove è il vostro problema? Gesù: detto il Cristo, cioè il Messia, è morto veramente, di sua spontanea volontà, condannato a morte sulla Croce, per lavare i peccati di noi tutti: è per questo che è scritto: "dalle sue lividure, noi tutti abbiamo ricevuto la salvezza!" infatti, non è stato Maometto a morire per i nostri peccati. Anzi, lui, invece, ha fatto commettere tante violenze. E voi, per queste parole: innocenti e vere di Asia Bibi,
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    3/4 [firma la petizione di eun] voi avete: picchiato, incarcerato & condannato a morte Asia Bibi! Ma, di quanto sangue innocente, sono sporche le vostre mani? Si, voi avete dei gravi problemi psicologici! Perché, voi odiate le opinioni della gente e la verità, che gli atei istruiti, non possono negare, a motivo delle fonti storiche ed archeologiche numerose e varie? la crocifissione di Gesù è stata documentata: contestualmente, da quei razzisti, degli ebrei nel loro Talmud! Forse voi credevate di essere più furbi e perfidi degli ebrei, che sono riusciti a rubare la sovranità monetaria o signoraggio bancario di tutti i popoli facendo di noi i loro schiavi? Come avete potuto tradire i vostri fratelli musulmani? Chi ha messo, nella mani di asini con le corna, come voi, il Santo Corano? Non sapete che soltanto i santi posso dare la giusta interpretazione, di uno qualsiasi dei libri sacri, di ogni religione?
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    4/4 [firma la petizione di eun] Certo, io comprendo, per un musulmano è un dovere sacro, quello di uccidere un idolatra: come me, che lui non può avere speranza, di salvezza, ed è per questo motivo, che subito dopo il vostro criminale omicidio della povera Asia Bibi, io stesso verrò in Pakistan, per dare a lei Sig. Presidente, personalmente, il merito di avere ucciso me: per la gioia del suo Dio e di tanti satanisti che sono il US. Così lei uccidendo un idolatra come me, avrà preservato, la fede dei suoi sudditi: dal vacillare: rispettando questa altra legge che è in Marocco. La mia morte? sarà il minore dei mali, perché comunque sono stato condannato da Dio come idolatra e non posso sperare il Paradiso. Il vostro ragionamento è molto intelligente! Voi musulmani in tutto il mondo? Voi siete una totale abominazione! Voi avete profanato Dio & l'Islam. Si ricordi delle mie parole, Sig. Presidente, quando l'ira di Dio scenderà su tutti voi. voi!
    ShalomGerusalemme  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    SuperLion911 said: كويتي بحق ! انت اخي وعذرا للتاخر بالرد بعض الاحيان اكون مشغول واتمنا لكم سنه سعيده كلها حب وسعاده كويتي بحق ! اذا كان هناك ظلم للمسحين كما ذكر في الرسائل انا شخصيا لا اقف مع الظالم حتي وان كان مسلم الظلم كبير عند الله يوجد في العالم الكثير من الظلم من يبتعد عن الله يظلم ومن يفقد الرحمه يظلم هناك معاير في النفس يجب ان تكون لكي الانسان لا يظلم الشيئ الذي لا تحبه لنفسك لا تعمل به :)* شكرا اخي
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @sirataalmustaqeem --> All the Muslim nations make of the racism on based religion. with violent persecution, imprisonment, torture and death. Fundamentalism is justified culturally and spiritually in this area. you enjoy democracy in Canada? but more than 300 Christians are killed every day in all Muslim nations. How is can I avoid this? We are all brothers, like so many different fingers of the one only hand, of God. Since our common enemy is the Satanism of U.S. & his seigniorage bank of lobbies jews
    lorenzojhwh  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @SuperLion911 -> أخي العزيز، أنا لم تتغير معك! أنت غالي لي! كنت غاضبة دائما : ضد كل ظلم، لأن الله لا ينظر إلى دين الناس، ولكن الخير في قلوبهم. واجبي هو حماية المسلمين أيضا : أنا أعلم! ولكن لدي لمحاربة الشريعة الإسلامية، والعنف، والجرائم والقتل، والتي تتم في كل بلد مسلم : ضد المسيحية مثل لي، في الواقع هناك المئات من الشهداء، في كل يوم. في الواقع ، يمكن ان لا تكون المسيحية في الشرطة للكويت! لماذا، وأنها تعرقل في ذلك حرية الدين، بيد اننا نسلم لجميع المسلمين في أوروبا؟
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    only Jesus Christ is the answer! to regenerate a new fund: IMF? we are forced by enlightened to suffer the 3rd WW nuclear in 2012, you have the faith to deal all this? I found this. in Financial data of the scientist Giacinto Auriti that has discoverer of the occult induced value of the currency. Nahum 5 : "The mountains quake before Him, the hills melt, and the earth heaves at His presence, yes, the world and all who dwell in it. is for love of Jesus. I swear by the living God, will raise a cry of pain from all over the kingdom of Satan, as which never has been by the rise of mankind. yes, it is confirmed: "Cancer is against all my enemies!" in Jesus's name, Amen! Alleluia! Que si confiesas con tu boca que Jesús es el Señor, y crees en tu corzón, que Dios lo levantó de entre los muertos, serás salvo. Porque con el corazón se cree para ser justificado, pero con la boca se confiesa para ser salvo.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    1/6[Sharia]@fuckpalestinians1-> until all the Muslim countries will not accept the right to freedom of religion, & the same equality of citizens before to the State? all we are always in great danger! I'm sorry that Islam: that is the best religion in the world has been turned into a nightmare, in a perfect work of Satan. Indeed, where are the Muslims? death comes! January 2, 2011 - THE CRIMINAL REPLY of Imam - The Grand Imam of Al Azhar, Sheikh Ahmed El Tyeb, one of the greatest figures of Islam, criticized the Pope's statements about the need to defend the Christians, said is a "unacceptable intervention in the affairs of Egypt. ""Why the Pope did not seek the protection of Muslims, when they were massacred in Iraq?" - Answer-> 1). The Pope has always condemned all war! 2). Christians are a minority without public importance. 3). is the Jewish lobby that has taken control: of NWO-IMF.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    2/6[Sharia] -Conclusion: Your Sharia of Muslim governments: you are criminal Satanists! Rome, January 2, 2011 -1). Pope: "Slaughter is a cowardly act. " -2). But Imam Cairo: "No at interference. " -3). Benedict XVI has condemned the attack in Alexandria, Egypt. "an offense against God and humanity, but does not respond with violence. " -4). UCOII: grief and solidarity. -5). Cairo ring-fence the churches throughout the country. ANSWER: "Yesterday morning - said the Pope - we have learned with sorrow THE news of the serious attack against the Coptic Christian community made, in Alexandria, Egypt. This cowardly act of death, how to make bombs, now close to homes of Christians in Iraq, to force them to leave, has offended God and mankind, who yesterday prayed for the peace, and has began with the hope a new year."
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    3/6[Sharia] by my UniusRei-> The Voice of more than 400 Christians Martyrs: killed every day: ie, 160,000 every year. anyone who enters this page? It WILL BE PUT ON TRIAL FOR HAVING HIDDEN HIMSELF BEHIND the COMPUTER. by UniusRei with adjuration & oath solemn. The whole world knows, this can be demonstrated by thousands of my comments (that anyone can read it again), as I said, as a Christian: I in these two years: I have always defended the Muslims and I still think are lovely people. But fundamentalism is bad absolute to make bad all their governments. This is because of a wrong teaching of the Qur'an: Of course, do many children, have great poverty and a culturally disgusting. So from 1600 years old, could not have had a real evolution: they are like monkeys who have worn the jacket of modernity, but are incapable of self-criticism.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    4/6[Sharia] from 30 March 2008 that are in youtube. I did an average of 8 hours a day of work in my ministry of "ReiUnius", but I have found only two Muslims who are my friends, because only they have been able to admit &recognize the errors and crimes of Islam, which all came of sharia! all people are people. Goverments are must separate by religion - we need to learn to respect people- we are all the human race - islam of sharia is not a religion it is a sociopolitical movement for world domination based on a religious philosophy, that is ideology, in that it is absolutly negative for does not allow or tolerate dissent of any kind, islam not to do questions, make murders is without any tolerance & dialog. Islamic system is so diabolical that is designed to give power to the most violent, evil and bigoted, ignorant among his people. by my UniusRei: Re: they are monsters.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    5/6[Sharia] These cursed: ie, all Muslim governments, are so brazen, that have criminal laws that actually, to do the killing in a short time of each religious minority, but when they are guests in a nation where, are a minority are concealing, with great skill, for the demonic spirit that possesses their souls. But because of their large families: large number of children, in a few decades take control of that nation. In fact, muslim have verses of the Koran to deceive and other to kill. When someone dares to respond to their crimes? Playing the part of victims and then feel justified in making the genocide. Like the Copts in Egypt have been able to survive? this is truly a miracle of God! in return for my love and my protection in all these years, as they have rewarded me? they have increased the number of: violence, rapes, murders of much innocent blood of Christian martyrs: every day.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    6/6[Sharia] This is demonstrated by the laws: 1).against blasphemy, 2)."do shake the faith of a Muslim" 3).the death penalty for apostasy, 4).the crime of evangelization. with this premise: If Muslim governments will not use martial law and all power for giving the true teaching of holy Islam & holy Koran for a real peace: shalom + salam? between 30 years all Eupora will be dragged into a civil war, whose outcome will one only sharia in all world. But what makes me suffer more is to regarded as the Jewish lobby of Satanists & Masonic pornocracy technocratic and financial of television network, ie the hidden control of bank seigniorage, in their absurd hatred against Christianity, they will eventually endanger the 'existence of Israel and of any other jew in the world. for me: only Jesus Christ is the answer you do not chase after stories to regenerate a new fund: IMF? we are forced by enlightened, to suffer the 3rd WW nuclear in 2012, you have the faith to deal with this?
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Fahd4Cool SAID: "you are ideot. the Christians kill more than 300 000 in iraq and Afghanistan, you are the real terrorists. ---ANSWER-> you are satanic beasts! 1). can not, an ass like you, OF understand the Scriptures. all the holy books are not available to the BAD and ignorant people as you. Only the Holy spirit of compassion and universal brotherhood is can interpret the Scriptures. 2). everyone knows that the Jewish lobby of Masonic bank seigniorage, that have taken control of the West: US & EU. Christians do not count nothing & do not control nothing by more, for more than 100 years. 3).We are family united to respect each other and love God.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Commento al tuo video: Open Doors World Watch List 2010 @hannahr77 ---> yes, the Jewish lobby that they have control of the NWO? enlightened are doing a senseless war to Christianity: in fact we are afflicted by: porn homosexuality and every perversion, immorality, lack of social control and anarchy. but in 50 years, the planet will be only one Islam satanic, then disappear the last of the Jews throughout the world. @MOSSAD -->@youtube---> stop! you stop manipulating the parameters of my sites ... Everyone knows that you are bad! Which of my enemies will not be punished by God?
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    SuperLion911 SAID: كويتي بحق ! شكرا:)* القلوب الطيبه تعرف معني الحب الشعور متبادل - ANSWER-> نعم يا أخي، وأغلى! الله قد خطط كبيرة بالنسبة لنا! في الواقع، صداقتنا لسنوات عديدة هو الأمل الوحيد الذي بقي في العالم. كل إنسان هو أخي! أنا الأخوة العالمية! The Voice of The Martyrs: World Watch List: International Scientific Committee: test on: 1. legal status (eg there is religious freedom? is allowed by law the convert to Christianity?) 2. conditions of Christians (killed? prisoners? labor camps or psychiatric hospitals? 3. have investigated the role of the church in society (they are attacked? limited? prevented? 4. there's production of a Christian material? is freedom to print and distribute Christian material?
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    [World Watch List 2010] Persecution of Christians in the world, Top ten countries-# 8th Mauritania: murdered a Christian father[Maghreb (AQIM)] in June, the arrest and torture of 35 other believers in July and possession of another 150 in August, found guilty of having organized meetings in their churches. but the local police who made arrests and torture. The government prohibits the printing of non-Muslim literature. young father Christopher Leggett, 39, was brutally murdered Tuesday, June 23 in front of his computer and language school located in the capital, Nouakchott. For the extremists, was trying to convert Muslims to Christianity. Justice Minister would have tell "a serious loss to Mauritania", given the commitment and usefulness of the school that the American had created and directed.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    The Voice of The Martyrs: ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ ☠ the 50 satanic Nations, who Christians believe Criminals: ☠ North Korea, ☠ Iran, ☠ Saudi Arabia, ☠ Somalia, ☠ Maldives, ☠ Afghanistan, ☠ Yemen, ☠ Mauritania, ☠ Laos, ☠ Uzbekistan, ☠ Eritrea, ☠ Bhutan, ☠ China, ☠ Pakistan, ☠ Turkmenistan, ☠ Comoros, ☠ Iraq, ☠ Qatar, ☠ Chechnya, ☠ Egypt, ☠ Vietnam, ☠ Libya, ☠ Myanmar, ☠ Azerbaijan, ☠ Algeria, ☠ India, ☠ Nigeria, ☠ Oman, ☠ Brunei, ☠ Sudan, ☠ Kuwait, ☠ Tajikistan, ☠ UAE, ☠ Tanzania, ☠ Turkey, ☠ Djibouti, ☠ Morocco, ☠ Cuba, ☠ Jordan, ☠ Sri Lanka, ☠ Syria, ☠ Belarus, ☠ Tunisia, ☠ Ethiopia, ☠ Bangladesh, ☠ Palestine, ☠ Bahrain, ☠ Indonesia, ☠ Kenya, ☠ Kyrgyzstan, ☠ Israel. I swear by the living God, that these nations will have problems in the name of Jesus. ☠ ☠ I am Mahdì, just me represent the true Islam holy. all other are liars and murderers
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @Muslim4Life84 -> You have been murderers & cursed from the beginning! You have betrayed Allah and have corrupted the most beautiful of all religions: the my holy Islam. You have killed all the Christians who were before you. You have made the holy name of God as a curse under the sky. The whole world now, will sees the horrible death, that you'll do for have damn me and my God, you will die in 2011. Maldives: The government has arrested and tortured in 1998, 50 Christians. Eritrea: 2000 innocent Christians are in prison, which is made of container. Pakistan: the kidnappers of two girls of 10 and 13 have asked the legal protection. INDONESIA: You can not rebuild the burned churches, because the government needs "permission"of Muslims who live in the area. The continuing violence and threats make the situation hopeless. attacked and destroyed the theological institute in Jakarta. Uzbekistan: police of Nukus & Karakalpakstan: continues to hunt down Christians
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @Muslim4Life84 he has removed his friendship and has blocked me ---> Allah: shall & provides--> Ahmadinejad wants that 250,000 Christians be completely disappear from Iran: arrest, isolation, violence. Expatriate? who is the only solution! Abba Sakineh and Rahnama Amiri his wife are died the next day, for the violent beatings by the police. Two Christians women were captured and held in inhumane conditions. Even Tina Rad and her husband Rakan Arya, have already been in prison, but while Tina was able to hide, Makan was caught again ... Oliver says, "how can we reject the ex-Muslims? Before I could talk about Jesus, but now it's too dangerous" 02/19/2005 Eritrea: Asmara also 27 children of the Church of "Medan Alem" officially recognized by the Government, have been arrested, was also arrested prof. Zaid Senez of the Faculty of Agriculture, etc. .. is impossible to know the number of prisoners.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @Muslim4Life84-> 1.You know if: in Iran has been approved, the bill that provides the death penalty for Muslims who convert to Christianity? 2. You know why an Egyptian court rejected the request: "change of religion," ofMaher El-Gohary & Mohammed Hegazy? 3.Iran: Do you know why Tina Raid [crime: Reading the Bible], and Makan Arya [crime: as a Christian: lol. is a danger to national security]: were arrested in June 2008 a few months after their secret conversion, but were savagely tortured in Iran, then where they fled, but they fear being repatriated. 4. IRAN: 02/16/2005: Colonel Hamin Pourmand was sentenced to three years, with the slander of having concealed his conversion from Islam to Christianity (which took 25 first publicly: he was the pastor of a church in Bandar) was discharged from the army in disgrace, forfeiture of salary, pension and any loss of privilege. Must also meet the crimes of apostasy and proselytizing, which can be punished with the death penalty.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @Muslim4Life84-> you, with all of the sharia of Satan: you are liars! But, In the Kingdom of God has no place for liars! "I do not want to talk to you. I do not know you": she told his parents, the little 13 year old Saba Masih of Pakistan, after being kidnapped (with her sister Anita, 10 years) and raped: 26-June 2008 Saba is forced to marry a Muslim. The court has issued only Anita. "They told us they would kill our parents if we did not do everything that they wanted to" said Anita. The court has granted the right for parents to see Sheba, but the kidnappers have prevented, and the father is been chasing and shooting. Cursed: The blood of martyrs will suffocate you! NIGERIA 2005: 5 STUDENTS Christians have had to hide himself for not to be killed, the mother of one of them was stabbed. one student was killed in 08-December-2004, but he had not evangelized. their houses were attacked and their relatives fear for their lives.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    maghrebalahrar SAID: sharia is for muslims not for ex for u, u re christian, i respect ur religion, and u should respect mine. -- ANSWER -> December 15, 2006: A Moroccan woman in Casablanca: "We must live as if we were criminals" ... Posted on 04/01/2010 at 09:31 Category: Persecuted Church ... March 15, 2010: Morocco: operators Christians expelled from the Village of Hope .... July 16, 2010: It's not gone unnoticed in Madrid from Morocco expelled 130 Christians ... denied religious freedom to Christians in Morocco (but everywhere in the Islamic world) it does not matter a damn to anyone. - answer->you've respect those who you've killed and you've thrown out? YOU have pronounced your own sentence! A terrible omen / fate of death is all about you & sharia!
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @Muslim4Life84 he has removed his friendship and has blocked me ---> Allah: shall & provides, for all the criminals Sharia: amen Alleluia ---> Ahmadinejad wants that 250,000 Christians be completely disappear from Iran: arrest, isolation, violence. Expatriate? who is the only solution! Abba Sakineh and Rahnama Amiri his wife are died the next day, for the violent beatings by the police. Two Christians women were captured and held in inhumane conditions. Even Tina Rad and her husband Rakan Arya, have already been in prison, but while Tina was able to hide, Makan was caught again ... Oliver says, "how can we reject the ex-Muslims? Before I could talk about Jesus, but now it's too dangerous"
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Muslim4Life84 SAID: So, you're the Mahdi -- ANSWER-> WHAT do you believe? that Allah sent the Mahdi, to be an accomplice of all your crimes? But if all muslim are to repent of all their crimes, the your lives will be saved from the 3 rd WW nuclear of 2012. in Saudi Arabia, apostasy is punishable by death: Ben Hamoud Saleh was arrested in January and detained three months, then miraculously released, because on his website had explained the reason that prompted him to follow Jesus. to Ben Saleh is not allowed to leave Saudi Arabia or to speak with Western journalists: it is closely monitored. * Arabian Peninsula: The night, a Muslim has been called by the Lord Jesus in a dream. He now knows that the Bible is the true Word of God, but he also knows that he will be killed, if will discovered. ** Pakistan: with slander for having offended Muhammad, for the organization: "CLAAS" 120 Christians are in jail, in alone Punjab province.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @MenechemShaul --> you are not in Israel, to be like a coward, when it is required for every jew, of being in Israel, which is why males: of Naomi and Ruth, they are dead. as God is protecting you, if you are not in Israel? Yes, God is protecting Israel! but you do not know why! ---------------------------- if then, you would go to Israel for live? you can say to be a pornographer, a Satanist, an atheist or a prostitute: all ok! But, you do not claim to be a Christian! otherwise, you'll quickly learn, at your expense as they are Satanists for to be Zionist . Jesus said not kill my children? they not are my children, but are children of satana!
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Commento al tuo video: 2of3 ISLAM supported by Zionist for wins New WORLD Order @Muslim4Life84 -> ** Uganda: In the October 18, 2009, Pastor Mulindi Umar has escaped at several attempts on his life, we hope that today, December 29, 2010 he is still alive. ** Pakistan: 500 Muslims raided: looting and burning down 100 houses of Christian, murders at presence, of police, because the Christian laborer Sadar Masih, despite being beaten: with no pretext, it could not afford to ask to go through with his tractor for that road, in fact, Christians in Pakistan are considered a lower caste. ** Somalia: Somali Muslims have persecute the believers: Christians secrets. In February 2009, the children of the 55 year-old: Musa Mohammed Yufus have been kidnapped, torn from mother's hands: Arbow she collapsed , two of them (11 and 12 years) were killed under the eyes of the brother of seven years, which has successfully to escape: you are monsters.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    @Muslim4Life84--> 1. You know if: in Iran has been approved, the bill that provides the death penalty for Muslims who convert to Christianity? 2. You know why an Egyptian court rejected the request: "change of religion," ofMaher El-Gohary & Mohammed Hegazy? 3. Iran: Do you know why Tina Raid [crime: Reading the Bible], and Makan Arya [crime: as a Christian: lol. is a danger to national security]: were arrested in June 2008 a few months after their secret conversion, but were savagely tortured in Iran, then where they fled, but they fear being repatriated. @Muslim4Life84--> 1. tu sai se: in Iran è stata approvata la proposta di legge che prevede la pena di morte per i musulmani che si convertono al cristianesimo? 3. Iran: Tu sai perché Tina Raid [reato: leggere la Bibbia], sono stati arrestati a giugno 2008 dopo pochi mesi la loro segreta conversione e Makan Arya [reato: come cristiano: lol. è un pericolo per la sicurezza nazionale] sono stati ferocemente torturati
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    If every Muslim & Indu does not make these statements to me? Unless said: 1. Sharia law is a Crime Against Mankind, 2. recognition of freedom of religion, 3. secularism of the state, 4. equality and universal brotherhood. Then, Everything you said is a lie. Im Mahdi 4 my Holy Islam against Sharia of Gadhafi & his satanAllah. all religion are processed by the Zionist enlightened, in that they do not see shit: 11-09, & seigniorage banking. Christians are divine & in relationship with God as children in faith. If you reject this message? You are under curse & the blood of 420 innocent Christian martyrs, of every day, will condemn you to hell!
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    1/2 Gheddafi ha detto la verità sull'Islam: [1of2 ISLAM supported by Zionist for wins New WORLD Order] è sempre la violenta e coercitiva sottomissione del mondo a satanallah: l'obbiettivo che pacificamente si otterrà in Europa (almeno in un primo momento), grazie all'incremento demografico, dove l'Islam in Germania è già diventata la 1°religione, ma noi dell'OSSERVATORIO sul MARTIRIO dei CRISTIANI(160.000 martiri cristiani ogni anno), NOI non avevamo dubbi su questo soffocamento islamico, di ogni dignità umana! Ma mai avremmo potuto pensare, che sono i sionisti satanisti del FMI, a diffondere l'Islam per volere chiudere rapidamente la partita con il Cristianesimo.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    2/2 Gheddafi ha detto la verità sull'Islam: [1of2 ISLAM supported by Zionist for wins New WORLD Order] Intanto, gli illuminati essendosi affidati ai tunnel sotterranei, dove dominano satanisti ed alieni [tragico quanto meritato destino drammatico, sarà il loro], invece che a me ReiUnius, adesso dobbiamo preparaci ad affrontare gli inevitabili eventi della 3° WW nuclear. in cui faranno finta di far cadere il FMI: nella pianificazione di un nuovo Olocausto di Ebrei, a motivo della disperazione della gente. Tutto per rigenerare, sulle immani distruzioni, un nuovo ciclo monetario, basato sulla moneta del debito: signoraggio bancario derubato alla Costituzione da Satana in persona. Ritenendo inutile la mia permanenza su youtube, io ringrazio tutti quelli che mi hanno seguito, ringrazio youtube e gli affido la tutela dei contenuti dei miei siti.
    UniusRei  . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.
     . "You are all lost!" Luke19.27; by ★: Rei Unius♰:King♥:Israel: ♰PAX♛ Terror took possession of :the children of darkness. AMEN. vota MAgdi Allam.

    Today: December 28, 2010, the hope is dead! please do not talk with me anymore because I am closed myself, in my anger and my pain oggi: 28 dicembre 2010, la speranza è morta! per favore non parlate più con me perché mi sono chiuso: nella mia rabbia e nel mio dolore

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by Rei Unius with adjuration & oath solemn.

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But they are Satanists!

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by UniusRei

    Date Joined Dec 26, 2010

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* For: why, when we shall meet: with: the: infinite holiness of the: our HEAVENLY FATHER: not: we should be ashamed at all, because even the suffering of the: our vergoglia HIM, the: INNOCENT LAMB: has: led on the: cross, becoming sin for us: and: for: each: of: us.
Because **, the sanctity of the: FATHER: is: infinite so perfectly, that: not: can look at the sin, the FATHER had to temporarily abandon his eyes from the Son, but: as: not: it was HIM to: the sin : love: act: of: pure: and: arid faith, enabled the HOLY SPIRIT of: not: disintegrate. This, for: all: and: THREE ONE GOD, was an: TERRIBLE time so: that: the human mind: not: can understand.
** The Son, in: that moment, he put at the lowest level: of: Satanist every creature: and: possessed, for: give also althe: man mostruosizzato the possibility: of: real hope: and: real.
**: And: sostituitosi althe: meanest man: and: just in: as such, addressed to: HIS Father, for: the first time, in his heart, calling God in the true sense of the: word.
** Exclaimed: "My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?"
** What I always was His Father, now: that: he had taken of: of: if: every sin, the declassava for three hours, for a few hours: we, but: that: for: HE became an eternity: of despair, an: inderminato time, an: timeless time: that: the port close to: all the minutes: and: all Sendi: of: the whole agonizing suffering: of: every man. He tried, then an eternity: of: despair: and: the: anguish of: every man: and: for: all men: and: of: the whole story of the: humanity!
** There, hanging on the cross, to: the cross, time: and: space is nullified. That eternal moment is relived every time sulthe: altar, when the priest pronounced the words of the: consecration: "This: is: my body, this: is: my blood": and: put your hands up and exposes Eucharistic species.
Well **: as: the Minister raises his hands, and exposes the BLOOD and BODY: of Christ, just HIM, they really are: is: mystically hanging on the cross: and: bursting with the unconditional love that: many unfortunate - Ministers: of the: altar apparteneti including the Freemasons -: not: they want to receive!
And I **: that: are: in: actually, an: cruel: and: violent bloody cynical (as of: of: the: of: quelthe: image as a good person that: hypocritically me are: printed in: face) I only fear: of: watching from afar, that: that: to happen: in these wretched days: of the: judgment!
** Why, someone of them: you think: of: to support for: an: only: moment - now - the vision of the: hell? only: an: unconscious, could say: of: yes!
** Just those three hours, on the: cross, since: that: nails stared at the wood: and: althe up: last breath, we will: not: we can not even immagire that: that: he tried: and: experienced. He felt, and: not: he felt morally but: really felt: as: an: God made man could hear all the disgust, the whole dispazione: and: all the desolation of: every man: of the: humanity!
Too bad **, HIS human nature, hanging from HIS IMMORTAL divine nature: not: he could die crashed pain: but: COULD so, TESTING THE TORMENT: of the: DEATH INFINITELY TIMES for: every moment SECOND: of: all those endless THREE HOURS!
But **, to HIS DIVINE nature: not: it was better!
This ** DIVINE NATURE, also linked althe: love: of the: FATHER: and: in: equal Mirura linked althe: love: of: all men: and: of: all the women of the: humanity from the Holy Spirit, would disintegrate while: but: the: infinite love: not: was: HIM, but: that: HE was the same, preventing him!
I HOPE *****: that: have pity: of: ME: and: THAT: not: NEVER ask me, THAT: that: have: SHOULD SUFFER THE CALVARY, BOTH FATHER: that: the HOLY SPIRIT, OTHERWISE, I I will hate you! If you do, the liver: of: look: that pain, do it yourself, but: not: I break the boxes! Clear!
** Jesus Christ said, in: these three hours: not: you could look at: with: the FATHER: as: had uninterruptedly for: the: eternity: and: how he could do: for: 37 years as: true man, in: intuitively in point: of the: spirit (right: as: a: of: us) pure.
** For Jesus: as: us with: his eyes: of: meat: not: he could see the FATHER!
These three hours **: of: agony, in-Fact for Jesus, 7000 years were the historical: and: historical: of the: history: of: the whole: humanity, is: of: any form: of: pain physical, mental and: spiritual: that: each be: human [history: of: the whole: humanity] has: could try.
**: Not: he was obliged to: this! It was only: HIS infinite love to: covet: of: experience: and: to: the desire: experience any pain: of: each. Said the Christified: and: stimmatizato P. Pio to an: spiritual son: that: part of the dared to ask: his sufferings for: give him relief: "The pain is: my own, the: love to leave: you!"
For **: this, as we meet Jesus: and: we shall see, on: of: HIM, all our anguish: and: all our suffering: and: all our sins: and: all our pain, in: an: moment - pervaded by infused knowledge - here it is: that: feel towards: of: HIM, an intimacy: and: a confidence extraordinary that: we have never experienced.
** For: humans, those three hours that: Jesus for: us, was hanging on the cross: and: are also separated from the FATHER: unfathomable mystery in terms: of: an intellectual: and: spiritual: not: be deceived: of: it got through: of: me.

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CSPBCSSMLNDSMDVRSNSMVSMQLIVB. Questo luogo è sacro e impone la correttezza,
un angelo è preposto alla osservanza del rispetto, della dignità e della verità di tutte queste vostre affermazioni.
(la luce contro le tenebre)

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel