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I was attacked by haker

    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    3 minuti fa
    [[TO DO: DESPITE A: AGAINST ME?]] 1. GOOGLE CHROME: HAS SET: VERY "BAD" WINDOW OF HIS traslator! WHEN: 2. YOUTUBE becomes: in numbers indecipherable: the clues of my friends! lorenzojhwh .. A: LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg - ANSWER -> YOU GUYS! you have the "syndrome of Cain"! but will, perhaps: you people? you who have chosen: to be Satanists criminals: IMF: ALL of them to do evil? you have already ruined peoples: ENOUGH: certainly: you will be punished!
    LedWilde ha pubblicato un commento 
    22 minuti fa
    Besides, I see you have a background? I can't see what the hell it is. Nudity? Subliminal messages? New channels suck for various reasons and not just because the look.
    LedWilde ha pubblicato un commento 
    23 minuti fa
    And yes, there is competition forming. New Coke benefited Pepsi for a while.
    LedWilde ha pubblicato un commento 
    27 minuti fa
    Just remember Coca-Cola and "New Coke" in the 80's. You're on the same path, YouTube. Hopefully you'll do like Coca-Cola and change it back!
    LedWilde ha pubblicato un commento 
    28 minuti fa
    Also, it's stupid that the people who have easy access to adding you as a "contact" are those who spam us with their crap! I say easy access but for all I know, spammers are the only ones who can send contact invites. Either way, that is wrong.
    LedWilde ha pubblicato un commento 
    31 minuti fa
    On March 7th I will miss the capability of customizing my own YouTube page and making it colorful. Not only that, I will miss the option of watching a series of videos on my own page and other's pages too. Not only that, I will miss the option of featuring an unlimited amount of playlists on my channel. P.S. Navigation on this website sucks hard! It takes a bunch of clicks to get to one fricken playlist when all is needed at the most is two clicks.
    VideoReviews1011 ha pubblicato un commento 
    53 minuti fa
    youtube you better be careful if u make this change your going to lose a lot of accounts....
    JohnnyAndFriendzz ha pubblicato un commento 
    56 minuti fa
    stop the new channel design
    JohnnyAndFriendzz ha pubblicato un commento 
    56 minuti fa
    please don´t change the channel design on 7th march!!!! the old one is better! very better! maybe on this day many youtuber delete their account! stop that please!!!!!!!!!!!:´(
    Cinemaqaming ha pubblicato un commento 
    58 minuti fa
    please do not switch the youtube style layout ITS UGLY!
    ht228125s ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    New design contrary! Also consider people's feeling!
    VideoReviews1011 ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    please youtube please dont switch the channel designs, remember when it was YOUtube
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    Ok you think, that we dont need to be born again, to rescued ??? and you think, that just those people, who are evil will going to hell??? is that right ? ---ANSWER--> YES
    lorenzojhwh ha pubblicato un commento 
    1 ora fa
    @JHWH --> "Signore Pietà! Cristo Pietà!" --> i popoli sono tutti erba secca: presto il fuoco divamperà!

lorenzojhwh (1 secondo fa)
[[PER FARE UN DISPETTO A ME?]] 1. GOOGLE CHROME: HA IMPOSTATO: MOLTO "MALE" LA FINESTRA DEL SUO TRASLATOR! MENTRE: 2. YOUTUBE trasforma: in numeri indecifrabili: gli indizzi dei miei amici! lorenzojhwh .. A: LxP2FvWwz3eNdP9a08FAcg -- ANSWER--> VOI RAGAZZI! voi avete la: "sindrome di Caino"! ma, verranno: forse: da voi i popoli? voi che avete scelto: di essere i satanistI CRIMINALi: del FMI: per fare a TUTTI loro del male? voi avete già rovinato i popoli: ABBASTANZA: certamente: voi sarete puniti!
lorenzojhwh (1 ora fa)
@ YHWH -> "Lord Have mercy! Christ's mercy!" -> People are all dead grass: the fire flare up soon!

that's why I will draw: to me it all: the human race!
lorenzojhwh (13 ore fa)
solo l'Israele biblico: cioè un Regno sovrano: da ogni esterno condizionamento!
di un Ebraismo autentico: e di una Parola di Dio: autentica: e purificata: dalla malvagità e dall'inquinamento dei sacerdoti del Tempio: e dei farisei

---> è il senso di tutte le cose! la nostra estrema speranza!
lorenzojhwh (15 ore fa)
FABIOGLORIANICOLAI said: I found your channel: seeing a video of the interview: to Moni Ovadia, interesting, I notice that you have made important comments on the question of Zionism, I would like to deepen the question: From what: I sense that, I believe: that the state of Israel has in fact been created: to be destroyed: by the same: that: has created him, the aim is: to: result: a kind of massacre: in all areas: of the Middle East, I do not define myself: conspiracy theorist, but unfortunately: insights: Analysis: lead me: to take: seriously: some hypotheses, for which only the two-state solution could avoid both, otherwise: it is anti-Zionism: that: The Zionist extremists: make the game: crazy:

@ IsraelNationalTV -> Franc-maçonnerie: à savoir, la synagogue de Satan: 1. est né: dans: l'esclavage de l'Egypte! sont eux, ce qui suit: 2. ont brisé: vers le bas: toutes les possibilités de résistance du peuple: car poignardé au dos: les héros et des patriotes: des Juifs! 3. ils l'ont fait le péché, de Moïse dans le désert! et emmené: l'espoir d'entrer dans la "Terre promise" à Lui! 5. ils ont maudit Israël s'est surpassée! 6. Ils sont nos rabbins: qui est, le Pharisiens: FMI: et tous leurs complices dans le Nouvel Ordre Mondial! Je suis obligé par Dieu (comme Jonas) de pardonner à tous, mais je prie tous les jours à Dieu de faire un massacre de tous: pour ne pas me donner: ce dégoût: c'est à dire: d'avoir à leur pardonner!

I was attacked by haker: and now, they have changed: my "bios" on a laptop: it: I can not do more do reading: with the reader: CD DVD that: it was renamed as: "* __ etc. .. etc. .. "but, for another laptop? have destroyed the file system and I can not reinstall windows.. their goal? do lost against me: the my time: and money!

sono stato attaccato dagli haker: ed ora: loro hanno modificato: il mio "bios": su di un computer portatile: così: io non posso: più leggere: dal lettore: CD DVD: che: è stato rinominato come: "*__ ecc.. ecc..": ma, ad un altro computer portatile? hanno distrutto il file system: e non posso più reinstallare windows.. il loro obiettivo? è fare: perdere: a me: del tempo!

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Re di Israele

Re di Israele
e di Palestina: Unius Rei

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questa NON è una testata giornalistica

consumata tutta la lingua nell’inferno

Lorenzojhwh UniusREI Beis Hamikdash Walk-through i am king of Israel